...The Joint Commission is a nonprofit organization that certifies more than 18,000 health care organization and programs throughout the world. Founded in 1951, the Joint Commission provides a national symbol of quality for health care as well as analyzes each organization’s commitment to meeting high quality performance standards. The Joint commission focuses on accrediting Acute Care Hospitals, ambulatory, behavior health, long term care, health care facilities, clinical laboratories, health care networks and hospice. Numerous of accreditation organization is also taking place within the United States, but the Joint commission remains the largest The Joint commission accredits 20,000 organization” which” one third are Hospitals. The joint commission is assigned a special task to improve health care by evaluating health care of organization as well as encouraging health organizations to provide safe and effective care at the highest level. The Joint Commission believes that the only way to improve the quality of health care is to join together with other stakeholders and evaluate each health care organization. The Stakeholder consists of 29 broad members of commissioner and cooperate members such as the American Hospital Association, and the American Medical Association. In this paper I will analyzes key topics such as the Joint Commission source and its scope of authority, the structure of the Joint commission and how its responsibilities. The Joint Commission Structure ...
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...INTRODUCTION Time and again, hospitals are often called upon to improve the quality of its various health care activities in order to better serve patients and immediate communities. A quality improvement plan thus helps in the selection of high priority areas and the utilization of evidence-based practices in conducting the improvement (Berenguer et al., 2010). In view of the healthcare improvement needs of Sunlight Hospital, this paper seeks to classify and justify five measurements of quality of care in a hospital, specify the four main features in a health care organization that can be used in the design of a quality improvement plan, and suggest the salient reasons quality of care would add value and create a competitive advantage to sunlight hospital. Five measurements of quality of care in a hospital There are several quality measures that can be used to gauge how a hospital delivers healthcare to its patients. In most cases, each quality measure targets a specific aspect of a hospital’s healthcare system. Here are five measures of quality that can be used to assess how patients perceive the quality of care provided by hospitals such as Sunlight Hospital of California. 1. Structural measures of quality Structural measures assess the infrastructure of the hospital and other healthcare areas, such as doctors’ office. The aim is to assess the level of care that can be provided by the given infrastructure. The measures may include staffing of such facilities, the...
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...Measurement and Evaluation in Performance Management Within the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Sharon R. Jones Grantham University Dr. Jacqueline Carrau- Instructor HPI 632 Evaluating Results and Benefits 23 July 2013 Health-care providers each share one common goal, which is to provide high quality care to their patients. A very effective tool to use in accomplishing this task would be to measure the performance of the organization. Measuring performance will help them to determine how well the organization is accomplishing the established goals. It will allow for an analysis of where and what changes are needed to be made in order to improve performance and to improve the quality of the care provided. If the organization measured the performance, they would be able to understand what is working well in the organization and then they would be able to share what they have learned with other like organization in order for them to learn from their successes or failures. In my research, I found that there are several reasons for measuring performance within the healthcare field. The first reason is Quality Improvement, measuring performance will tell you what you are doing well in and will show you the areas where adjustments are needed. Measuring performance in the healthcare field tells you whether or not the organization is achieving the ultimate goal of improving patient care. Transparency is another reason I found for measuring performance...
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...exceptional health care to Kittitas County and surrounding areas. KVCH provides 24-hour emergency care and offers inpatient and outpatient hospital services. KVCH's emergency department is designated as a Level IV trauma service by the State of Washington Department of Health and is staffed 24-hours-a-day by an emergency physician (About KVCH, 2012). Over the course of this paper the types of care that KVCH focuses on, the organizations mission and their QI goals will be described as well as the role of consumers in the organizations QI process. Performance Measurement vs. Quality Improvement Processes According to the operations performance measurement program, “Performance measurement is the use of statistical evidence to determine progress toward specific defined organizational objectives. This includes both evidence of tangible fact, such as measurement of hospital acquired infections, and measurement of customer perception, such as would be accomplished through a customer satisfaction survey. In a service industry such as health care, the performance measurement process starts by defining precisely the services that the organization promises to provide, including the quality or level of service (e.g. timeliness, reliability, etc.) that is to be delivered” (Performance Measurement Fundamental, 2011). Quality improvement processes main goal is to improve and assure the safety, quality, and cost efficiency of a health care organization, whereas performance measurement in reality...
