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Benefits Of Going To College

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After High School few to many people never really take their time to figure out what college, occupation, or future they would like to have. If you are one of those who know what occupation you are looking towards, your next step is to match yourself with a college that will give you classes that you are in need of. I believe that going to college will help better you and your future, my reasons for believing that is because once you have graduated college you will have your diploma and maybe even a degree. Getting your diploma or degree will help you get into much better job choices along the way. Your future should be important to you, so hopefully you take something like college serious.
I am thinking about going into college that is not far from home and has classes and courses I need for being a lawyer. The first college I would like to attend is the University of Illinois. This college is located at One William Maxwell Ln. Springfield, IL 62703. If you needed to get ahold of this college you can look up their website and their number will be on it, which is (217)-206-6600. The reason for my choice in this college is because the Legal Studies Department at UIS offers a Master’s degree and a Bachelor's degree in legal studies. …show more content…
I feel that public colleges are better for me in so many ways. I am shy but that is not how I would like to be. Public colleges will give you more of an opportunity to meet many new people. Also they are bigger, with over 5,000 students enrolled according to (University of Illinois-UIS, Fall of 2016). The percentage of men and women are not far off. There are 51% women and 49% men (Naviance, 2017). If you really wanted to you could choose a college that does not have coed, where you are only with boys or only with girls. If you are the complete opposite of these likings then private schooling would most likely be better for

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