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Submitted By Ccai
Words 2791
Pages 12
Assignment 16 Priority Management Assessment
Answer the following questions with the following scale:
1= Not at all 2 = Rarely 3 = Sometimes 4 = Often 5= Very often 1 | I prioritize my tasks every day and work from my priority list. | 3 | 2 | I work hard to complete tasks on time and not put them off until the last minute. | 2 | 3 | I take time to plan and schedule the next day’s activities the night before. | 5 | 4 | I make time during my daily schedule to study and get my projects completed so that I can have more quality time at home. | 3 | 5 | I study and get my work done before I take fun breaks. | 4 | 6 | I analyze my assignments to determine which ones are going to take the most time and then work on them first and most often. | 2 | 7 | I have analyzed my daily activities and determined where I actually spend my time. | 4 | 8 | I know how to say “No”, and do so frequently. | 3 | 9 | I know how to avoid distractions and how to work through unexpected interruptions. | 3 | 10 | I do not let “fear of the unknown” keep me from working on a project. | 2 | 11 | I know how to overcome apathy and boredom toward a project. | 1 | 12 | I know how to fight and overcome my laziness. | 3 | 13 | I know how to re-frame a project that may not interest me so that I can see the benefits from it and learn from it. | 4 | 14 | I know how to breakdown a major, complex, or overwhelming task to get it done in pieces and then put it all together. | 3 | 15 | I build time into my schedule on a daily or weekly basis to deal with “unexpected” interruptions or distractions. | 2 | My total score = 44
You need to work hard to change your priority management skills and learn how to set real goals. Procrastination is probably a major issue for you, causing you much stress and worry. Working from a priority list can help you greatly.

Assignment 17
Common distractions Common distractions | My plan to Overcome These Distractions | Friends/family dropping by unexpectedly | I will try to avoid as much as I can, tell them that I have a lot works to solve next day. And please don’t bother me. | Technology (playing on YouTube, Facebook, iTunes, Google, etc.) | During studying or working time, I will turn my phone off. Keeping in black and white screen for receiving phone call or messages in emergency case. Avoiding using social media network. | Constant phone calls that do not pertain to anything in particular or of importance. | I will not pick up the phone and let message to my voice mail for later. | Not setting aside any time during the day to deal with “ the unexpected” | If the situation is importance, I will solve it as soon as possible and back up to my work. | Friends/family demanding things of you because they do not understand your schedule or commitments. | I will explain to them and deal with them to have good balance between and work and my family demanding. Of course, my work will be priority. | Not blocking private time in your daily schedule. | Spending time for work is more importance than so if my work more than, I will take my private time to complete my work. | Being unorganized and spending hours upon hours piddling and calling it “work” | It is not good method to separate works because it maybe bring to you distractions and might be let you in confusion and lack of completing job perfectly. Therefore, it will better that you make a plan for working and studying in detail. | Playing with your children or pets before your tasks are complete (and not scheduling time to be with them in the firstly place) | Avoiding that thing to focus on tasks and after completing, I will back with them. | Saying “yes” when you need to say “no” | It will bring to you serious problem causing to miss or late you task deadline because you don’t know what will happen if you say “yes” with the party the day before deadline and you think you will finish it tomorrow. If you said “yes”, just have fun a little bit and turn back to your work as soon as possible. | Other distractions you face… | Laziness, pay to prepare for long time and not focus immediately to main point. |

Assignment 18
Test Your Stress.
Take the following stress assessment to determine the level of distress you are currently experiencing in your life. Check the items that reflect your behavior at home, work, or school, or in a social setting. 1. Your stomach tightens when you think about your schoolwork and all that you have to do. | X | 2. You are not able to sleep at night | X | 3. You race from place to place trying to get everything done that is required of you | X | 4. Small things make you angry. | X | 5. At the end of the day, you are frustrated that you did not | X | 6. You get tired throughout the day | X | 7. You need some type of drug, alcohol, or tobacco to get through the day. | X | 8. You often find it hard to be around people. | | 9. You don’t take care of yourself physically or mentally. | | 10. You tend to keep everything inside. | X | 11. You overreact. | X | 12. You fail to find the humor in many situations others see as funny. | | 13. You do not eat properly. | X | 14. Everything upsets you. | X | 15. You are impatient and get angry when you have to wait for things. | X | 16. You don’t trust others. | | 17. You feel that most people move too slowly for you. | X | 18. You feel guilty when you take time for yourself or your friends. | X | 19. You interrupt people so that you can tell them your side of the story. | | 20. You experience memory loss. | | Total number of Check Marks = High stress

