...water management About this publication Australia has a unique water challenge. Increasing variability in extreme climate conditions has required governments, industry and citizens to prioritise water management. This focus has led to distinctive approaches, changes in governance, behavioural change and technology innovation. Australia’s experience and approach to addressing water management challenges is regarded as among the most progressive in the world. This publication has been prepared by the Australian Water Association, with the support of the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR ), waterAUSTR ALI A and industry partners to illustrate some of the innovative solutions developed by Australian business and research groups that have built resilience to water management by urban, agricultural and industrial sectors across Australia. June 2011 (10-11-92) Disclaimer This publication has been prepared as a general overview. It is not intended to provide an exhaustive coverage of water innovation in Australia. The information is made available on the understanding that the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research and the Australian Water Association (the parties) are not providing professional advice. Therefore, while all care has been taken in the preparation of the report, the parties do not accept responsibility for any losses suffered...
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...Contents Executive Summary 3 IDEO’s CULTURE & process 4 IDEO Culture 4 Design process 4 Work environment 4 Prototyping 5 Collaboration 5 Customer involvement 5 Innovation process 5 Brainstorming 5 Structure and methodology 6 HandSpring Project (Visor) 7 Visor Challenges 7 The Odds situation 8 Measuring R&D Performance 9 Measuring Visor’s Project Performance 9 Prototyping of Palm V 11 The Decision 12 Executive Summary This case deals with IDEO company situation analysis. It starts with describing the IDEO corporation as an environment and the process that they use to perform the work. IDEO is a flat organization to an extreme. They have no hierarchy and discouraged formal titles, which is something that stressed more on the competiveness of the designers and engineers. They believed that prototyping is the key for the design process. They start with collaboration and brainstorming sessions in order to generate the most effective ideas and thoughts. They also have the customer involved with them in all the processes to keep him updated and aware of the steps that are taken. They have a 5 phase methodology to follow when starting a new project which are: Phase 0: Understand and observe, Phase 1: Visualize and realize, Phase 2:Evaluate and refine, Phase 3:Detailed Engineering and Phase 4: Manufacture. Theses five phase are explained more in the following pages IDEO has just finished a great breakthrough in the palm industry. They created...
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...business by providing excellent quality food at moderate prices to customer’s looking for a quick eating experience. Great service is also expressed as being an essential item for success. Porcini’s feels that restaurants have been unable to accomplish these four functions into one experience. This strategy attempts to make the competition irrelevant. Porcini’s Porto creates a new segment outside of the three major segments: fast food, single location full-service restaurants and full-service chain restaurants. Porcini’s “new” approach creates a new uncontested market space (Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne). Any alternative means for a person to eat is Porcini’s competition. Porcini’s experience differentiates in an advantageous way from the three major segments. Porcini’s wireless technology creates a quicker eating experience for the customer that is not available at competitors in full-service restaurant chains. It’s also important that this innovative strategy does not decrease the value of the product/service offered. The project team identified fast food to be the primary competition. Porcini’s quick service is complimented by high quality food, providing a competitive advantage over restaurants in the fast food segment. Porcini’s strategic focus on the employee hiring process and job satisfaction creates a team equipped with the talent and attitude to employ the strategic goals of the business. In order to provide high quality service, Pronto must employ...
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...CRANEFIELD COLLEGE OF PROJECT AND PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT M2 PROGRAM MANAGING ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE AND INNOVATIVE IMPROVEMENT MODULE WESTRAND GROUP ASSIGNMENT The Trophy Project “Case Study” “We hereby declare that this assignment is entirely our own work, and that it has not previously been submitted to any other Higher Education Institution. We also declare that all published and unpublished sources have been fully acknowledged and properly referenced. This includes figures, tables and exhibits. Where modified by us, this has also been indicated.” Compiled by: Name | Signature | ID Number | Nomsa Thobane | | | Lucille Olivier | | | Misokuhle Thusi | | | Vuyani Mawetu Matoti | | | Brenda Neshishivhe | | | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 3 2. Problem Identification 4 2.1 Structural Strategic Variables 4 2.1.1 Organisational structure 4 2.1.2 Other Structural Strategic Variables 5 2.2 Behavioural Strategy Variable 7 2.2.1 Management 7 2.2.2 Management Leadership 9 2.2.3 Functional Management Leadership 11 2.2.4 Project Management 12 2.2.5 Project Management Leadership 15 2.3 Operational Strategic Variables 16 3. Recommended Approach 16 3.1 Structural Strategic 16 3.1.1 Matrix Organisational Structure 16 3.2 Behavioural Strategic 18 3.2.1 Balance scorecard 18 3...
