...The career that I want to pursue is all about helping people and having interacting with one another. This career is involves working in a hospital. This job makes a big difference because you can help lots of people every day that are in need. I want to become a radiologist because I want to change peoples lives. Instead of doing surgery to see a problem within your body, you are often used advanced medical imaging to find the issue. A radiologist is a medical doctor who used technology such as x-rays and MRI’s to treat and diagnose patients. They use machines that scan parts of your body in certain ways. Radiologist then read images to figure out problem going on inside your body. After reading the images, they recommend a course of treatment...
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...Ninety percent of radiologists get paid over 166,400 thousand dollars a year (careeronestop.com). The employment rate for this career is increasing rapidly (careeronestop.com). Moreover, it is predicted that there will be an increase of twenty percent in radiologist from the year 2008 to 2018 (careeronestop.com). On average, radiologist that are employed full-time receive about forty vacation days in a year, and another ten days to further educate themselves (acr.org). A career in which one working full time works an average of fifty hours a week, and receives a plethora of money is hard to say no to. In order to become a radiologist, one must have a four year college degree, and spend four years in medical school (jobshadow.com). Afterwards, one must get an internship, get a four-year residency, and spend one to two years under fellowship (jobshadow.com). It does not seem like much in two sentences, but it is in fact much more difficult than just that. One must sacrifice much of their time in order to perform well in school, and to receive a good score on the entrance examinations (jobshadow.com). “You have to stand out. In order to get into medical school, one has to show dedication and commitment” (Telleria, Juan, interview, October 12, 2011). The problems do not stop at medical school because everyone will be taking general classes to become a doctor (jobshadow.com). It is up to the individual to be responsible for finding out information about radiology because of the...
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...Career To accomplish anything in life there needs to be plan and a path to get there. Especially to the career I attend to pursue. Anything in life that i plan to achieve i must predicted a way to get there. I must have to created start goals, that will get me throughout my careers path that will help me successfully become who I dream to be. The career that i have in mind when I first began college was nursing, however, today want to become technician radiologist. Which I mind pursuing in further path of career. I chose to pursue this career because my early childhood I knew that I wanted to be in the healthcare industry, but entering my adult life never new what exactly i wanted to be. So i choose nursing, than physical therapy, than medical...
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...Proposal for Individual Research Paper: Your Name here To provide guidance for your individual project, you are to submit a Proposal for Individual Project by the end of Session 4. The Proposal should address the following seven questions. Rename the template including your name (e.g. Proposal for Individual Project_yourName.doc or .docx) and submit your proposal in the assignment folder “RsrchPaperProp”. I. What is the thesis of your paper? A strong Research Paper has a good thesis. Your thesis statement is a point of view in response to a research question. Read more about how to write a thesis statement here: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/1/ |Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, exceeded only by lung cancer. Digital Breast Tomosynthesis | |(DBT) or 3D Mammography in conjunction with conventional computed tomography (CT Scan) mammography is proving to be more successful| |in detection and possible prevention of Breast Cancer than conventional methods alone. | II. Who is the audience of your paper? It is important to have a well-defined audience in mind when you write your paper. Hopefully you will be able to define an authentic audience that may be relevant in some way to your current job and/or career goals. |ITEC610 class members, IT management, UCSP615 professor & class members | | ...
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...photographic plates. The Eastman Dry Plate Company became Eastman Kodak in 1892. George Eastman came up with the name Kodak himself, after experimenting with many names starting and ending in K, which he considered to be a “strong, incisive kind of letter”. Kodak is now a world renowned company, which ranks as a premier multinational corporation and one of the 25 largest companies in the United States. George Eastman was born in Waterville, New York on July 12, 1854 and moved with his family to Rochester, New York in 1859. He dropped out of school in 1868, at the death of his father. He was poor, but even as a young man, he took it upon himself to support his mother and two sisters, one of whom was severely handicapped. He began his business career as a 14-year old office boy in an insurance company and followed that with work as a clerk in a local bank at age 19. He studied accounting at night to be able to advance in his job. His passion for photography began with the purchase of his first camera in 1878. The invention of the dry-plate process took one year and many sleepless nights trying different formulas. According to his mother, sometimes he was too tired to undress and slept on the kitchen floor. In 1879 he filed first patent for a machine that coated dry photographic plates and founded the Eastman Dry Plate Company. He didn't concentrate on perfecting lenses and trying to rival sophisticated European makers of photo equipment. Instead, he developed the Brownie, a box camera...
