...Abstract Early childhood education programs have flourished over the past few decades as more and more parents come to believe in the benefits of starting children’s education as early as possible and find themselves in need of daycare. These programs play an important role in children education by giving them a jump-start in emotional and intellectual development. This paper will discuss (1) the importance of early childhood education programs; (2) the different types of early childhood education program and (3) the advantages and disadvantages these programs may play in young children education. Early childhood education programs are the types of educational programs that are designed for children from birth to 8 years old to improve later school performance. As we know, education is an asset for everyone and probably the most important pert when it starts at early childhood. Early childhood education programs are not only aimed to better outcomes for children and their families by providing them with a variety of support services, but they also provide learning opportunities to children. These Programs may not give to children the one to one attention some of them may need to strive but it is very important and necessary because it give most children a jump-start on education, increase cognitive skills at the beginning of kindergarten and make them develop good values. These programs give more educational benefits to children mentally, socially, economically...
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...Childhood Education Jenelle Johnson PSYC2700 - Child Development U03a1 Early Childhood Education Capella University December, 2014 Early Childhood Education Early childhood education is education that is geared for children three to eight years old, however, early childhood education can start as early as infants at birth through the age of eight years old. Early childhood programs were developed for all children who could not otherwise afford quality preschool or daycare programs. It is the belief that all children benefit from education at an early age. Early education is important to the development of these young children. These programs offer assistance, resources, and education to both the children and parents. Programs all over the world have been implemented to help young impoverished children have an early start to education. This paper will discuss the policy of the Head Start Act, the benefits of receiving early childhood education, and characteristics of a good high quality early childhood program. Early childhood is an important time for children as they grow and learn so much. So many important factors such as health and nutrition, economic status, education and daycare programs, and positive effective parenting are all huge factors that can have an effect of the development process of the young child. Because of the importance of all these variables, programs have been developed and policies have been made to assure that all children have a fair...
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...Board of Education case ruled separate schools based on race unconstitutional and we have yet to fix the fundamental problem that this case brought to the limelight, inequality. It runs rampant in the United States and it's not just in the south. Causes of inequality in education range from poor government policies to a capitalistic nature of society to poor management of education systems. And even if there is an equal opportunity for education, the quality of education that children receive are outrageously bad as it does not prepare them for the future. So Americans on top of the many major issues that they are facing will not only have to worry about inequality but also about the quality...
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...Snyder January 28, 2015 Early Childhood Education Early childhood care and education play an important role in the lives of all family members. They provide children with consistent routines and unlimited learning opportunities, and provide families with the security of knowing their child is in a safe and nurturing environment. Many children are enrolled in child care settings from the time they are infants to the time they enter elementary school. During these early years, children go through critical stages of development, and consistent, high-quality care can have beneficial and long-lasting effects on the overall development of children. Characteristics of high quality early childhood programs The quality of a child's future depends on the quality of caregiving in the first five years. First-rate early learning programs that are safe, healthy, stimulating, organized, and, most importantly, led by well-trained teachers, help children enter school ready to learn and succeed. Over the years, there has been much debate over which type of program qualifies as care and which as education. Increasingly, child development research shows that -- regardless of the setting -- quality early childhood education must include both warm, nurturing care and enriched learning experiences designed to stimulate a child’s development in all key developmental areas: cognitive, physical, and social-emotional. The quality of the early childhood education a child receives has a direct impact...
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...THE GIST OF RTE ACT: RESPOSIBILITIES OF TEACHERS Introduction In India the Right to Education Bill is a constitutional amendment passed by the Indian parliament on 4th August 2009 which promises free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India. The bill also have provisions for no donation or capitation and no interview of the child or parent for the admission.. The bill was approved by the cabinet on 2nd July 2009. The RTE Act mandates that school teachers should have the necessary adequate professional qualifications to ensure quality of education. The Act makes funds available for teachers to undergo the necessary training and acquire the skills to ensure this. Regular school teachers can now be encouraged to take up the additional responsibilities. THE GIST OF RTE ACT ARE • Free elementary education for all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years in a neighbourhood school. • The state has to provide compulsory elementary education and to ensure not just enrollment but attendance and completion of education • It is mandatory to educate children along with their peer group. Special training should be given to facilitate age appropriate education. • Sets quality norms for all schools like pupil- teachers ratio (cannot exceed 1:30) 200 to 250 minimum days of school functioning in a year, minimum four to five hours of instruction in school daily, 45 hours a week as minimum working hours for the teachers, separate subject teachers and head-teacher...