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...12 6.1.6 Building a strategy map 13 6.1.7 Implementing a Balanced Scorecard Programme Management learning organisation structure 14 7. STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT 15 7.1 SWOT analysis 15 7.2 PESTEL analysis 15 7.3 GAP analysis 16 8. STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION 16 8.1 Creation of a strategy plan 16 8.2 Strategic Transformation Project Implementation Route 2 (Project route) 17 9. MANAGING ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE 17 10. INNOVATIVE CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAME 18 11. REFERENCES 20 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Levis Strauss has been one of the world’s most successful brands in the fashion industry but is now subject to a falling market share and is no longer meeting the demands of its external environment. Levis leadership is ineffective and the approach taken to resolve its problems is futile, capital intensive and does not produce any results. The organisation will have to embark on a radical change strategy to remain profitable in its market. The content of this report outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation against its current organisational structure and provides the necessary steps to bring about change which creates a modern,innovative, learning organisation that can remain sustainable in the future market. 2. FINDINGS 2.1 SWOT Analysis...
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...Executive Summary: The report of the plant manager for RIO BRAVO IV, a subsidiary of Packed Electrical a division of General Motors identifies mistakes made by top management. These mistakes clearly indicate top management failure to use project management principles in starting up a new manufacturing branch. It also points out the learning outcomes when good efforts are placed at the right places and with the right human talent employed. In the new economy organizations have to focus on the customer, environment and its resources and change their approach in doing business (paradigm shift). Senior management has to give clear goals and utilize the Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophy. Failure by top managed clearly state the objective of the project meant that it had no master plan and schedule. When the project was initiated the objective was to gain worldwide respect not to satisfy a customer and let the respect follow as an outcome. Top management failure is more evident through lack of proper feasibility study on the location and the customer getting customer Users Requirements Specifications (URS). There was no plan in place as such the project team did not exist at all. The machines were hastily installed; lay out set as per other factories not designed to cater for this customer. The location was never considered as what effect it might cause to the customer. Top management did not address the diversity issue an as a result communication was hampered by language...
Words: 4250 - Pages: 17
...Provisional title The provisional title of the following project proposal is “LSA Logistics UK innovative shipping of artworks” Hypothesis for the project This project aims to investigate whether there is an appropriate field in United Kingdom for the idea of innovative shipping of artworks to grow up and be successful. According to Valerie J. Easton and John H. McColl (1997) there are several kinds of hypothesis such as: null, alternative, simple and composite hypothesis. In this particular project I choose the alternative hypothesis as a tool for investigation. In other words this means that I will try to explain and prove that the new idea of shipping service will be successful and at the same time that it will provide a lot of advantages for the company LSA Logistics UK not only when it comes to finance returns, but when it comes to gaining new loyal clients and excellent reputation, too. Valerie J. Easton and John H. McColl (1997) claim that alternative hypothesis should include a proper investigation, which conclusion should explain why the newly invented product or service will be beneficial and needed for a sufficient number of potential clients. To make an alternative hypothesis a person should have objects or services to compare. In this case I have a great deal of competitors, which do offer this type of service. So at the end of the investigation I should be able to conclude that the new highly improved service of LSA Logistics UK is better than the services of...
