Premium Essay

Qualities of a Leader


Submitted By ryans91
Words 1296
Pages 6
What are the best qualities to look for in the leader of a business team? There are many qualities that could make someone a great team leader. However, not all great leaders have the same good qualities, and all good qualities are not found in every leader because everyone has their own strong and weak points. What is important is to figure out your own values and working styles, then look for a leader with whom your personal traits and qualities can complement each other. Doing so will likely develop a strong foundation for growth and success. Three of the most important traits that I would personally look for in a strong leader would be integrity, self confidence, and intelligence.
One of the most important traits to seek in a strong leader and entrepreneur is integrity. For a person to have integrity, it means that they will act with honesty and reliability. They also demonstrate take responsibility for their actions and not try to sugar-coat things or cover them up. Being able to trust in a leader is incredibly important because that means that people following the leader or working with him or her can trust that what is said is what will be done. That in turn means no deceptions and no unfortunate surprises. A leader with integrity will likely also demonstrate good ethics, another key trait for developing a successful enterprise. An entrepreneur creates a business and sets an example that reflects who they are as a person. Acting with integrity will create an environment that the entrepreneur can be proud of.
There is certainly a challenge to reach success and have good rapport with stakeholders without trustworthiness and honesty. Of course, it is certainly possible to make one’s way to success with fake or no integrity. There are examples of people who have done so and who have made themselves rich even though they are of poor character. Chances are

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