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...Identifying and Reducing High Staff Turnover Introduction The Information Technology Department (IT) at ABC Hospital is comprised of the following Teams: Radiology IT, Radiation Oncology IT, Lab IT, Cardiology IT & Peri-operative IT Teams. The focus of the IT Department is to provide IT Support for the clinical applications utilized by the respective departments that they support. The IT department focuses on application support, incident management, project management, and a strong focus on customer service. Customers include Physicians, Radiologists, Technicians, Nurses, Clerical Staff, Billing staff, and Administrative Staff. The IT Staff is customer facing, they are required to interact with stakeholders on a daily basis. IT also serves as a liaison between the clinical departments and the technical IT Departments within ABC Hospital. IT focuses on understanding the IT needs of each department and verbalizes this in technical terms to the technical IT Department. IT department is staffed with eleven staff members and is managed by one Manager. Each IT sub department has a Team Lead who is directly responsible for each team meeting all IT & Clinical Department goals & objectives. Brady Consulting Services has been hired by ABC Hospital to provide an analysis and recommendations on the cause for high staff turnover within the IT Department. Over the past 2 years the IT Team has seen a high volume of staff turnover within the Lab IT, Radiation...
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...Advertising | | | | X | X | | | X | | | X | X | | | | | | | | 2–3 Starnes-Brenner Machine Tool Company – To Bribe or Not to Bribe | | | | | X | | X | | | | | | | | | | X | | | 2-4 Ethics and Airbus* | | | | X | X | X | X | | | | | | X | | | | | | | 2–5 Coping with Corruption in Trading with China | | | | | X | X | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2–6 When International Buyers and Sellers Disagree | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | X | | | | | 2-7 McDonald’s and Obesity | | | | X | X | | | | | | X | X | X | | | X | | | | 3-1 International Marketing Research at Mayo Clinic | | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | 3–2 Swifter, Higher, Stronger, Dearer | | | | | | | | X | | | X | | | | | | | | | 3-3 easyCar.com | | | | | X | | X | X | | | X | X...
Words: 50890 - Pages: 204
... MI 48109, USA bZnstitute for Safety and Systems Management and Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA Abstract This paper reviews the literature on the social impacts of programmable manufacturing technology (PMT). Several perspectives on the social impact of technology are identified ranging from simple additive models that view technology as having a set of individual and independent causal impacts to a contingency perspective which views the impact of technology as dependent on technical and organizational characteristics. The paper statistically summarizes 30 empirical studies within the 1986-1990 period and finds common trends in findings as well as contradictory evidence. The common trends are that PMT tends to lead to more organic organizations, but also meets with negative employee attitudes, stress, and perceptions of reduced job security and mobility. The contradictory evidence is that most studies report simple, additive effects, while a substantial portion find that the impacts depend on a wide range of contingency variables. The authors argue that simplistic views of PMT as being a homogeneous set of technologies with unidirectional, non-contingent social impacts is neither realistic nor useful. A number of future research directions in this area are suggested. Keywords. Social impacts of technology; Programmable ing; Sociotechnical systems; Organizational design automation; CAD/CAM; Manufactur- 1...
