Free Essay

Strategic Impact on Empowerment


Submitted By krishnaraj
Words 3118
Pages 13


Use of the research results_________________________________________________

1. To inform the gender strategy which will be developed as part of the CO LRSP process 2. To build Yemen CO capacity and critical engagement around the issue of gender 3. Improve design and impact of future programmes in Yemen 4. Give feedback of results to participants and other key stakeholders including the IMLT team.

Key research questions and sub-questions_____________________________________

Key question
Is association formation an effective strategy for women’s empowerment and if so in what ways? If not, why not?

Sub questions: 1. How does empowerment of women manifest itself? How is it expressed and felt by women who have been involved in association formation? What has changed for them and what are the major leaps of change? To what do they attribute this change? 2. Why do women join or not join associations and why do they remain in them or leave? 3. To what extent has change occurred beyond the individual and how? 4. Has association formation had any negative effects.

Evidence Catagories________________________________________________________

The following key evidence catagories have been identified. A 3-days workshop was held to identify relevant indicators under these catagories, which gauge empowerment in the Yemeni context.[1] The following is a list of these catagories: 1. Self-image, self-esteem 2. Legal, civil and tribal rights/ awareness 3. Access to information 4. Educational attainment 5. Employment 6. Family labour 7. Mobility 8. Decision making in the household 9. Group membership-Activism 10. Ownership material assets 11. Health awareness/integrity 12. Negotiation 13. Marriage/kinship rules and roles

Village selection and site visits schedule_____________________________________

The selection criteria for the villages were based upon difference in years in having established an association, and within max. 1.5 hour drive from Mahwit town.
As there are two teams (consisting of 2 female researchers per team), each village will be visited for 5 days by one of the teams. The teamleader will alternate between the two teams.

|Dates |Association |Village |District |
|11-15 April |Al Amanah (2003) |Beni Ayub |Hofash |
| |Al Amal (2004) |Al Kalaa |Hofash |
|18-22 April |Attasamuh (2005) |Manhabbah |Ar Rujum |
| |Assadaqa (2000) |Beit Humeidah |Ar Rujum |
|25-29 April |Al Ihsan (2004) |Al Qarn |Al Mahwit |
| |No association |Beit al Mar’awi |? |
|2-6 May |? (2001) |Adana |Shibam (?) |
| |Attafawuq (2004) |Yallan |Attawila |

Data sources and Design_________________________________________________

1. Literature review, including CARE data on the villages 2. Key informant consultation – indicator workshop 3. 8 villages; 7 with associations 1 without - In the village • Women (members and non-members) • Families and married couples • Village leaders • Men • Larger village meetings (1 men and possibly 2 women)

The research team
1 team leader and 2 teams of 2 women

Time line______________________________________________________________

|Literature review |14-31 March |
|Indicator workshop |21-23 March |
|Finalize research design |6 April |
|Training research team |7-10 April |
|Data collection |11 april-8 May |
|Analysis (first cut) |9-13 May |
|Analysis workshop |14-16 May |
|Preliminary findings identified |18 May-10 June |
|Feedback to respondents |End of May-Beginning of June |
|Synthesis workshop |13-17 June (?) |
|Final report completed |31 July |

Annex 1:
Key Questions, Methods, and Sources for Data on Evidence Categories
Self Image-Self Esteem- Empowerment
|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|What are the village womens’ constructs of |Can women describe themselves. |Focus group discussions and individual interviews. |Old women |
|self-esteem and self image and empowerment. |As a group, as individual. |Showing pictures/ photos of Yemeni women in |Married women |
| |When is a woman proud of her self. What means having|different situations. Asking women to describe what |Unmarried women |
| |and using power for a woman. Describe a woman |they see, what they think about the woman in the |Divorced women |
| |with/without power, who gained/lost her power, what |picture. How would they compare themselves to the |Second wives |
| |happened? Examples of powerfull women in the |issues mentioned about the women in the picture. |Female heads of HH |
| |village? |Observation of interactions during focus group |Association members |
| |Are there differences in self esteem and self image |discussion. |Non association members |
| |between association members and non-association |Observation of woman’s behaviour within the |Board members |
| |members. |household. |Men ? |
| |Have association members changed their self-image |Interaction with the research team. |Women who were mentioned as exceptionally strong and|
| |since becoming a member and participating in the |Use of poetry. |outstanding in certain villages, during the |
| |association’s activities. How, where. |Self description, use of mirror? |indicator workshop. |
|Being an association member | | | |
|Doing voluntary work | | | |
|Speaking to the sheikh | | | |
|Taking care of her body. | | | |
|Being a mediator | | | |

