Premium Essay

Promoting Care


Submitted By mcwhirter95
Words 1093
Pages 5

In this piece of work I am going to Research two key workers involved with promoting health, I am going to explain the tasks they perform and how they ensure the needs of individuals are met. I am going to interview a midwife and a paediatrician to get more information.

What is a midwife:

A midwife is a nurse who is specially trained in the care of pregnancy and childbirth. The midwife is their during pregnancy and and undertakes the antenatal care of a normal pregnancy, and also the postnatal care if necessary. A midwife works in a maternity department in a hospital or in a community looking after mothers and babies in their own homes.

Child development textbook et al 6th edition –pamela minett

Midwives often describe their job as ‘privileged’. The role they have in preparing women for the delivery of new life makes them a vital presence during all stages of pregnancy, labour and the early postnatal period.

What a midwife does day to day:

• diagnosing, monitoring and examining women during pregnancy;
• developing, assessing and evaluating individual programmes of care;
• providing full antenatal care, including screening tests in the hospital, community and the home;
• identifying high risk pregnancies and making referrals to doctors and other medical specialists;
• arranging and providing parenting and health education for the woman, her partner and family members;
• encouraging participation of family members in the birth to support the mother and enhance both mother/baby bonding and family relationships;
• providing counseling and advice before and after screening;
• offering support and advice following events such as miscarriage, termination, stillbirth, neonatal abnormality and neonatal death;
• supervising and assisting mothers in labour, monitoring the condition of the fetus and using knowledge of drugs and

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