Words: 14431 - Pages: 58
...House of Commons Health Committee Modernising Medical Careers Volume II Written evidence Ordered by The House of Commons to be printed 8 November 2007 HC 25-II, Session 2007-08 Published on 14 November 2007 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £20.50 The Health Committee The Health Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department of Health and its associated bodies. Current membership Rt Hon Kevin Barron MP (Labour, Rother Valley) (Chairman) Charlotte Atkins MP (Labour, Staffordshire Moorlands) Mr Ronnie Campbell MP (Labour, Blyth Valley) Jim Dowd MP (Labour, Lewisham West) Sandra Gidley MP (Liberal Democrat, Romsey) Dr Doug Naysmith MP (Labour, Bristol North West) Mike Penning MP (Conservative, Hemel Hempstead) Mr Lee Scott MP (Conservative, Ilford North) Dr Howard Stoate MP (Labour, Dartford) Mr Robert Syms MP (Conservative, Poole) Dr Richard Taylor MP (Independent, Wyre Forest) Powers The Committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet via www.parliament.uk. Publications The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the Internet at www.parliament.uk/healthcom Committee staff The current staff...
Words: 137745 - Pages: 551
...Organ Transplant in the United States Stephanie Daniels UCA Certificate of Authorship I hereby certify that I am the author of this document and any assistance I received in preparing this report is fully acknowledged. I have also cited in APA format all sources of data, data analysis, ideas, words, phrases, or sentences. I also hereby certify that I have not submitted this paper to any other professor, at Webster University or elsewhere, during the course of my educational career. I have properly cited and acknowledged material that was presented in previous papers of my authorship. Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………3 Organ Transplant…………………………………………………………………………..4 What Organs and Tissues Can Be Donated……………………………………………….6 Organ Transplant Cost…………………………………………………………………….10 Ethical Issues: Organ Transplant…………………………………………………………..11 Strength and Weaknesses……………………………………………………………….....14 Alternatives and Key Challenges: Organ/Tissue Transplant……………………………...15 Summary and recommendations…………………………………………………………...17 References…………………………………………………………………………………19 Abstract Organ transplant experiments began in the 1800’s on animals and humans as a need...
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...1220.0 ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations First Edition, Revision 1 ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations First Edition, Revision 1 Bria n Pink Aus t r a l i a n Sta t i s t i c i a n Aus t r a l i a n Bur e a u of Sta t i s t i c s Geof f Basc a n d Gove r n m e n t Stat i s t i c i a n Sta t i s t i c s New Zea l a n d AUST R A L I A N BURE A U OF STAT I S T I C S / STATI S T I C S NEW ZEALA N D EMBA R G O : 11.30 A M (CANB E R R A TIME) THU RS 25 JUN 2009 ABS Catalogue No. 1220.0 © Commonwealth of Australia 2009 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitte d under the Copyright Act 1968 , no part may be reproduce d by any proce ss without prior written permission from the Comm onwea lth. Requests and inquirie s conce rning reproduction and rights in this publica tion should be addresse d to The Manager, Interme dia ry Manage me nt, Austr a lia n Burea u of Statistic s, Locke d Bag 10, Belconne n ACT 2616, by telephone (02) 6252 6998, fax (02) 6252 7102, or email: . In all cases the ABS must be acknowle dge d as the source when reproducing or quoting any part of an ABS publica tion or other product. © Crown Copyright New Zeala nd 2009 Statistics New Zeala nd gives no warra nty that the inform ation or data supplie d conta ins no errors. Howeve r, all care and dilige nce has been used in processing, analysing and extra tcing the informa tion. Statistics...
Words: 24282 - Pages: 98
...useful sentences for academic writing Argue a. Along similar lines, [X] argues that ___. b. There seems to be no compelling reason to argue that ___. c. As a rebuttal to this point, it might be (convincingly) argued that ___. d. There are [three] main arguments that can be advanced to support ___. e. The underlying argument in favor of / against [X] is that ___. f. [X]’s argument in favor of / against [Y] runs as follows: ___. Claim a. In this [paper], I put forward the claim that ___. b. [X] develops the claim that ___. c. There is ample / growing support for the claim that ___. d. [X]’s findings lend support to the claim that ___. e. Taking a middle-ground position, [X] claims that ___. Data a. The data gathered in the [pilot study] suggests / suggest that ___. b. The data appears / appear to suggest that ___. c. The data yielded by this [study] provides strong / convincing evidence that ___. (yielded = generated) d. A closer look at the data indicates that ___. e. The data generated by [X] is / are reported in [table 1]. f. The aim of this [section] is to generalize beyond the data and ___. In modern usage, data can also be treated as a mass / uncountable noun, like information. Before you submit your work, check whether the institution you’re writing for / on behalf of prefers data + plural verb. Debate a. [X] has fostered debate on ___. (fostered = encouraged) b. There has been an inconclusive debate about whether ___. c. The question of whether...
