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R1 Case Study Summary: Three Phase Motors Protection

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Abstract-This paper is based on the “Three phase motors protection” from various faults. This paper emphalis on various difficulties such as phase reversal in single and three phase systems, dropout of line, damage due to overload, failure of single phase there will be usually recommended to perform in complex environmental conditions. This includes in built cut-off frequency having several facilities together with timer in off condition and a starter which is automatic. This main circuit of this controllercompraises of a circuit with power supply, a latch and a counter which is used for phase sequence, timer of a motor with on and off conditions. There is a special provisions for checknhase sequence and is modified with decade counter and IC timer which simultaneously check the phase and allows the phase only if its frequency is 42Hz to 50 Hz. The dropping of line and overload which harms the motor is protected by next essential part. By using the objectives of a supply power, this controller controls the timer in on and off condition of a circuit motor and also the counter. The motor …show more content…
The triggering puller are avoided, when the period of time has been initiated. The voltage developed side to side of a capacitor C1 handled by the threshold input and output decreases to a low value due to the reaching of time period to 2/3 VS. The further trigger is possible by the discharging of a capacitor. Hence the discharger gets acquired to OV. The riding of other inputs and the cancelling of timing at any time is done by reset input that is NE5SS pin 4 by the acquiring reset to OV. This leads to the output to decrease automatically and thereby the discharging of capacitor takes place. If whenever there is no need of reset pin, it can be connected to

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