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Narrative Essay: Are You Going To America?

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“In two days, we’ll all be on the plane, going to America! Are you excited?” How could I be excited, Mom? I’m leaving everything behind, my friends, my family, the house I grew up in. How could anyone be excited about leaving 7 years worth of memories?
Ok, honestly, yeah, I was excited to leave Vietnam. Vietnam was my hometown where I grew up in, but I’m going to America! The place where you can go to school for free and not have to wear uniform. America! A place where many successful people went to school at and is now making hundred of millions of dollar. America! Just saying the word brings a smile, America!
What about you and Dad, Mom? Each of you have lived here at least forty years. Half of your life was spent here, and you’re willing …show more content…
One week, that’s all I had with my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, my cousins, and my hometown. There is no place better than home, yet everything is going to change. The smell of lingering incense mixed with cigarette smoke and food, that’ll be all but a past memory.
Warm smiles tinted with remorse. Happiness with hidden sadness, as they see the bright smile on my face. Can’t they tell its a coverup, for the sadness I feel? Excitement and happiness. That's what everyone tries to convey to me, because they're moving to America for me. Papers and papers of confirmation keeps coming in about whether moving to another place was the decision made by us. That’s a sign. Maybe it really wasn't your decision, Mom. It always been up to me, the youngest in our family. The one that still has a chance to make anew in a new place. I see the sadness in your eyes as you reread those papers, yet where are they when you countdown the days of our departure. Thank you. For hiding everything, to make me believe that going to America was the best decision of your life. For putting my needs before yours. For loving me. For starting anew in a new

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