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...Consumerism Most healthcare organizations are setup for the primary purpose to care for people of a community. This creed is meant to be executed at the highest level possible. Though it is evitable that business in healthcare suggests profit is an indicator of the growth of an organization but it isn’t the primary purpose of a hospital or health care facility. Consumers of healthcare aren’t receiving satisfaction from the care they receive based on the amount they paid for it, they are more interested in the quality of care and how such care is delivered. When a patient is sick and visits a hospital, most of the time, the facility must not only care for the patient but also for their loved ones, the family and friends must be carried along in the care delivery choice and process. It is imperative that organizations meet the needs of these consumers and constantly strive to improve on the quality of care. According to Ransom et. al (2008), there is six dimensions of quality organizations should address when planning improvement strategies. Quality care should be safe, effective, efficient, timely, patient centered, and equitable. What is the difference between performance measurement and quality improvement processes: Quality Improvement is a process used to enhance the quality of care provided and performance measurement is a tool by which organizations measure whether the goal for quality improvement was actually achieved (Koss, Hanold, & Loeb, 2002, p. 82). Performance...
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...some way to guide in making good decisions based on current research. The nursing profession relies heavily on current research to guide patient care with the integration of evidenced-based practice. Statistics provide valuable information to caregivers to help them understand, plan, evaluate, and improve the quality of patient care. In the acute care hospital setting there are ongoing measurements of such things as patient satisfaction, hand washing compliance rates, catheter acquired urinary tract infections, and central access infection rates, just to name a few. The collection of this data involves descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and levels of measurements. Acute care hospitals use descriptive statistics in many ways. Descriptive statistics describes raw data in the form of samples or graphs (Bennett, Briggs, & Triola, 2009). One area in which they are used in the hospital is to evaluate hand washing compliance of health care providers. According to Vincent (2003), nosocomial infections occur in approximately 30% of patients in the intensive care setting and are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Research shows that effective hand washing can prevent many hospital acquired infections (Vitez, 2010). In the hospital setting, hand washing compliance is monitored on an ongoing basis. Health care workers who come in contact with patients are observed by an unidentified member of the staff who monitors the subject upon entering and leaving...
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...Quality Improvement Plan Part One—Consumerism HCS.588 Facilitator: Patricia Wolcott September 23, 2013 Quality Improvement Plan--Consumerism The Institute of Medicine’s widespread reports, To Err Is Human (2000) and Crossing the Quality Chasm, revealed widespread incidence of medical errors in U.S. hospitals, there has been a great deal of effort to measure and improve the quality of hospital care (Institute of Medicine, 2000). Progressive input have been made in establishing quality indicators and risk adjustment components to compare quality across organizations, and in analyzing processes and cultures in high-performing hospitals. There is a vast amount of knowledge to learn about the infrastructure of hospital performance. Health care organizations performance measures may include, which hospitals are improving (or deteriorating) over time and how they accomplish and provide for that improvement. This paper will seek to develop a quality improvement plan for St. Joseph Medical Center, the difference between performance measurement and quality improvement, examine quality indicators, and explain stakeholder feedback is used in the quality improvement process. Type of care Provided St. Joseph Medical Center has provided health care to the Kansas City metropolitan area since 1874. According to St. Joseph Medical Center (2013), “It is a joint accredited, 310-bed hospital offering a full array of acute care, outpatient and extended care services with a reputation for...
