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Non Traditional Family Analysis

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In the world their are some people who believe that blood relations are what makes a family, and that a good family is the two parent traditional home. However, this is not true. The story of Wil and and his daughter Olivia is a good example of this. Wil is a single African American male parent; which is rare because most African American men abandon their children. These two factors put together are what makes this family non-traditional, and while this may be true Wil and Olivia wouldn't want it any other way. The story of a doctor and his patient is another nontraditional family. What makes their family so nontraditional is the fact that they share no blood, but still think of each other as family. They trust and love each other like any other family would. Now the story of Myra and her mom Bonnie mostly stood out to me because of the fact that Bonnie …show more content…
Not everyone can say that they were raised not only by a single mom, but by a mom with special needs. Their story was a little like the movie I Am Sam, and just like Sam and Lucy they were still a family regardless of the fact that they were nontraditional. Every family mentioned has no problem with being non traditional, and the reason for this is because it’s what makes them a family, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Moreover, you could also say that the relationships that they have with their family members are what gave them family the motivations’ that they needed to continue going with their lives. As you already know Wil was a single father and raised his daughter Olivia when the mother left. It couldn't have been an easy situation, so Wil had to learn to persevere. By doing so he helped to better improve his daughters and his own life. The thing is that kept Wil going even when things were hardest for him was caring for his daughter. Wil, stated,“ It was very chaotic in the

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