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Promoting Healthy Living by Preventing Illness


Submitted By monaahmed32
Words 977
Pages 4
Promoting Healthy Living by Preventing Illness

This paper discusses the many different health issues that nurses face and preventative measures that they can take. Nutrition plays a huge part in a person’s overall health and wellness. Routine wellness checks are critical to maintain awareness of one’s body. As well as adequate sleep being a very important part of your body’s recovery. Also having a source of release like yoga or a way to relax such as a hobby is very important.

A healthy nurse is one who creates and maintains a balance of physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, personal and professional wellbeing. Nurses who select nutritious foods and maintain an active lifestyle, live a tobacco-free lifestyle, learn to manage stress and get preventive immunizations and screenings, can set an example on how to be healthy nurse who is proactive in their health.
Nutrition is a very important part of being a healthy nurse. Often the first things we think of when we talk about health and wellness is nutrition and its important aspects on your overall health. We sometimes tend to associate nutrition with fruits and vegetables, no junk food, high proteins and get turned off by the restrictive dieting. However, eating healthy is a lifestyle and is an important factor in increased energy, improved self-esteem and one’s healthy weight. A healthy weight is important and can prevent and control many diseases and conditions, such as respiratory problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, many cancers, and as well as type 2 diabetes. A healthy weight is about maintaining a weight that is suitable for your heart and your body. Some things to consider would be eating a balanced diet with whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, reasonable portion sizes, Less snacking, Drinking more water and less sugary drinks, sweets and fats should be in

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