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Propeller Design Research Paper

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If you are looking forward to purchasing outboard propellers, there are few things that you must know. You will be able to select the suitable propeller, only when you understand the basics of propellers. The job of an outboard propeller is to convert the horsepower generated by the engines into thrust or in simple words convert power into forward motion. A good propeller will ensure top speed and better load carrying capacity. Today you can purchase your outboard propeller online. There will also be a wide number of choices of propellers available on the internet. You can buy and have it delivered at your home at discount rates.

Before you buy a propeller, it is very important to get accustomed with the terms associated with boat propellers. Terms such as pitch, diameter, cupping, slip, blade thickness, cavitation, ventilation and rake should be properly known about. You should also pay a lot of attention to the material of the propeller you choose. Aluminium is the best known material for outboard propellers. They are extremely durable. A stainless steel propeller will also be a good option. It will guarantee longer life of the boat propeller. The hydrodynamic efficiency in case of stainless steel propellers is also more. …show more content…
The one you purchase should be of high quality and should require low maintenance. After you have received the product; look for any nicks. See if the tips are rolled or the blades are bent. Faulty propellers will damage your engine. Of course, the way you maintain your boat is also an important factor. Always purchase from a website that provides you with a complete replacement of faulty products. You need to conduct a few tests before using a propeller in your boat. The RPM needs to be measured with an accurate tachometer. The maximum RPM should not be exceeded. It decreases the power of the engine. Each test should be conducted with accurate

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