Assignment 20 Multi-intelligence Survey After reading this statement, rate your response using the scale below: 3 = Often Applies 2 = Sometimes Applies 1 Never or Almost Never Applies Response | Statements | 3 | 1. When someone gives me directions, I have to visualize them in my mind in order to understand them | 2 | 2. I enjoy crossword puzzles and word games like Scrabble | 3 | 3. I enjoy dancing and can keep up with the beat of music | 2 | 4. I have little or no trouble conceptualizing information or facts | 2 | 5. I like to repair things that are broken, such as toasters, small engines, bicycles and cars | 1 | 6. I enjoy leadership activities on campus and in the community | 1 | 7. I have the ability to get others to listen to me | 3 | 8. I enjoy working with nature , animal, and plants | 2 | 9. I know where everything is in my home, such as supplies, gloves, flashlight, camera and CDs | 1 | 10. I am a good speller | 2 | 11. I often sing or hum to myself in the shower or car, or while walking or just sitting | 2 | 12. I am a very logical, orderly thinker | 3 | 13. I use a lot of gestures when I talk to people | 2 | 14. I can recognize and empathize with people’s attitudes and emotions | 3 | 15. I prefer to study alone | 2 | 16. I can name many different things in the environment, such as clouds, rocks, and plant types | 2 | 17. I like to draw pictures, graphs, or chart to better understand information | 2 | 18. I have a good memory for names and dates | 2 | 19. When I hear music, I “get into it” by moving, humming, tapping, or even singing. | 3 | 20. I learn better by asking a lot of questions | 2 | 21. I enjoy playing competitive sports | 1 | 22. I communicate very well with other people | 2 | 23. I know what I want and I set goals to accomplish it | 2 | 24. I have some interest in herbal remedies and natural medicine | 2 | 25. I enjoy working puzzles or mazes | 1 | 26. I am a good storyteller | 1 | 27. I can easily remember the words and melodies of songs | 2 | 28. I enjoy solving problem in math and chemistry and working with computer programming problem | 3 | 29. I usually touch people or pat them on the back when I walk to them | 3 | 30. I understand my family and friends better than most other people do | 3 | 31. I don’t always talk about my accomplishments with others | 3 | 32. I would rather work outside around nature than inside around people and equipment | 3 | 33. I enjoy and learn more when seeing movies, slides, or videos in class | 3 | 34. I am very good listener and I enjoy listening to others’ stories | 3 | 35. I need to study with music | 1 | 36. I enjoy games like Clue, Battleship, chess, and Rubik’s Cube | 3 | 37. I enjoy physical activities, such as bicycling, jogging, dancing, snowboarding, skateboarding, or swimming | 2 | 38. I am good at solving people’s problems and conflicts | 3 | 39. I have to have time alone to think about new information in order to remember it | 2 | 40. I enjoy sorting and organizing information, objects, and collectibles | Refer to your score on each individual question. Place that score beside the appropriate question number below: Score | | | | | Total Across | Code | 1 | 9 | 17 | 25 | 33 | 12 | Visual/ Spatial | 2 | 10 | 18 | 26 | 34 | 9 | Verbal/Linguistic | 3 | 11 | 19 | 27 | 35 | 11 | Musical/Rhythm | 4 | 12 | 20 | 28 | 36 | 10 | Logic/Math | 5 | 13 | 21 | 29 | 37 | 13 | Body/Kinesthetic | 6 | 14 | 22 | 30 | 38 | 9 | Interpersonal | 7 | 15 | 23 | 31 | 39 | 12 | Intrapersonal | 8 | 16 | 24 | 32 | 40 | 12 | Naturalistic | MIS Tally Top Score | 13 | Code | Body/Kinesthetic | Second Score | 12 | Code | Interpersonal | Third Score | 10 | Code | Logic/Math |