Womens’ Legal and Civil/Tribal Rights Awareness
|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|Knowledge about rules and regulation e.g. |Can you describe how to set up an association? Which|Focus group with the board members. |Board members of association |
|Association, elections, |problems did you face, how did you deal with them. |Individual/group interviews with male relatives. |Male relatives of board members? |
| |Did you know about these things before the | | |
| |association? | | |
| |Is is possible to apply this knowledge to other | | |
| |areas in your life? | | |
| |Are male relatives informed by the female board | | |
| |members about their work and their knowledge. How do| | |
| |they feel about that. Did they change their | | |
| |perception about their women? | | |
|Mediation and problem solving |Are there women in the village who put themselves |Individual interviews, focus group discussion. |Old women |
|Knowledge and use of human rights, legal, civil and |forward to mediate in case of problems. Can a woman |Attending an association meeting. Attending a |Random women group |
|tribal rights |mediate in all problems? Why not. Which are typical |women’s (afternoon) gathering. |Mediating women |
| |problems in which women mediate? Are there more or |Role play of recent solved problem? | |
| |less women mediators since the Association was | | |
| |established. | | |
| |Do association members mediate? | | |
| |Do they know and use women’s legal, civil rights? | | |
| |Has your position within the community and/or family|Before and after diagrams. |Members and non members |
| |improved since becoming a member of the association.| | |
| |How and where? Is this similar for non members? | | |

Access to Information
|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|Knowledge about |What kind of information can a women access and how.|Observation (TV’s with/without satellite receiver, |Association members |
|News in Yemen |Is the association a source of information, what |radio) |Non- association members |
|News outside Yemen/Arab world |kind of information, also new information the women |Focus group |Men |
|Health practices/illnesses, nutrition, family |didn’t have access to before becoming a member. Do |Mind maps, flow diagrams | |
|planning, |they pass on this information to non-members. Why, | | |
|livestock, agriculture, dangers of using pesticides.|where and how. | | |
|Village disputes. |What are favourite TV programmes, can they always | | |
| |watch what they like, conflicting interests with men| | |
| |in the house? | | |
|Becoming literate, |Did your life change since you can read and write? |Focus group, personal interviews, time line of |Association members |
|Sustaining being literate (practice) |How and in which situations. How do you feel about |important events in their life. | |
|Numerate |being literate. What was the last thing you read, |Observation (reading/writing practice; books, | |
| |when? Do you have books, brochures in the house. |newspapers, brochures present) | |
| |Which things do you like to read? | | |

Educational attainment
|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|Women’s perceptions on traditional knowledge |How do women feel about education, traditional |Focus group, |Old Women |
|and/versus formal education. |knowledge. Do they give preference to one of the |Individual interviews |Women known for their traditional knowledge. |
| |two? Why. Examples? What is important for their | |Association members/non association members |
| |daughters to learn? Why. What has changed recently, | |Men |
| |why? | | |
|Education of daughters |Are daughters going to school. Till what age? Who |Focus group discussion |Village teachers |
| |decided? Any changes since becoming member of the |School visit |School girls |
| |association? Differences between members/non | |Association and non association members |
| |members? | | |
|Increase of dowry when educated |What are the advantages and disadvantages of |Role play ? |Random women’s group |
| |increase in dowry for a woman. |Focus group |Men |

