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The Problem-Based-Learning Project

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The Problem-Based-Learning Project that I completed in this class was my favorite project that i’ve done in my school career thus far. This assignment had a perfect balance of professionalism, structure, and fun. I was allowed to choose a topic I was passionate about and apply everything that I have learned from all of my English and Science teachers. I believe kids, especially students, tend to do better on projects or even tests when they enjoy the topic. We are also able to stay on task and take initiative. Not only did I learn learn new things when researching my topic, I also got to share what I learned with my peers. Completing this project taught me about myself, what interests me, and what environment I enjoy working in. Overall, I enjoyed my PBL experience. As always, there were positive and negative moments. My favorite moments were ones where everything fell into place. Once we picked our topic, it was easy for us to work together. My work ethic and drive also made my experience better. If I would not have been on top of my work, this project would have been torture. On the other hand, the negative moments were pretty rough. While doing this project I often found myself frustrated, both with myself and my group. At certain times, continuing this project and working with my partners seemed pointless. Honestly, there were more challenges of learning in this …show more content…
The Problem-Based-Learning Project was long and complex. We had to make research logs, planning logs, and set up interviews. Having more than one person working on this project was a big help. Working with friends does have some benefits. Projects can be stressful and boring ,but when I work with friends, or people I like talking to, the project becomes a little less painful. During the time that we had to finish our research, I met up with my group outside of school. I believe we had a great balance of fun and

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