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...Plan Overview: American Management Association Jennifer Socorro Strategy Formulation and Implementation – MGT 578 Sharon Palmitier – Facilitator July 2, 2007 Overview The following strategic plan overview will focus on the American Management Association (AMA), where I am employed as an eMarketing Strategist. AMA “is a world leader in professional development and performance-based learning solutions” (AMA, About AMA, 2007). The bulk of our business is focused on corporate training via public seminars. As a member-based not-for-profit organization, we are devoted to helping the business community by ensuring that businesspeople are equipped with the skills necessary to thrive in today’s challenging and dynamic business environment. We offer over 170 seminars which can be attended at locations throughout the United States or delivered on-site at any organization. As was mentioned above, our customers are businesspeople interested in career development and organizations interested in developing their human resources in order to gain a competitive advantage and help them prosper within their industry. A company’s mission statement “answers the question “What business are we in?” (Pearce & Robinson, 2005, p. 37). Pearce and Robinson describe the following components as those to be included within an effective mission statement: customer market, product service, geographic domain, technology, concern for survival, philosophy, self-concept, and concern for public image...
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...PM587-Course Project | December 15 2013 | Here is a brief about SGS’s Organizational Strategic Plan to include Portfolio management Plan and the changes that need to be controlled through the portfolio, Program, and the projects. The last item to cover will be how to get maximum utilization of resources by analyzing and planning | Belinda Mozel, Instructor | Martin E. Phipps 1551 Hillside Dr. Beavercreek, Ohio 45432 phippsme@yahoo.com 937-212-3431 Index Introduction * SGS in a Brief * Our History Organization Strategic Plan * Group Profile * Inspection * Testing * Verification * Certification Organization Strategic Capacity Plan * Vision * Values * Strategic Plan * Expertise * Industries * Themes Flow chart of Portfolio Process or Technical Due Diligence Service * Initial review * Agreement of work packages * Undertake work packages for projects in development and operation * Review finding with client * Final presentation Outline of Project Selection Criteria Program Management Plan * Standards Resource Utilization * Green Book * SHINE * SEI Introduction SGS in Brief Wherever you are in the world, in whatever industry, you can rely on our international teams of experts to provide you with specialized business solutions to make your business faster, simpler and more efficient. We partner with you to offer independent services...
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...UNDERGRADUATE PORGRAM IN MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP FINAL REPORT – PRJ100 Trust consulting BY Belhassen Neili Academic year 2014-2015 1 Declaration I certify that I am the author of this project and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in this project. I have also cited any source from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted or paraphrased. Further, this report meets all of the rules of quotation and referencing in use at MSB, as well as adheres to the fraud policies listed in the MSB honor code. No portion of the work referred to in this study has been submitted in support of an application for another degree or qualification to this or any other university or institution of learning. Belhassen Neili Student Name Belhassen Neili Signature 10/09/2015 Date 2 Abstract During the professional internship, I discovered a new business filed that I was not interested about at the beginning, yet, after the first week, I had the passion which drives me to execute different task and learning much more about this particular filed of business. Trust consulting was the host company, situated in Nabeul, Tunisia. Though this final report, I will try to match the different activities of the enterprise and describe the way it works stating from global filed until the specific tasks of the company. Keywords: ENS, Trust consulting, technology, Business, work process 3 Table of Contents ...
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...Rail TCS Concept Simulator SEA developed the Train Control System (TCS) Concept Simulator for the West Coast Route Modernisation project. A team of SEA engineers has developed, operated and maintained the Concept Simulator since 1998. The Concept Simulator models the functional operation and inter-operation of key components of train control system architecture and the external systems to which the system interfaces. The simulator is valuable in the development and analysis of operational principles, and in assessing design trade-offs. The SEA-designed facility simulates operation at ERTMS Levels 1, 2, and 3. Components include a Communications Network, a Network Management Centre, a generic Interlocking, a Radio Block Centre, a Track Simulator including both conventional and TCS equipment, a Driver Desk, a European Vital Computer and a Driver MMI. The components are modelled using software-based simulations hosted on networked PCs. The simulator has been valuable in the engineering evaluation and validation of emergent system architectures, and enables system constraints to be explored and defined. ERTMS operational modes and the transitions between them are simulated and ERTMS principles and procedures are followed. Innovative Customer Information System (ICIS) SEA's Innovative Customer Information System (ICIS) is capable of managing and displaying customer information, including real time information, in a visually dynamic manner. The system utilises intelligent screens...