|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|Being paid in cash and/or in kind. |Are there women in the village who work for the |Flow diagram, mind map |Day labourers. Shepherds. |
|Status within the community |government or in a commercial firm? What is their | |Employed women (nurses, teachers, etc.) |
| |status in the village? Their traditional | | |
| |descent/class (Sada’, qabila, etc.) Are they | | |
| |association member? Did being a member of the | | |
| |association effect them in their work? Where, how. | | |
| |Are women being day labourers? Taking sheep/cattle | | |
| |out for others? Payment? (Share cropping) Less than | | |
| |men? Members of the association? Effects? | | |
|Being an entrepreneur |Are there women who work for money independently? |Personal interviews and/or focus group discussion. |Female entrepreneurs in the village |
|Status within the community |Seamstress, selling clothes. Selling small goods |Story telling, poems ? | |
| |from house to house, having a village shop, | | |
| |traditional birth attendants, etc. | | |
| |What is their status. Traditional classification | | |
| |still important? | | |
| |What is, has been the effect of the association on | | |
| |their life and business? | | |
|Effects of employment on childcare, relationships in|What are the advantages and disadvantages of being |Tree diagram |Various families |
|the family, with husband |employed? For the woman, for the family, her kids, |Family interviews | |
| |husband, the relationship | | |

Control of labour within the family
|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|Division of tasks between the (female) members of |Who makes the decisions who is doing what in the |Tree diagram |Families, |
|the household. |household. | |Association members |
| |Was there any change lately. How where and why? Is | |Non association members |
| |everybody happy with the change? | | |
|Freedom of decision when to carry out a task or not |Can women decide themselves when to do what, to skip|Focus group |Women |
|to do it at all. Helping neighbours, community with |work or help the neighbours out. |Family Interviews |Men |
|peak harvest times, emergencies. | | |Family |
|Daily workload |Has being a member of the association and partaking |Time line over the day. Marking changes |See above |
| |in its activities in some way influenced the | | |
| |workload of women. Did other household members take | | |
| |over certain tasks. Did the ass. member change | | |
| |something in her daily tasks. Adding new | | |
| |responsibilities, voluntary work? | | |

|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|Moving freely and in only women groups out of the |Can women go to the neighbouring villages, to Mahwit|Mobility map (with woman in the middle en lines |Various women groups |
|village to neighbouring villages and/or Mahwit, |or Sana’a. Alone, in women groups, with male |where she did go (free/accompanied) the last year. |Association members |
|Sana’a. (with/without permission of the |relatives. Reasons of visits. How often. |Mobility map from before the association (and her | |
|husband/father). |Restricting factors. Have things changed since the |grandmother long ago) | |
|Frequency of free movement. |association is established? | | |
|Moving without permission and without male relative |Is permission necessary to move in and around the |See above |See above |
|company within the village or immediate environment.|village by herself; for work, visiting other women, | | |
| |health centre? When would permission be needed? | | |
| |Was it the same in the past for your mothers and | | |
| |grandmothers? Why,when did it change. Any influence | | |
| |of the association, its activities. | | |
| | | | |

Decision making in the household
|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|Degree of control/influence over household and/or |Selling of livestock, esp. cow. Does the woman get |Tree diagram (including the questions below) |Association members |
|women’s own income and expenditure. |the full amount her husbands gets at the market. How|Ranking according to wome’s degree of influence and |Non association members |
| |does she know? |control |Men |
| |Does she mind? What can/did she do about it. | | |
|Degree of control/influence over selection of bride |Are women deciding on age and selection of marriage |Stories in group discussions |Various women |
|for her sons and age of marriage and the degree of |partner for their sons and daughters? Examples. | |Old women |
|control over marriage age and bridegroom selection | | |Men |
|for her daughters. | | |Recently married men, women or couples if possible |
|Degree of decision in age and level of education for| | | |
|daughters | | | |
|Communication with husband |How is the communication with husband. Frequently? |Poem, song? Acting out. |Association members |
| |What matters are discussed. How are decisions taken?|Puppet play ? Before and present situations. |Non association members |
| |Win-win/compromise, loosing out? Is there a change | |Men |
| |since being a member of the association? |Individual interviews with men. | |
|Decision making in relation with her mother in law |Who of the HH women is taking decisions, on what and| |Association members |
| |how? Is there a change since being a member of the | |Non association members |
| |association | |Mothers in law |