Assignment 21
The LEAD - Learning Evaluation & Assessment Directory
After reading the statement, rate your response using the scale below. The LEAD is based, in part, on research conducted by Rita Dunn (1993) 3 = Often Applies 2 = Sometimes Applies 1 = Never or Almost Never applies Reponses | Statements | 1 | 1. I remember information better if I write it down or draw a picture of it. | 3 | 2. I remember things better when I hear them instead of just reading or seeing them. | 1 | 3. When I get something that has to be assembled, I just start doing it. I don’t read the directions | 2 | 4. If I am taking a test, I can “see” the page of the text or lecture notes where the answer is located | 3 | 5. I would rather the professor explain a graph, chart, or diagram than just show it to me | 3 | 6. When learning new things, I want to “do it” rather than hear about it | 3 | 7. I would rather the instructor write the information on the board or overhead instead of just lecturing | 3 | 8. I would rather listen to a book on tape than read it | 2 | 9. I enjoy making thins putting things together, and working with my hands | 1 | 10. I am able to quickly conceptualize and visualize information | 2 | 11. I learn best by hearing word | 2 | 12. I have been called hyperactive by my parents, spouse, partner, or professor | 2 | 13. I have no trouble reading maps, charts, or diagrams | 2 | 14. I can usually pick up on small sounds like bells, crickets or frogs, or distant sounds like train whistles | 3 | 15. I use my hands and gesture a lot when I speak to others |

Score | Total Across | Code | 1 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 13 | 9 | Visual | 2 | 5 | 8 | 11 | 14 | 14 | Auditory | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 | 11 | Tactile |

Lead score
My top score : 13
Code : Auditory

Assignment 23
The Personality Assessment Profile After reading the statement, rat your response using the scale below: 3 = Often applies 2 = Sometimes applies 1= Never or Almost Never applies Responses | Statement | 1 | 1a. I am a very talkative person | 3 | 1b. I am a more reflective person than a verbal person | 2 | 2a. I am very factual and literal person | 1 | 2b. I look to the future and I can see possibilities | 3 | 3a. I value truth and justice over tact and emotion | 2 | 3b. I find it easy to empathize with other people | 2 | 4a. I am very ordered and efficient | 3 | 4b. having freedom from control | 3 | 5a. I am a very friendly and social person | 3 | 5b. I enjoy listening to others more than talking | 3 | 6a. I enjoy being around and working with people who have a great deal of common sense. | 2 | 6b. I enjoy being around and working with people who are dreamer and have a great deal of imagination | 2 | 7a. One of my motivating forces is to do a job very well | 2 | 7b. I like to be recognized. I am motivated by my accomplishments and awards. | 2 | 8a. I like to plan out my day before I go to bed | 3 | 8b. When I get up on a non-school or non-work day, I just like to let the day “plan itself” | 3 | 9a. I like to express my feelings and thoughts | 3 | 9b. I enjoy a great deal of tranquility and quiet time to myself | 3 | 10a. I am a very pragmatic and realistic person | 1 | 10b. I like to create new ideas, methods, or ways doing things | 2 | 11a. I make decisions with my brain | 3 | 11b. I make decision with my heart | 2 | 12a. I am a very disciplined and orderly person | 3 | 12b. I don’t make a lot of plans | 3 | 13a. I like to work with a group of people | 2 | 13b. I would rather work independently | 3 | 14a. I learn best if I can see it, touch it, smell it, taste it, or hear it | 3 | 14b. I learn best by relying on my gut feelings or intuition | 2 | 15a. I am quick to criticize others | 2 | 15b. I compliment other very easily and quickly | 1 | 16a. My life is systematic and organized | 2 | 16b. I don’t really pay attention to deadlines | 3 | 17a. I can be myself when I am around others | 3 | 17b. I can be myself when I am alone | 3 | 18a. I live in the here and now, in the present | 2 | 18b. I live in the future, planning and dreaming | 3 | 19a. I think that if someone breaks the rules, the person should be punished | 3 | 19b. I think that if someone breaks the rules, we should look at the person who broke the rules, examine the rules, and look at the situation at hand before a decision is made | 1 | 20a. I do my work, then I play | 3 | 20b. I play then do my work |