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...Performance measurement is the process of using a tool based on research (a "performance measure") to evaluate a managed organization, plan or program. A responsible, providing entity can be identified, is held accountable for its observed behavior, and has a reasonable degree of control over the aspect of care being evaluated in what the term "performance" implies. The term "measurement" implies that the approach being used is rigorous and systematic. It also has to be quantifiable. In many industries performance measurement is a type of evaluation that is used. For example, a common way of evaluating car performance is to calculate miles per gallon, a performance measure. This is a simple ratio of the number of miles driven divided by the number of gallons of gas consumed. Performance measurement is now increasingly common in health care as well. Some examples of application of performance measurement are the percentage of children age 2 who receive the appropriate immunizations. This, too, is a simple ratio of the percentage of children age 2 with the appropriate immunizations divided by the total number of children age 2 in the applicable population (health program, MCO, State, etc.). Another example is the percentage of parents reporting "not a problem" in obtaining a specialist referral for their child. Again, this is a simple ratio of the percentage of parents reporting "not a problem" divided by the total number of parents in the applicable population who...
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...Quality Improvement Plan Part I- Consumerism HSC/588 Measuring Performance Standards September 9th, 2013 Debbie Simmons Quality Improvement Plan Part I- Consumerism Hospitals and other healthcare organizations in the United States are currently facing an irresistible pressure towards change. Numerous professionals in the business are projecting that “Multiple, intersecting pressures will drive the transformation of health care delivery and financing from volume-to value-based payments over the next decade” (American Hospital Association, 2013, para. 1). With the current regulatory and economic environments, hospitals are focusing most of their efforts on essential performance initiatives that are leading to success. In order to achieve success, organizations are placing focus on the establishment of quality improvement efforts. Evaluating hospital performance on any level requires an immense amount of knowledge and hard work. The goal of this paper is to create a plan for quality improvement for Kimball County Hospital (KCH) by identifying the difference between performance measurement and quality improvement, as well as key facts about the hospital, examine the role of consumers as well as quality indicators, and, explain stakeholder feedback and QI process. Quality Performance Measurement and Quality Improvement It is important to identify the difference between quality performance measure and quality improvement, as they are both useful in defining an improvement...
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...Quality Performance – Course Project 3 Name Institution Quality Performance – Course Project 3 Using the course work, it is imperative to understand further the issue facing Ever Event Hospital and measures of mitigating them. It is important to comprehend the cause of the poor quality of care with reagrds to the previous assignment analysis conducted in project-1 and 2. This will be achieved through building on the quality management plan created using the three steps of the Schwart’s Cycle—Do, Check, and Act. It is also crucial to develop balanced scorecard specific to the improvement plan through the description of performance measurement tools. Four categories of measurement will be created; both clinical and financial as well as description and justification of each. For every group, three specific measures will be established together with their calculation with respect to performance measurement as well as an explanation of performance change if the analysis is done for the entire organization. Moreover, during the discussion, there is a need to cover issues to be considered in the implementation of program improvement, collection and analysis of data, and description of desired results of the quality improvement plan. PART I Through the use of Schwart’s cycle checklist, it is possible for one to solve the issue faced within Ever Event Hospital by utilization of ‘Do,’ ‘Check,’ and ‘Act’ categories (Kizer, 2008). Schewart‘s PDCA cycle is usually used...
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...Data Analytics and Information Governance XBT Task 2- 3 Annotated Bibliographies November 2, 2015 1.) Mushtag,F. (2015). Ensuring EHR compliance for Meaningful Use. Health Management Technology, 36(7), 16-17. In this article Mushtaq is describing how Meaningful Use will improve the data quality of electronic health records. He points out what the requirements of Meaningful Use are and how it is meant to improve the EHR through The Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program. Mushtaq contends that while organizations originally put EHR systems in place to collect data, the market has shifted and health organizations as well as providers have moved more into a value based healthcare environment. He suggests that there are several steps in preparing to become complainant for the requirements for participation through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). He states that once you become complainant that EHR’s will provide relevant data, improve patient adherence, access to data that will drive improvements, and higher quality of usable data. He concludes effective compliance data will lead to higher quality of data which will allow physicians to provide better care to their patients. This article covers the importance of Meaningful Use and its relationship to obtaining quality data and is useful to bringing in or updating the EHR. The information in this article could be used to give the HIM professional ideals about how to make Meaningful Use of data...