Group membership-Activism
|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|Representation (limitation?)of the various social |Interrelations and -actions between association’s |Focus group discussion |Board members association |
|classes within the association |members. Feelings of acceptance, equal treatment or | |Association members |
| |dominance by higher classes? Is it different between| |Non association members |
| |members than with non-members of different classes | | |
|More members of one household are association |Why did women become an association member, why not?|Individual and family interviews |Association members |
|members |How many in your household are member? Any effects, | |Non-association members |
| |changes? | | |
|Increase in activism and activities |Has workload increased (also voluntary help) since |Tree diagram |Association members |
| |she has become a member of the association? Does |Web diagram |Non association members |
| |she have more fiends now? And is having more friends|Road map to be combined with questions below | |
| |also increasing her social duties. Are there | | |
| |returns? | | |
| |Do you pay yourself for the association and its | | |
| |activities? How do you feel about this. | | |
|Association’s impact on village groups, informal |What kind of groups, clubs, regular gatherings are |Mind map |Association members |
|structures, friendships, politics. |there in the village. Was that the same before the | |Non association members |
|Agency; women trying to improve their position |association? What happened? Why,How. (e.g. Was there| | |
|individually, or collectively. |an informal saving scheme between women?) Are new | | |
| |friendships formed, others broken up because of the | | |
| |association? Are the association members more ‘seen’| | |
| |becoming prominent in the community than before? | | |
| |What kind of activities, joint actions? | | |

Material assets owned
|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|What are women’s own properties? |What kind of properties do women have? Which |Mind maps, trees (diagrams) |Old women (grandmothers) |
|Degree of decision making and control over own land |properties do they share with their husband/ family.|Interviews, group discussions |Married women (first, second wives) |
|property |Do you own land? Can you decide yourself to sell or | |Unmarried women |
| |buy land. Decision on to whom to sell it. What is | |Divorced women |
| |your status (first wife, second, divorced, widowed.)| |Widowed women |
| | | |Female head of households |
|Control over gold jewelry |Can you buy or sell gold when you want? Do you |Interviews | |
| |consult someone on this? Who. | | |
|Control over agricultural produce |Decision on crops being grown. Who in de family |Flow diagrams, tree diagrams |See above |
| |decides, how. What are the returns for you | | |
| |personally. | | |
|Control over dairy cattle and other livestock |Who decides on buying/selling dairy cattle, sheep, |Flow diagrams, tree diagrams |See above |
| |goats, donkey and chicken. Who in the family has the| | |
| |most control over the returns? | | |
|Control over personally earned cash |When you earn money, can you freely decide how to |Flow diagram |See above |
| |spend it. Are you paying yourself for the | | |
| |association‘s contribution? | | |

For all the questions above also finding out the influence of the association.

Health awareness/ Integrity
|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|Knowledge on health, matters, family planning. |Has health awareness and knowledge increased since |Concept map on health and common illnesses in the |Association members |
| |becoming an association member |village. |Non association members |
| | |Ranking of illnesses, health practices | |
|Degree of decision making and control over fertility|Asking women number of children they have. Did they |Interviews |Association members |
|and family planning |do family planning, how, why not, etc. Would they |Focus group |Non association members |
| |like to do it? | | |
|Use of health centre and hospital |Do women visit the health centre or hospital. When, |Interviews |Association members |
| |for what, why, why not. Can they decide themselves |Focus group |Non association members |
| |to bring their children there? Can men bring their | |Staff health centre |
| |children? Do they? When? | | |
| |Any changes since being a member of the association?| | |
| | | | |
| | | | |

|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|Negotiation techniques: |Can you describe how you became a member of the |Stories of association members who had to negotiate |Association members |
|Tears, being the victim |association. Did you need permission of your |with their family to become a member. Stories of non|Non association members |
|Manipulation through children |husband/ family. How did you get this. Why was it |members who were not permitted to become member. |Men |
|Giving favours |refused. Do you agrr with this? |Tree or web diagram (concept maps) | |
|Economic position |Examples of other negotiations? | | |
|Family/household hierarchy position | | | |
|Negotiation outside the family, with community, |Took negotiations place outside the family? With |Tree diagram |Association’s board members |
|sheikh, government officials, projects association. |whom, what about, how and what was the result? Are |Focus group discussion |Men |
| |there more of these negotiations then before? | | |

