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Epic Of Gilgamesh Research Paper

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A Glimpse into the Past
Early eyewitness accounts, documents, and letters give us information about older civilizations. They tell us about what life was like for these people politically, socially, religiously, and culturally. For example, The Epic of Gilgamesh (ca. 2700 B.C.E.-2500 B.C.E.) can help historians know what life was like for Mesopotamian peoples during that time. According to the text, there is a king named Gilgamesh. The king knows all, and he even possesses secret wisdom. His perfect physical features were endowed to him by the gods and his beauty surpasses all others. The father of the gods gave Gilgamesh ultimate power and supremacy over neighboring kingdoms. Gilgamesh is two-thirds god and one-third man, and he is the center …show more content…
There is not enough evidence in this source to claim complete gender equality, but it seems like men were giving higher political status and seen as superior. Gilgamesh is also a very oppressive king. It was more of a dictatorship than a democracy. However, the suffering was too much, so his people cried out to the gods to send Enkidu to change the king. Enkidu and Gilgamesh became friends, and Gilgamesh called him a brother. This shows how close friendships in this civilization were treated like siblings and were important to social life. Unable to cope with Enkidu’s death, Gilgamesh wept for a week over the loss of his dear, beloved friend. Afterwards, he becomes fearful of his own imminent death. Siduri, advises him stop looking for immortality, because he will not find it, but to enjoy his life and family. The one immortal man, Utnapishtim, tells Gilgamesh that nothing on earth is permanent, and that the living and the dead are alike. Religiously, this society was creating philosophies and thinking about what happens after death. Stories like this may have been written to try and explain the …show more content…
When one is buried, he rises up to heaven’s gates. There, he finds rejoicing at his presence, and is greeted with kisses, caresses, and worship. In Egyptian society, death was a celebration and something to look forward to. This is extremely different than the view of afterlife held by the Mesopotamian people in the Epic of Gilgamesh. It was frightening to meet with the gods, who were “awful beings” rising from the abyss and from behind dark clouds. The god of the storm turned daylight into darkness and crushed the land. The Mesopotamians viewed the gods in heaven as cruel beings to judge humans, and the Egyptians saw the gods as marvelous beings who would gladly welcome them into paradise (Strayer 117-118,

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