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Psychology Writing Assignment


Submitted By lucky27
Words 1756
Pages 8
Writing Assignment #1
PSY 101-Online
June 27, 2011

Writing Assignment #1 We see operant conditioning all around us from children in school to working adults. This method of learning that applies to voluntary behavior occurs through rewards and punishments. Knowing that there may be a reward at the end of a task will help motivate someone to stay focused and complete the task to the best of their ability. There are two different kinds of reinforcements that play a huge role in this operant conditioning, which are positive and negative reinforcements. In both cases, the behavior increases. Punishment on the other hand is completely opposite where the outcome causes a decrease in the behavior when following a response. There are also two kinds of punishment which is punishment by application and punishment by removal. It's important to use both forms of punishment wisely so you won't cause any abuse to a child physically or emotionally.
Positive Reinforcements There are multiple ways to use positive reinforcements when either correcting or strengthening a behavior. However, not all positive reinforcements are the best ones to use. There are cases when parents will reward there children with food. They might say things such as, “If you are good, I will give you a cookie.” This can be a dangerous approach when adding such a pleasurable outcome because it could lead to obesity or other health issues if it is consistent. I have found that the positive reinforcements that work best are using other rewards such as praises and loving words. While I don't have children, I have used this technique on my five year old niece. Being a five year old, she can get out of line but providing small rewards and praises when she does something right can be the most beneficial. She also strives for attention, so giving her the words of love that she needs to hear

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