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Pursuing My Academic Success

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As I reflect on the journey ahead, I am excited first and foremost. Secondly, I am extremely confident in my ability to be successful in my last academic endeavor. I have been pursuing my education for over six years and in every capacity possible. I am sure as life occurs the obstacles will remain the same, but I am determined to complete this final step. As a doctoral student, my biggest obstacles will continue to be professional development in the field. As I learn new things and develop myself, I remain open to finding roles in employment, hobbies, and other aspects of my life. I am constantly challenged by the application of my education in those forums. In the same respect my strengths are my pure, unfiltered desire to be successful and …show more content…
I have had an extensive writing background but still utilize resources to ensure organization, structure, and some other formatting techniques. APA style is still a mystery and I utilize books websites, instructors. It is a process I will continue to learn. The library is such a great resource especially for research. The alerting system is important for my organization goal. Every year I try to find ways to organize myself and tasks the alerting systems are a small but critical feature (Walden University, 2014). Making sure I am properly posting is going to be a great factor in my success. I have struggled previously with having to develop post on topics. Like the media presentations often articulating my passions can be difficult online, it does not happen often but I think it is amazing when it does. It offers some real excitement to the conversations. I think secretly the professors should select students to solely play opposition to keep things interesting. I feel the conversations become often redundant and stale after a few comments simply because it’s a lot of professionals utilizing similar resources drawing like-minded conclusions. I recognize that the integrity of the classes have to be maintained at the university, so we have to demonstrate certain competencies within our post which often remove the ability of authentic conversation to flourish because …show more content…
I like to review short term dates and long dates. By establishing a timeline in my mind and utilizing my many planners I am able to meet deadline and have a working knowledge of upcoming events and dates. Planners and calendars are important for me. Syncing calendars and utilizing the traditional systems of writing it down helps keeps things in perspective. In addition, the more I note things the better chance at remembering them. I can look at the week ahead and all the obligations I have and determine the time and day I am going to tackle the assignment. I spend Monday reviewing the material for the post, gathering my thoughts and perspective on the topic, I may even put a few points down, Tuesday I go back review the requirements, and write my entry, Wednesday I will review and post, review colleagues post and start considering some of their perspective to develop my response. I work well checking into classes daily even if I am not doing anything but reviewing material or looking at future assignments.

Time management- time management will be effective with planning. Being aware of deadlines and requirements will help maintain time management. I am a full-time employee like my peers so I already anticipate long night or early morning. I will struggle when on travel to keep timing in order so I have the Walden App and the calendar synch to help me as I approach assignments.

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