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Prosthetic Evaluation Paper

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Using the Amputee Mobility Predictor and the Prosthetic Evaluation
Questionnaire in Conjunction Gives the Best Overall Outlook on a Patient’s Quality of Life

Sarah Norman
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
October 2014
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Like any patient population, improving the overall quality of life for lower limb amputee (LLA) is the priority for physical therapists. The difficulty comes when trying to narrow down the most beneficial interventions and prosthetic devices to help these patients reach their highest prognosis. By using outcome measures it enables clinicians to make evidence based predictions of the most effective interventions and allows them to track patient progress. There is not one single outcome …show more content…
The patient must truly believe that their prosthetic is the best option for their chance to return to their normal function.1 The Prosthetic Evaluation Questionnaire (PEQ) is a self-report questionnaire consisting of 54 questions organized into 9 different functional domains.3 Through the use of this assessment tool, a clinician is able to gather the patient’s perspective on how the prosthetic device is influencing their functional ability. This outcome measure can be said to have a good responsiveness since the patients are claiming exactly how they feel they are responding to the …show more content…
This modified version was named the PEQ-MS12/5 and was proven in this study to be valid and reliable. The validity was analyzed by comparing the individual item scores of the PEQ with the latent matching traits of the PEQ-MS12/5, and within a sample size of 100 the item difference was 0.05 +/ -0.5. As for the reliability, this was examined by looking at the item separation between the item-item scores of the PEQ and PEQ-MS12/5. The separation was low proving that this assessment tool is consistent and reliable.4 Since this condensed version of the PEQ has been shown to be just as effective, valid and reliable it is safe to say that clinicians should use this more time efficient method to obtain their patient’s perspective on their overall

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