Marriage/Kinship rules and roles (can probably be included with legal/tribal rights)
|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
|??????? | | | |
| | | | |

|Indicators |Questions |Methods/techniques |People involved |
| | | | |
| | | | |

If possible we will ask the women to make poems about if and how the association did affect their life (for better or worse) and have a contest.
Same could be asked from the men, to make a zamel (traditional form of poetry).

We will also do a read journey, in which women are asked to draw their life and mark the for them most important events. There after we will find out the why’s and how’s. How she would like the life to be for her daughters

It is important to find out to what extent stereotypical gender roles are perpetuated or even strengthened through the association.

As can be seen from the questions above, in many aspects there is overlap. In measuring it is not easy to neatly separate the indicators. I don’t see this as a problem as more indicators are needed for measuring and analysing other dimensions of empowerment.

It is also important to compare the community’s norm with the changes in behaviour of the individual women, as contextual factors are often more important in determining women’s empowerment than individual level factors.

[1] See Annex 1 for details on the categories as well as methods for acquiring the data.

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Total Quality Management

...Statement * Vision Statement * Core Values * Tasks * Task # 1 * Task # 2 * Task # 3 * Task # 4 * Conclusion * Recommendations * References and Bibliography Introduction: Today’s business world is highly dynamic uncertain and challenging the globalization and rapid peace of technology results in the integration of social culture economic and unsituational markets. Today the customers are very much aware about the market trends they know what is good for them and they want quality products and services at reasonable prices. The organization must effort to attract and retain customers long term and this can only made if the organization can design and develop strategic planning to establish goals and objectives with the use of their resources in the best possible manner and this can create brand image, brand loyalty and future achieve competitive advantage. The total quality management module focuses to improve the quality of management operations policy procedures standards to achieve the competitive advantage. The TQM helps the management to improve operations...

Words: 3249 - Pages: 13

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Mining Excellence at Redmond Minerals

...Gregor HRM 500: Human Resources Management Foundations Dr. Sue Lowe Strayer University Fall 2010 Abstract This paper will discuss the human resources practices that need to change to support the new strategy of the company implemented by CEO, Rhett Roberts of Redmond Minerals. This paper will identify three ways in which the internet could improve Redmond’s human resource management functions. It will also communicate how my ideas align with Robert’s principles for running his company. And, finally, this paper will evaluate how change, engagement and employee empowerment could have a positive impact of an organization including Redmond Minerals. In supporting the new strategy that Roberts implemented at Redmond, it would involve continuing to build on the foundation of the company that he put in place. In building on this concept, the company would need to continue value its employees, have a strategic goal in what direction the company would like to go and play an even more active role in the training of employees. In continuing to value employees there should be more outreach for programs that involve diversity and inclusion. In attracting more diverse employees, the company would continue to grow and have new ideas to aid in the process of growing. One example of this is in, Mining Excellence at Redmond Minerals, one employee thought that, “…schedules should go from a five day work week to four days based upon business needs.” (pg 53.) This idea was implemented and...

Words: 1734 - Pages: 7

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The Employee Empowerment

...The Employee Empowerment 1 Running head: THE EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT IN IT DEPARTMENT The Employee Empowerment in Information Technology Department Arman Kanooni Capella University COMP8004 – Managing and Organizing People Professor: Dr. Will I Reed November 7, 2005 The Employee Empowerment 2 Abstract Many Information Technology (IT) Departments in major corporations are trying to shift the management practices from a traditional style of command and control toward the participatory management style. They encourage virtual teams, global mobile telecommuting, flexible hours, and greater participation of employees in the decision-making process in work groups. In this paper, we examine an employee versus a manager conceptual model of employee empowerment program and examine this issue in light of relevant theories of leadership, motivation theories, and cognitive science. The barriers to employee involvement are reviewed and some effective methods to remove these obstacles will be explored. Finally, the notion of delegation of decision making from managers to employees will be addressed in the context of the employee empowerment program. The Employee Empowerment 3 Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 4 What is empowerment?................................................................................................................... 5 Goals and...

