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Puerto Rico American Imperialism Essay

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Military Impacts of Imperialism in Puerto Rico

On May 12, 1898, a fleet of twelve American ships attached San Juan. Shortly after on June 25, the U.S.S. Yosemite blockaded San Juan’s port; it prevented goods and people from leaving and entering the port. One month later on July 25, General Nelson A. Miles led 3,300 American troops into Guánica, a southwestern town in Puerto Rico. They were meet with little to no resistance. Spain and some Puerto Rican volunteers put up a small fight against the 6th Massachusetts in the Battle of Yauco. The only casualties were two Spanish soldiers. Overall, the United States was well accepted into Puerto Rico by the people. In the whole invasion, only seven American soldiers died. The Spanish-American War …show more content…
Puerto Ricans are considered United States citizens although they are not a state. The United States has four military bases in Puerto Rico. They include Camp Santiago Army Base in Salinas, Fort Allen Army Base in Juana Diaz, Fort Buchanan Army Base in Guaynabo, and San Juan Army National Guard on Isla Verde. Camp Santiago is a military training base which was named after Hector Santiago Colon. The Puerto Rico National Guard is stationed here. Fort Allen Army Base stations the United States Army. It once included communication centers of the United States Navy. It is currently used to train and educate the United States Army Reserve and the Puerto Rico Army National Guard. Fort Buchanan Army Base was built in 1899, one year after Puerto was bought by the United States. It was named after the first leader of the regiment that invaded Puerto Rico, James A. Buchanan. Today it is the only military base in San Juan that is operated by the United States. Fort Allen Army Base is located on a small island in San Juan Harbor. Since the end of WWII it has seen a decline in military presence. In very recent news, the United States’ military is helping out with the aftermath of the hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico this year. The United States National Guard has send a multitude of ship, helicopters, planes and other vehicles of transportation to help out Puerto Rico. Thousands of United States National Guardsman are helping to

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