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Racist Anti-Racism In Australia

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The idea of “racist anti-racism” proposed by Ghassan Hage has prompted political discourse through continuity and change in Australia. Over recent decades, the empirical evidence displaying the extent of racism has emphasised “newly ethnicised and/or racialised groups” (Hage, 2014) that constantly shape the Australian landscape. It is particularly seen that racism is conceptualised as a “broader phenomenon of oppression which also includes sexism, ageism and classicism” (Berman, 2010, as cited by Paradies, 2006, p. 4). This recurring issue is manifested in “several forms and different intensities” (Hage, 2014) which highlights the severe implications experienced by Australians who belong to certain cultural groups. It has “constructed fearful social environments that have deprived …show more content…
The evolving nature of societal norms allowed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary law to become integrated into Australian Law to redress these inequalities through affirmative action and reflect the critical notion of national identity extending to all citizens. Moreover, Hage (2014) explores anti-racism as a strong policy which promotes racial tolerance through non-governmental organisations, programs and campaigns. Anti-racist policies advocating for “social cohesion and national unity” (Dunn et al., 2004, as cited by Jayasuriya, 2002, p. 410-411) have accommodated an increasingly pluralistic society and aimed towards eliminating racism. This has worked in conjunction with implementing the policy of multiculturalism that values racial difference, promotes cultural diversity and enhances a sense of belonging amongst minority groups. Despite the best intentions of an anti-racist politics, its approach has reinscribed racial stereotypes in an implicit way that appears to be exhibiting racism in

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