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Leadership In The Army

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Leadership is an art, and is all about setting new strategic direction and leading a team to get there. The leader is the one who inspires and rallies the team around a common cause with shared values and culture of excellence to achieve the desired end-state. In the Army, the stage is the battlefield where results are never preordained and lives are at stake. In business, the desired end-state might be a major change in direction to include a anew business opportunity, an acquisition or culture change, example a decision to acquire and/or build houses in countries with major contracts as this will house expatriate working in those countries. bring four Management is about achieving results by effectively obtaining, deploying, utilising controlling …show more content…
Occasionally one can excel in both roles but this is exception. In the army manager are staff officers and leaders are commanders.
In the Army, the system seeks to identify and promote officers with the most potential into higher levels of command who excel at leading soldiers and perform well in management roles. The process to identify the leaders with most potential includes measuring performance in tough and sequential management or staff assignments. Thus ensures that leaders have an appreciation of what it takes to direct people and teams within the context of changing strategic direction in complex environments.
My understanding that growing leaders is a journey, and there is a difference between leaders and managers. So every organisation requires both. Although some people excel in both roles, but this is exception. For example, the mentoring opportunity at work to develop leaders within the organisation (which I’m part …show more content…
Level five being the pinnacle. Maxwell’s level five is designated “personhood” and is attained through a lifetime of proven leadership. People follow these leaders because of who they are and what they represent. In both models, values-based leadership is at the heart of the matter. Most people never attain level five status, it is a climb where there is no summit ( pg 10).
Each of the levels build on the previous one and you can only progress to the next level after you have mastered the previous level. As you higher it is easier to lead because you influence grows as well, as your leadership becomes more service orientated. Maxwell says it takes longer than you think to get to the top level; and many never do. At the same time you can go down very quickly. But if you have developed the right kinds of relationships with others, they will support you through your missteps and fumbles.
The first level is Position, at this level. People follow you because they have to. Your influence comes from your position. Leadership is about relationships and leaders will make it their business to develop

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