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...would like to thanks to all those people who have helped me in making this report. I am thankful for their kind co-operation to the completion of my project work. Last but not least I wish to avail myself of this opportunity, express a sense of gratitude and love to my friends and my beloved parents for their manual support, strength, and help and for everything. I sincerely thanks to my supervisor Sir. Zeeshan Gulfam, who has helped me in this regard and encouraged me to carry out this project,. Research Methodology There was a need of collecting the data regarding to unit “Developing Strategic Management and Leadership skills”, on the topic of “Being Apple, Steve jobs”. For this purpose, I have collected the data by watching different videos and reading different books, magazine, articles and different websites. Literature Review This assignment of the unit “Developing Strategic Management and Leadership skills” on the topic of “Being Apple, Steve job”, and all of us we know that it is the era of competition and only competitive managers can lead the organisation successful. Here we discuss Steve Jobs, his professional expertise and leadership and management qualities. If organisations do not set any assessment criteria, then it is very tuff for an organisation to compete. Strategic Managers must have enough skills and quality to lead an organisation. By doing this...
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...accepted 1 December 2009 10.1080/01446190903521515 All construction projects in Hong Kong have in common a cast of key contract participants, consisting of clients, consultants (designers) and contractors. The aim of this research is to examine, from different points of view, these practitioners in regard to the importance of perceived performance criteria and their respective performance outcomes in a construction project. A research model is structured based on nine performance criteria and their respective performances. The data were collected from 324 practitioners who have participated in construction projects in Hong Kong. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and repeated measures ANOVA are used to analyse the data. The relative importance of nine performance criteria and their performances are measured. Timely completion of the project is the most important performance criterion, followed by profit, environmental protection and quality. There are differences in the importance of the performance criteria with respect to performance. The differences in the perceptions of performance that are identified are: (i) among different practitioners in a construction project; (ii) due to different project types; and (iii) between different functional roles in the partnering organizations. In order to further understand the importance of the performance criteria with respect to performance, the status quo of project partnering...
Words: 9532 - Pages: 39
...accepted 1 December 2009 10.1080/01446190903521515 All construction projects in Hong Kong have in common a cast of key contract participants, consisting of clients, consultants (designers) and contractors. The aim of this research is to examine, from different points of view, these practitioners in regard to the importance of perceived performance criteria and their respective performance outcomes in a construction project. A research model is structured based on nine performance criteria and their respective performances. The data were collected from 324 practitioners who have participated in construction projects in Hong Kong. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and repeated measures ANOVA are used to analyse the data. The relative importance of nine performance criteria and their performances are measured. Timely completion of the project is the most important performance criterion, followed by profit, environmental protection and quality. There are differences in the importance of the performance criteria with respect to performance. The differences in the perceptions of performance that are identified are: (i) among different practitioners in a construction project; (ii) due to different project types; and (iii) between different functional roles in the partnering organizations. In order to further understand the importance of the performance criteria with respect to performance, the status quo of project partnering...
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...professional, it is the responsibility of management to make the necessary steps to measure performance and ensure that quality care is given to all patients. For the purpose of this paper, I believe Quality and safety, and community health is important to all heath care administrators. Quality and Safety When one is considered to be an employer, it is the responsibility of the individual or individuals to protect their employees from safety hazards and promote optimal health. Health and safety laws have been passed to ensure the safety of workers and protect them from hazards in the workplace. (OSHA, 2012)The Occupational Safety and Health Act mandate and require employers to provide a workplace that is free of hazards and to cooperate with occupational safety and health standards. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration were created by Congress to enforce specific standards and to provide information on safety and health, training and assistance to employers and workers. (OSHA, 2012) OSHA enables workers to understand and clarify their right. If a problem is present, it is up to the employee to take proper precaution and notify the organization so that corrections can take place. As an employer, it is important to act promptly so that the matter is handled promptly and efficiently. There are many ways an individual can report an unhealthy work environment. It is imperative to research and document ways to lessen work place injury and violence. Epidemiologic techniques...
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