Words: 18316 - Pages: 74
...CHAPTER 8 DATAMATION BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE Chetan Sharma setup Datamation Consultants in August 1987 with 50,000 rupees (Rs). By 2003, he was at the head of a company with an asset base of Rs 58 crores (USD 12.7 million that year, 2003; a crore is equivalent to Rs 10 million). Chetan believes his company has shown a model for bridging the digital divide, a model that he wants to sustain as the company grows. Datamation Consultants was started with the dear aim of facilitating the inclusion of the disadvantaged in the workplace. Specifically, Datamation uses information technology (IT) training to extend job opportunities to women from socially or economically Wily disadvantaged backgrounds. Today, Datamation Consultants has 1,880 employees in 30 offices across India and more than 600 clients across ±e globe. About 30 percent of its employees are women from disadvantaged backgrounds. Datamation was one of the earliest data mining companies in the Country A data mining company maintains its own database, and occasionally buys data from other sources, depending on its client's needs, ft then sifts through the information, analyzes it, and identifies trends and patterns that add power to the client2s direct marketing effort. However, data mining is only one of the things Datamation does. Its services include software solutions, Web-based solutions, and business advisory services. 'I wanted to exploit the power of databases for marketing gains," says Chetan. "The concept...
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...UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, WINNEBA DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACTORS INFLUENCING CAREER CHOICE AMONG THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE SOUTH TONGU DISTRICT OF VOLTA REGION, GHANA DANIEL KWASI GAMELI AVUGLA JULY, 2011 UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, WINNEBA DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACTORS INFLUENCING CAREER CHOICE AMONG THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE SOUTH TONGU DISTRICT OF VOLTA REGION, GHANA DANIEL KWASI GAMELI AVUGLA (B.ED BUSINESS EDUCATION, ACCOUNTING OPTION) A Thesis in the Department of Psychology and Education, Faculty of EDUCATIONAL STUDIES Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, University of Education, Winneba, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for award of the Master of Philosophy (M. Phil Guidance & Counselling) degree JULY, 2011 DECLARATION STUDENT’S DECLARATION I, DANIEL KWASI GAMELI AVUGLA declare that this Thesis, with the exception of quotations and references contained in published works which have all being identified and duly acknowledged, is entirely my own original work, and it has not been submitted, either in part or whole for another degree elsewhere SIGNATURE: ............................................................................. DATE: ......................................................................................... SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of this work...
Words: 27516 - Pages: 111
...Traumatic Brain Injury WUT2 Task Western Governors University A. Investigated Disease Process The disease process I will be reviewing is traumatic brain injuries. A traumatic brain injury occurs when sudden trauma occurs to an individual’s brain. Traumatic brain injuries are considered closed or penetrating. Traumatic brain injuries are categorized as mild, moderate or severe based on the amount of damage that occurs to the brain. (ninds.nih.gov, 2015) A1. Pathophysiology To understand traumatic brain injuries, we must first discuss the numerous causes of brain injury. When injury occurs to the brain, the patient encounters the primary injury that is directly related and occurs at the time of the injury. Secondary injury occurs as a result of the primary injury but often leads to a more significant sequela based on the type of initial trauma. Non penetrating injuries to the cranium that lead to traumatic brain injuries are not always related to direct blows of the cranium. Rapid acceleration and deceleration injuries along with compression injuries may lead to traumatic brain injuries. This type of injuries can lead to injuries to the brain tissue that could include compression, stretching and shearing injuries to the brain tissue. These type of injuries are classified as “diffuse axonal injuries”. Diffuse axonal injuries are one of the most common and extensive types of traumatic brain injuries. These injuries often lead to death or severe irreversible...
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