Words: 4124 - Pages: 17

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Performance Management

...1.0 Performance Management Today we believe that an organization’s competitive success is achieved through people. Then, it follows that the skills and performance of people are critical. Performance management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization. The system through which organizations set work goals, determine performance standard, assign and evaluate work, provide performance feedback, determine training and development needs and distribute rewards (Briscoe and Claus, 2008). “Performance management is a systematic approach to tracking individual performance against the targeted objectives of the organisation, and identifying strengths and opportunities for improvement” (Smith & Mazin 2004:42). Performance management refers to the on-going means by which an organization monitors, documents, corrects or rewards individual and collective employee performance in an organization by using various tools. 2.0 Employee Performance According to Tinofirei (2011), employee performance is the successful completion of tasks by a selected individual or team, as set and measured by a supervisor or organization, to pre-defined acceptable standards while utilizing available resources efficiently and effectively within a changing environment. Armstrong and Baron (2005: 122) agree that work performance management for teams is inherently the same as for individuals...

Words: 3239 - Pages: 13

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Regency Hotel

...Empowerment is a concept which is commonly used in management in various organizations. According to Ongori (2009), employee empowerment have benefited many organizations through managing and taking care especially enhancing employee commitment and reducing employee turnover. As the case of the Regency Grand Hotel, the new management introduced the empowerment practice while at the same time expecting the employees to go beyond guidelines and standards to consider guest needs on a case to case basis (McShane & Travaglione 2007). Employees’ empowerment is needed in organization in order to expect employees to be in position to make quick decision and respond quickly to any changes. However, in order to effective and efficient, empowerment is required trust, motivation, decision making and breaking the inner boundaries between manager and employees (Thite 2004). There are internal and external factors which affecting the employee empowerment in the organization. Employee empowerment often fails due to various patterns and attitudes of employees. Most of people would feel uncomfortable and do not want to accept the change in management. Ongori (2009) stated that people may believe they want greater freedom and responsibility, while on the other hand, after years of being restricted, people may be unwilling and unable to take advantage of empowerment. In the case of Regency Grand Hotel, the previous management enforce employee to always work according to the management’s instruction...

Words: 3700 - Pages: 15

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Crіtіcаl Еvаluаtion of Rеѕеаrch Mеthοdѕ Аррlіеd Tο А Hοѕріtаlіty Cοntеxt

