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Public Health Vs Islamic World Essay

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As stated in the text, Anderson (2007) exposes how the Muslim world, and the Americas’ religious beliefs, opinions on public health, and theories alter the care of human beings. In fact, the remedies for people that are mentally ill are different from those that are physically ill. Additionally, this is due to the philosophical and the religious linkage of insanity and sin. Medieval Christians view mental illness as the culpability of the individual, whereas in the Islamic world such linkage did not exist which meant care was benevolent. In truth, the process included in home care, but the institutions were available for people who present a danger to themselves and others. Moreover, physical restraints, medications, baths, and diets minimize the symptoms and made the people more relaxed and controllable. Nonetheless, the Islamic world treated people with more compassion and sensitivity (p. 143). Meanwhile, the Aztecs and Maya believed that sickness was the result of a divine action and that the gods had abandoned them. Their political structures, economies, religion, and entire cultures collapsed as …show more content…
Moreover, medical records are prescriptive rather than descriptive according to Islamic law. Historical treatment of patients must rely on biographical dictionaries, geographers, and travelers’ accounts kept medical records from this time period (p.143). Nonetheless, the writings of the Jewish physician Maimonides are examples of these medical records. His most famous text is his Medical Aphorisms, which consists of a twenty-five chapter philosophical work that focuses on a variety of subjects including, dentistry, fevers, and medical remedies for toothache and provides a variety of medical theories within the bible (p.

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