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...The impact of early education as a strategy in countering socio-economic disadvantage Research paper for Ofsted’s ‘Access and achievement in education 2013 review’ Professor Chris Pascal and Professor Tony Bertram UK Research Team: Sean Delaney, Selma Manjee, Marjory Perkins and Manja Plehn International Research Team: Alice Bennett, Carol Nelson, Sarina Razzak and Maureen Saunders Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC) © Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC) 2013 The views expressed in this report are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of Ofsted. Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to Elizabeth Boulton at publishing@ofsted.gov.uk or Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London WC2 6SE This publication is available at www.ofsted.gov.uk/accessandachievement. No. 130155-RR-005 In June 2012, Sir Michael Wilshaw, HMCI, stated his determination to address the issue of narrowing the gap of educational achievement between disadvantaged pupils and others. To support this intention, The Centre for Research in Early Childhood has been commissioned by OfSTED to conduct a review looking at the impact of Early Childhood Education (ECE) initiatives to combat social and economic disadvantage, both in the UK and internationally. This paper: Examines the impact of nati...
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...Sanders Writing 222 12 August 2013 EARLY EDUCATION Abstract Social scientists have posited that education can make a significant and long-lasting difference on the lives of children, especially those who experience poverty (Barnett, 1995; Brooks-Gunn, 2003; Karoly, et al, 1998). In recent years, policymakers and researchers in the United States have re-examined the role that quality early education can play in the lives of young children, primarily those growing up in poverty (Rouse, Brooks-Gunn, & McLanahan, 2005). Specifically, some have argued that high quality education and care programs that begin early in life have the potential to close gaps in school achievement that often exist between poor and minority children and their middle-class, mostly White, counterparts (Magnuson & Waldfogel, 2005).Based on these conclusions, U.S. policymakers and practitioners interested in improving the lives of poor children have considered the possibility that early education programs may contribute to solving the myriad of problems that growing up in poverty poses. This paper will examine the benefits of early education and the arguments against early education and references or in text citation with bibliography. Introduction During early years, children go through critical stages of development, and consistent, high-quality early education can have long-lasting, beneficial effects on the overall development of children. Choosing a preschool in which your child will be loved...
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...centrality of early childhood education (ECD) in laying solid foundations for posterity. Improving the quality of ECD is critical in BRICS countries’ development Agenda as reflected in the Sixth Summit (July 2014) held in Brazil. This underscores the need to enhance quality in education and equipping learners with the necessary skills. Thus, South Africa’s recent post-school education qualifications to improve out-of-school youth skills and knowledge could be realised through laying effective yet progressive foundation at ECD level. Before we can speak of effective post-school qualifications, countries need to develop solid early childhood education programmes. Though there is an obvious lacuna...
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...Education: In present days Why India is still a developing country and what is stopping it from being a developed country? This particular question strikes me every time when I read something about India’s education system. I see India’s education system as a stumbling block towards its objectives of achieving inclusive growth. Let me inform you about certain startling facts. India is going to experience a paradox of nearly 90 million people joining the workforce but most of them will lack requisite skills and the mindset for productive employment according to a report in DNA. India has about 550 million people under the age of 25 years out of which only 11% are enrolled in tertiary institutions compared to the world average of 23%. I wouldn’t be laying too much emphasis on the drawbacks of India’s public education system because it has been an issue well debated over in the past and the main flaws have already been pointed out before. I will be focusing on how the education system’s failure is leading to another social issue of income inequality and hence, suggest certain policies to improve India’s education system and reduce inequality. The really critical aspect of Indian public education system is its low quality. The actual quantity of schooling that children experience and the quality of teaching they receive are extremely insufficient in government schools. A common feature in all government schools is the poor quality of education, with weak infrastructure and inadequate...
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...The clearest points to this TED is people need to spend and provide high-quality early education to make sure children build their physical, emotional, cognitive and social health. The muddies point is how we can prove high-quality early education program in our children. My reaction to the video was excited because the video introduces the importance of quality care in our school system. I can connect to this video to my experience because I have a high-quality early education program in the Dominican Republic and I feel that it help me to promote my education skill in a better way. It takes so long for the positive effects of high-quality early childhood programs to show up in children/adults because you can be able to see the development...
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...Introduction The Ministry of Education of Bhutan takes charge in providing children with general education from the pre-primary level to Class 12 through the primary education. It is also responsible for training teachers and for the developing the curriculum and teaching-learning materials used in the classrooms. Primary education is provided free for six years under the goal of universal access to this level of education. Primary schools are inexpensive for parents but some of them cannot send their children to schools because of financial difficulties. To address this problem, the government has established the Bhutan Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper to improve access to and quality of primary education. Since the introduction of planned development in the early 1960s, the education system in Bhutan has grown from a mere 400 students in 11 schools to over 160,000 students in over 550 schools around the country. Education today is playing pivotal role not only in meeting country’s human resource needs but also improves the quality of life, which ultimately contribute to the achievement of GNH. Today, we have realized that the success of the country goes through the education system. Towards this, the education sector in Bhutan aspires to provide an education to every single citizen, such that they become the natural resource of the country, not just in terms of helping to plan and implement the further development of the country, but also by acting as a saleable resource...