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...INTRODUCTION: Service quality is an approach to manage business processes in order to ensure full satisfaction of the customers which will help to increase competitiveness and effectiveness of the industry. Quality in service is very important especially for the growth and development of service sector business enterprises (Powell, 1995). It works as an antecedent of customer satisfaction (Ruyter and Bloemer, 1995). With the increase of the importance of service sector in the economy of Bangladesh, the measurement of service quality became important. ISO standards are one of the measurement tools of service quality, where quality is defined as the totality of features and characteristics of a product, process or service (Islam & Ahmed, 2005). Private Banks dealing in retail banking Industry is consequently put into lot of pressures due towards increase in global competition. Different strategies are formulated to retain the customer and the key of it is to increase the service quality level. Typically, customers perceive very little difference in the banking products offered by private banks dealing in services as any new offering is quickly matched by competitors. Parasuraman et. al (1985) and Zeithaml et., al (1990) noted that the key strategy for the success and survival of any business institution is the deliverance of quality services to customers. The quality of services offered will determine customer satisfaction and attitudinal loyalty (Ravichandran et al. 2010)...
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...QI Plan Part I-Consumerism In the present time patients and families must make a decision on how to select the adequate level of care. Regulatory agencies, providers, and the government present sufficient information to guide the consumer’s decision. This article will illustrate the purpose, type of care, and quality improvement (QI) mission in an out-patient surgical center. The writer will describe the differences between performance measurements and quality improvement processes. The student will explore three external indicators and how they are put to use by customers in the QI performance. The author will examine the role of the consumers in the organization’s QI. To conclude this paper the student will elaborate how the stakeholder’s feedback is applied in the QI process. The student selected in the outpatient surgical center that provides modern, excellent, and safe care to patients whose operative needs are too demanding for the physicians office but does not require hospitalization. The mission of this organization is to provide excellent and personal healthcare, each patient comes into the center needs deliberate, plan, and highly skilled nursing attention. This care is provided in the center which has all the necessary equipment and supplies at hand. This center provides personnel with outstanding ability and positive, willing attitudes organized into competent and smoothly functioning teams. Santa Lucia Surgical Center is focused on preparing patients for...
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...initiatives designed to improve the quality of care provided. These efforts have engaged staff, patients and physicians at all levels within the hospital to measure and improve the quality and safety of patient care. At times these initiatives have seen success and failures, but with the recent push for our “big aim” quality is the major focus. The physicians, nurses, other clinicians and administrative leaders overwhelmingly agreed that Via Christi should adopt the goal of reducing serious safety events by 80 percent over the next three years. Performance Measurement and Quality Improvement Performance measurement is known as the collecting and analysis of data to determine how an organization will reach its potential (The Joint Commission, 2013). Often this type of analysis is seen in engineering, with the recent push in Via Christi, Lean design and Six Sigma black belts have joined the team in quality. A good example of performance measurement is through The Joint Commission. They have outlined a set of performance development methodology that is considered the "gold standard" in health care today. By meeting these measure hospitals can function at an optimal level regarding quality care. “Quality improvement consists of systematic and continuous actions that lead to measurable improvement in health care services and the health status of targeted patient groups” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). It would be hard to not have quality improvement and not have some...
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...services to the provider contracts for improved performance. This strategy involved integrating quality measures and efficiency incentives into healthcare and decreasing misuse and increasing utilization of resources. The most important point of P4P is to understand that this program is based, first and foremost, on the clinical performances hospitals, physicians and other healthcare professionals and are predominantly focused on evidence-based clinical practices and patient safety programs and procedures. The definition of “Pay for Performance” is described as a method of incentive payments for the...
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