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Queueing Theory


Submitted By uykusuz
Words 1845
Pages 8
There is more to life than money There is more to life than fame and There is more to life with Godiva’s chocolate
Godiva Background
Godiva Chocolatier, a Belgium chocolate manufacturer famous for its premium quality handcrafted chocolates, was founded in 1926 in Brussels by the master chocolatier Joseph Draps and it was purchased by the Campbell Soup Company which faciliatates the activities of brand aroun the World. In 2001 Godiva was purchased by the Turkish Yıldız Holding, owner of the Ülker Group. and on Februrary 1st 2013 the former owner of Godiva Chocolatier Yildiz Holding sold Godiva Chocolatier to the American food company The Kraft Foods Group. Godiva owns and operates more than 600 retail boutiques and shops in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia and is available via over 10,000 speciality retailers
Global Marketing Strategy of Godiva
Godiva is growing in the global market with accessing to new markets and new resources. The brand is very well known for its hand-made luxury chocolates and it is touching more people who have different cultures, economic environments with market development strategy(entering into new markets with existing products) and diversification strategy(entering into new markets with new products).
Key Elements of Global Marketing Strategies of Godiva
Customer Value: In fall 2009 , the chocolatier decided to go mass market and introduced a lower price line named “Godiva Gems”, intended to help customers perceive the Premium Godiva brand as more affordable or accessible. Gems are marketed as ideal for enjoying a “Little taste of Godiva chocolates anytime and anywhere.(Keegan W., Green M., 2011) At the same time it is a real response to changing marketing environmet

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...In queueing theory, Kendall's notation (or sometimes Kendall notation) is the standard system used to describe and classify a queueing node. D. G. Kendall proposed describing queueing models using three factors written A/S/c in 1953[1] where A denotes the time between arrivals to the queue, S the size of jobs and c the number of servers at the node. It has since been extended to A/S/c/K/N/D where K and D the capacity of the queue and queueing discipline[2] and N the size of the population of jobs to be served.[3][4] When the final three parameters are not specified (e.g. M/M/1 queue), it is assumed K = ∞, N = ∞ and D = FIFO. In queueing theory, Kendall's notation (or sometimes Kendall notation) is the standard system used to describe and classify a queueing node. D. G. Kendall proposed describing queueing models using three factors written A/S/c in 1953[1] where A denotes the time between arrivals to the queue, S the size of jobs and c the number of servers at the node. It has since been extended to A/S/c/K/N/D where K and D the capacity of the queue and queueing discipline[2] and N the size of the population of jobs to be served.[3][4] When the final three parameters are not specified (e.g. M/M/1 queue), it is assumed K = ∞, N = ∞ and D = FIFO. In queueing theory, Kendall's notation (or sometimes Kendall notation) is the standard system used to describe and classify a queueing node. D. G. Kendall proposed describing queueing models using three factors written A/S/c in 1953[1]...

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Bamboo House

...Queuing Theory Significance There is a very significant reason why Queuing Theory exists. Not only does it apply to a wide variety of topic, many within the business and supply chain industries, it also helps prove cause and effect. In addition to this, it provides a very logical idea of what a solution to a problem it has discovered should be. Measuring and understanding both order rate and service rate can potentially be the difference between business success and business failure. For example, if a company has too slow of a service rate, it is going to lose business because of the long wait times. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if a company focuses too much on improving its service rate instead of understanding its ratio compared to order rate, it will be misusing its very valuable resources. It is also important to have knowledge of all different types of queuing systems. Importance of Queuing Configuration As one can imagine, the importance of a queuing system configuration is very significant as well. As stated above, there are several different types of queuing systems and queuing configurations. If a business uses an improper queuing system or queuing configuration, it can suffer from one of many different negative consequences. Some examples of different types of queuing systems/queuing configurations are First Come First Served, First In First Out, Round Robin, Service in Random order, and many more. Queuing systems and configurations also vary by the number...

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Queues Management deals with cases where the customer arrival is random; therefore, service rendered to them is also random. A service organization can reduce cost and thus improve profitability by efficient queue management. A cost is associated with customer waiting in line and there is cost associated with adding new counters to reduce service time. Queue management looks to address this trade off and offer solutions to management. Queuing System To solve problems related to queue management it is important to understand characteristics of the queue. Some common queue situations are waiting in line for service in super-market or banks, waiting for results from computer and waiting in line for bus or commuter rail. General premise of queue theory is that there are limited resources for a given population of customers and addition of a new service line will increase the cost aspect to the business. A typical queue system has the following: Arrival Process: As the name suggests an arrival process look at different components of customer arrival. Customer arrival could in single, batch or bulk, arrival as distribution of time, arrival in finite population or infinite population. Service Mechanism: this looks at available resources for customer service, queue structure to avail the service and preemption of service. Underlining assumption here is that service time of customers is independent of arrival to the queue. Queue Characteristics: this looks at selection of customers...

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