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Should Schools Have Coed Classes

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“Thanks again for helping out with my homework!”, you wave goodbye to your best friend. Some of your other friends wonder why the two of you always hang out considering the fact that you’re opposite genders, but really, how different boys and girls can they be? Many people wonder if girls and boys can be friends, or if boys and girls learn better in separate classrooms? Numerous of schools are now debating whether to have mixed gender classes or single-sex classes. (ink.niche) Schools should have all classes be coed classes because it helps students focus, allows students to open up, and helps their future. Having coed classes helps students learn. From the article “Boys and Girls Together” (, Anna Foot, a consulting teacher says students like being paired up with the opposite gender for assignments because it allows them to focus more. Since some of the students don’t usually talk to the other gender, then there’s nothing to talk about which creates less distractions leading to better concentration. In addition to that, if all students are required to work with the other gender, then there would be less rumors of boy-girl action because everyone will be working with the other gender. From the article “Debate: Do Students Learn Better in Single-Sex Schools?” ( , Andre Boyd, a middle school …show more content…
Robert Kirschenbaum, from the article,“Debate: Do Students Learn Better in Single-Sex Schools?”, ( agrees that boys will hold back the class by getting distracted more easily than girls. Rather than boys holding back the class, think of it in a way that girls can actually set a good example for the boys--or anyone--who is struggling. If boys are having a problem or not understanding something, then girls can help out with that. Not only will this be useful to boys, but to girls as well because it encourages them how to be a helpful, kind

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