...Crіtіcаl Еvаluаtion Of Rеѕеаrch Mеthοdѕ Аррlіеd Tο А Hοѕріtаlіty Cοntеxt Dеductіvе vs. Іnductіvе Based on dеductіvе vs. inductіvе techniques whenever researchers conduct research in hospitality and tourism research proejcts they dіѕtіnguіѕh bеtwееn twο bаѕіc kіndѕ οf аrgumеnt: іnductіvе аnd dеductіvе. Іnductіοn іѕ uѕuаlly dеѕcrіbеd аѕ mοvіng frοm thе ѕреcіfіc tο thе gеnеrаl, whіlе dеductіοn bеgіnѕ wіth thе gеnеrаl аnd еndѕ wіth thе ѕреcіfіc; аrgumеntѕ bаѕеd οn еxреrіеncе οr οbѕеrvаtіοn аrе bеѕt еxрrеѕѕеd іnductіvеly, whіlе аrgumеntѕ bаѕеd οn lаwѕ, rulеѕ, οr οthеr wіdеly аccерtеd рrіncірlеѕ аrе bеѕt еxрrеѕѕеd dеductіvеly. А dеductіvе аrgumеnt іѕ οnе whοѕе cοncluѕіοn fοllοwѕ frοm thе рrеmіѕеѕ аѕ rеquіrеd. Thіѕ fеаturе іѕ cаllеd vаlіdіty аnd іѕ whаt dіѕtіnguіѕhеѕ іt is frοm οthеr аrgumеntѕ, ѕuch аѕ thе іnductіvе аnаlοguе. А nеcеѕѕаry rеlаtіοnѕhір еѕtаblіѕhеd bеtwееn рrеmіѕеѕ аnd cοncluѕіοn іѕ cаllеd vаlіdіty. Dеductіvе rеаѕοnіng іѕ rеаѕοnіng thаt іnvοlvеѕ а hіеrаrchy οf ѕtаtеmеntѕ οr truthѕ. Ѕtаrtіng wіth а lіmіtеd numbеr οf ѕіmрlе ѕtаtеmеntѕ οr аѕѕumрtіοnѕ, ѕtаtеmеntѕ thаt аrе mοrе cοmрlеx cаn bе buіlt uр frοm thе mοrе bаѕіc οnеѕ. Іf-thеn dеductіvе rеаѕοnіng іѕ hοw ѕcіеntіѕtѕ (аnd οthеr реοрlе!) cаn tеѕt аltеrnаtе hyрοthеѕеѕ. Mаkіng dеductіοnѕ іѕ іmрοrtаnt whеn wе cаnnοt dіrеctly οbѕеrvе а cаuѕе, аnd cаn οnly οbѕеrvе іtѕ cοnѕеquеncеѕ. Thіѕ kіnd οf rеаѕοnіng cаn bе mοdеlеd by thе fοllοwіng:  Іf ...  Thеn...  But...  Thеrеfοrе... On the other ahdn inductіvе rеаѕοnіng...

Words: 6601 - Pages: 27

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Hr Systems Policies and Activities

...2. Identify at least three strategically relevant HR systems policies and activities that Siemens has instituted in order to help human resource management contribute to achieving Siemens’ strategic goals. (L02- Assessment Criteria 2.1) 3. Siemens’ as we know is an MNC. Analyze its legal influences in the areas of Employee Relations with reference to its operations in Dubai. (L02- Assessment Criteria 2.2 and L03 Assessment Criteria 3.1) Case Study : Integrating of Strategy and Human Resource Management The experiences of several organizations provide good examples of the integration of strategy and human resource management. One such example is provided by the experiences of People’s Bank, a financial services company headquartered in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Massive changes began to take place in the business environment of banking with deregulation and relaxation of ceilings on interest. Money markets began to drain off funds that ordinarily went into banks’ deposits, forcing them to rely on more expensive sources of funds. Further, the money center banks began to compete in the same middle markets as regional banks. People’s, which was a small regional bank, responded by changing its strategy from a product orientation to one directed toward markets. With a product orientation, products are developed and then markets are sought out in which to sell the product. Conversely, a market orientation involves an opposite approach in that market demands are determined...

Words: 845 - Pages: 4

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Project Leader

...Bringing Strategy to Life: Aligning your corporate culture with business goals Leaders of high-performance companies understand that a corporate culture that is aligned with its strategic priorities helps the organization achieve business success. The challenge: achieving alignment and sustaining it over the long term. High Performance: As Unique as a Company Itself One of the most striking characteristics of highperformance organizations is the level of harmony between business strategy and organization culture that they manage to achieve and sustain over time. A manufacturer competing chiefly on cost and efficiency, for instance, requires a culture very different from that of a luxury goods retailer for which personalized customer attention is the ultimate differentiator. “High performance” means different things in companies competing on different strategic priorities across industry sectors. In short, the right high-performance environment is one that helps a company achieve a specific set of business requirements. In a high-performance organization, workplace practices must actively influence the employee behaviors needed to execute its strategy and reinforce its market focus. behaviors of leaders are critical in establishing a culture that aligns with the business strategy. But, certainly, this is easier said than done. In fact, many companies’ cultures are not aligned with their business objectives, because their leaders, who by and large focus on the financial and...

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