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...Early Childhood Education Diane Ray PSYC2700 Early Childhood Education Capella, University December 7, 2014 Early Childhood Education (birth age eight) is a the top of the natural agenda, yet many children do not have access to the educational setting they need. Education and care for young children goes by many names Childcare, Day Care, Nursery school, Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, and Early Educator. It is delivered in many setting center –based, home-based or at the local public school, in urban , suburban , and rural communities. Some program is part-time while other offer full day, full year service. They can be privately or they can be operated by local school system or by a federal funded program such as Head Start. Over the years , there have been much debates over which typed of program qualities as care and which as education. Increasingly child development resource shows that regardless of the setting quality early childhood education must include both warm, nurturing care, and enrich, learning experience designed to stimulated a child development in all the key developmental area; National Association for the Education of Young Children(2011) Cognitive Physical and Social Emotion provide clear evidence and storage social emotional development underlie all later growth and learn a well educated and carry staff high program standard and the curriculum based on a child development developmental...
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...Achievement of universal primary education (UPE) is one of the key Education For all (EFA) goals and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be realized by countries including Zambia by 2015. To realize universal primary education, the government of Zambia declared free basic education in 2002 which has seen an increase in enrolment across the country. It also carried out reforms that included introducing basic schools. In addition, the advent and mushrooming of schools is seen as a welcome development for ensuring access, equity and quality of basic education in Zambia. According to Brendan Carmoday, schools started operating in Zambia to respond to the needs of orphans, the poor and girl children who are often disadvantaged in the delivery of basic education services. In this regard, the government, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other stakeholders are encouraged to support schools so that they serve more disadvantaged groups in the society. It is against this background that this assay will discuss in details the growth of hearing impairment education in Zambia. The term ‘hearing impaired’ has been used for all categories of hearing loss, that is, for all categories of hearing loss, that is, from very mild loss to the profoundly deaf person. Another term that is accepted is ‘hearing disability’ (Moores, 1996). Persons with hearing impairment may be divided into groups: The hard-of hearing person and the profound deaf. A hard of hearing person can hear sound especially...
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...UNIVERSITY OF LUSAKA MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WITH EDUCATION THE IMPACT OF COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ON ACCESS TO AND QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN ZAMBIA: A CASE STUDY OF FIVE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS IN KABWE DISTRICT A Research Report Presented to the University of Lusaka in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Master in Business Administration with Education AUGUST, 2013 DECLARATION I, the undersigned, declare that this research report is my original work and has never been presented to any learning institution for academic purposes. All the information used from secondary sources has been fully acknowledged. Name: Abraham Chisanga Signature ...................... DEDICATION I dedicate this work to my wife Flavior and children: Brian, Mela, Abraham,Fredrick, Betty Paul and John for their support from the beginning of my research work through to the end. To my family members and all the important people in my life, especially those that had been there for me at all times, even though my difficult times and moments, for their steadfast guidance and the innumerable sacrifices made on my behalf. To all my friends, thank you so much for being the best, one could ever be. My parents, for making me into what I am today, although you are no more to see what you tirelessly laboured, for me to see the light of day.May your dear and ever cherished souls rest in eternal peace. ...
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...Effect on Education Of all the problems that society faces today, perhaps the worst is the declining quality of the education of our children. Education plays a major part in the life of a child: a quality education allows for a child to be exposed to more opportunities that can lead to a quality of living that, in a lot of cases, is much better than that of their parents. There are many ways to increase the quality of a child’s education; however, the best way is for the community, and society at large, to take an interest and become involved. According to Robert Putnam, a major issue facing society is the difficulty of creating “bridging social capital.” This is created when people of different groups and backgrounds come together to improve their community and is important for maintaining a healthy public life in a world that is becoming increasing more diverse. The difficulty arises from the problems that come out of trying to bridge the many groups that have little to no commonalities. I believe that the service learning that we are doing through the Burnett Honors College is addressing this issue by making bridging social capital. We, the college students, come from different backgrounds than the children we are sent to work with. We are bridging the gap by showing them through face-to-face interactions that they too can go to college. I think that the work we are doing is important because we are helping to improve the quality of these children’s educations by giving...
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