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Raw Materials


Submitted By miriamco
Words 1792
Pages 8

Characteristics are qualities or features that people have. It is important to determine your raw materials that come in different forms like talents, abilities, skills, personalities, interests, passions, desires, and preferences. Often people have trouble accepting the negative, but everyone has positive and negative traits that should be accepted and worked on. Strengths, potential strengths, faults or bad habits, interests, desires, or passions, personality, and core values are the six categories of raw materials that I will evaluate for myself.

Strengths are the first category we will start on. Strengths are basically talents or abilities you have that come naturally. I conducted my self-assessment by doing the Richard Step online test and the Multiple Intelligences for Adult Literacy and Education online test. I found five top strengths. The first one is integrity which I have the ablility to keep my commitments, stay off teams that have slackers that take away all of my energy, value quality first rather than rushing and sacrificing quality, be very ethical, responsible, and say no if I see there is a lot on my plate. Secondly, curiosity is on my list. I actively take on roles that require to stay current in a fast moving field, richer learning environment keeps me energized, track learning progress and celebrate milestones, challenge myself to be an expert on a subject, love to work next to someone who will push me to learn more, learn my teaching others, and set aside money to go to training, seminars, and e-learning. Thirdly, faith is a strength I have as well. I make an effort to know my true passion and tie it to what I am doing no matter what, I respect other for learning about my family and community, I definitely give more value to greater levels of service than more money, and people may not share my beliefs but I feel they need to respect them. Next, teamwork which involves organizing my life around my close relationships, not moving around too much and enjoying close, strong, genuine bonds, knowing peoples goals helps me bond with them, being loyal, place a very high value on trust and will not betray people, building genuine trusting relationships with critical people I want around, and generosity. Last but not least, innovation is on the list. I actively seek out positions where my ideas will be valued and encouraged, search out and request ideas from others to stimulate thinking, constantly think of ideas that can improve businesses and the lives of others, I enjoy the power of words, and I need to know that everything fits together to make a decision. My strengths are varied and I can definitely say that the online assessment fits together with whom I really am and what I am good at. I do not have to put an extra effort in for these things in which I am grateful for. Potential strengths are things you think you could be good at with practice. Three things I thought about and found that with practice I could actually be pretty good at are playing an instrument, speaking in public, and reading. Growing up I was never put into music classes and I believe I could actually be good at playing an instrument. I love music, I listen to music all day and I am very coordinated with certain things. Speaking in public in front of a large audience is something that I didn’t do much in high school or afterwards. I believe if I do it many times and practice certain tricks so I wont be nervous I would get better at it and not be so scared and start shaking. When I was younger reading books was a nightmare for me. I hated to read and now I know it is because I had to read books I was not interested in. Once I got older I started reading books I like and it has helped me with my vocabulary and write better. I have to get into the routine of reading every night and I believe I could be good at reading many books and learning a lot from them.

Everybody has faults or bad habits even though we don’t like to admit them. My biggest fault is that I am very bad with numbers. I truly dislike accounting and anything that has to do with numbers. It drives me crazy. I would love to try and understand and be able to do a bit more but it is overwhelming for me. I took an accounting class last semester and this one and it definitely drains me emotionally because of how complicated it is for me. The second fault I have is that I get very nervous in stressful situations. When something stressful happens I get blocked off and I just pause I cannot continue anything. I like calm situations. I do not work well under pressure. Lastly, I am definitely not imaginative. When people talk about a product that doesn’t exist and they say imagine it being like this or that, it is very hard for me to do that. I need a picture or something to see to be able to understand it. When I go into a house that is being built and they say this area is going to be the bathroom, this one the kitchen and so forth I cannot imagine anything, I like seeing things finished. I conducted this self-assessment by asking my husband who gladly communicated to me all of my faults. From these faults I have learned to try and stay away from these things and just not tell anybody especially by boss. Interests, desires, and passions are what drive people to do amazing things. One of my passions is to cook. Since I was a little girl I used to watch my grandmother and mother cook. I would sit with them for hours while they made delicious things to eat. There was a lot of bonding time while they were cooking and I truly miss doing that with my grandmother. Cooking makes me forget about everything else going on in my life I just focus on cooking. Growing up my family did not have a lot of money. Thank G-d we had everything we needed but I knew things were tight. A passion of mine is to work and make a lot of money so I can give back to my parents and hope they can stop working and just relax so they do not have to be worried about paying bills and having a little commodities once in a while. I think about everything they gave me when there was barely anything and I want to give back to them much more. A desire of mine is to be able to leave my children something when I am not here. I hope I can leave them a company they can manage or money they can invest for their futures. I came up with these interests, desires, and passions on my own. From this I learn that if I focus on these things I will get things done right.

When thinking about my personality I took the Bid Five Personality Test Report online and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. The tests gave me similar answers. I am a very conscientiousness person. I am disciplined, efficient, and well organized in the things that I do. I am a compassionate person who is eager to please, and good natured. My openness to experiences is not very open. I am a traditionalist, down to earth, practical, and conservative. Mostly I am reserved and quiet. I have to feel safe with somebody in order for me to open up and really say exactly what I believe. I am a relaxed person but when things get stressful I get nervous. There are things in my personality, which are very good attributes and others that I know I have to work on and try to get better at them.

Everybody has different core values in their lives. Family is the most important core value I have. Having the whole family close is extremely important for me. We are used to seeing each other a lot and spending quality time together. We see our extended family at least once a week where we have dinner together in someone’s house. Every week we rotate the houses we go to. If we went to one uncle’s house then we go to my aunt’s house and so on. Honesty is as equally as important. If you are not honest in life things will go very wrong for you. Eventually things will catch up and depending on what you were not honest about you will get different consequences. When I say I am going to do something I always do them. That goes along with honesty. I always try to help others. I put myself in other people’s shoes before saying things about them because you never know what the other person is going trough or how he or she is feeling. Maybe if you were put in the same position you would act the same way or worse. Therefore, you should always try and help other that are worse off than you and are reaching up for just someone to help him or her. When someone finishes talking to me I always try for the person to be happy after. I do not like drama or for people to feel bad. Core values are very important in everybody’s lives. They are what make you act like you do in certain situations.

In conclusion, knowing your raw materials is very important. My strengths involve integrity, curiosity, faith, teamwork, and innovation. My potential strengths are playing an instrument, speaking in public, and reading more. My faults are that I am bad with numbers, I get nervous in stressful situations, and that I am not imaginative. My interests, desires, and passions are cooking, being able to make money, and leaving something for my kids. My personality is conscientiousness, compassionate, not an open person, reserved, and quiet. My core values are family, honesty; helping others, put myself in other people’s shoes, and making people happy. My faith that is in my strengths go along perfectly with my core values. Teamwork also complements me putting myself in other people’s shoes. If I could fix some faults maybe it could help my other traits like, being a little more imaginative, it could make me more open. After having all of my raw materials put out like this I feel like I know myself better and I can work on things that can contribute to me being a better person.

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