Refer to your score on each individual question. Place that score beside the appropriate question number below Score | | | | | Total Across | Code | 1a 1 | 5a 3 | 9a 3 | 13a 3 | 17a 3 | 15 | E-Extroverted | 1b 3 | 5b 3 | 9b 3 | 13b 2 | 17b 3 | 14 | I-Introverted | 2a 2 | 6a 3 | 10a 3 | 14a 3 | 18a 3 | 14 | S-Sensing | 2b 1 | 6b 2 | 10b 1 | 14b 3 | 18b 2 | 9 | N-intuitive | 3a 3 | 7a 2 | 11a 2 | 15a 2 | 19a 3 | 18 | T-Thinking | 3b 2 | 7b 2 | 11b 3 | 15b 2 | 19b 3 | 18 | F-Feeling | 4a 2 | 8a 2 | 12a 2 | 16a 1 | 20a 1 | 8 | J-Judging | 4b 3 | 8b 3 | 12b 3 | 16b 2 | 20b 3 | 14 | P-Perceiving | PAP Scores My higher score is 15 | ( E or I ) E | Code Extroverted | My higher score is 15 | (S or N ) S | Code Sensing | My higher score is 13 | ( T or F ) Both | Code Feeling | My higher score is 13 | ( J or P ) P | Code Judging |

Assignment 26
Identifying, Analyzing & Improving Your Money Managements Skills
Over the course of the new three days, write down every cent you spend, including fuel, food, bottled waters, childcares, newspaper etc.- every cent. After three days, analyze you spending habits and determine at least five ways that you can cut expenses DAY #1 | DAY # 2 | DAY#3 | 1. 1 Banana 0.50 2. 1 Apple 0.50 3. Chicken nuggets $3.79 | 1. 1 Banana 0.50 2. 1 Apple 0.50 3. Milk $2.00 | 1.1 Banana 0.502. 1 Apple 0.503. Milk tea $4.79 | Total for Day#1 $4.79 | Total for Day#2$3.00 | Total for Day#3$5.79 | | | |

Analyzing my spending habits: Every days I have eat one banana and one apple.

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Criminal Justice Paper

...Terrica Thomas Mr. David Makhanlall Eng 090 12-11-11 My journey as a writer is when I do my papers I have to make sure that I have the correct grammar and no misspelled words. Because when write you want to make sure that your papers flows and that you stay on topic. Because you as a writer wants the people to understand what they are reading. Because your paper have to have so meaning to it and it have to have some clarity to. When I revise my papers it make me look at the things I done wrong. Like when I have misspelled words I can correct them and when I have sentences that don’t make sense and I take the out. When I write I make the mistake of writing a lot of write on sentences. I have to make sure that I don’t do that anymore. I have to make sure that I don’t forget the punctuations because I have the habit of not putting them where they belong and stuff. When I was writing my paper on my mother I think that I did a good job but I think that I could have writing about her goals in life. What she has done with her life right now and what she wants to do right now. I could have talk a little more about what she has done for me when I was growing up. What she had to do to raise three girls on her own. The pattern of errors that I need to work on is run on sentences. Because when I write I can write a sentence that can go on and on forever without a period. A sentence fragment when I write I tend to write a sentence that don’t make any sense...

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...reading and writing various forms of academic discourse • To further an awareness of oneself and others through the exposure to, study of, and experiences with the written word Course Breakdown INTRODUCTION Introduction and Diagnostic Exam Grammar Review Elements of Style by Strunk and White RESEARCH Definition of Research Research Topic Problematique and Thesis Statement CRITICAL THINKING Understanding and Evaluating Data Introduction to Reaction Papers BASIC ELEMENTS OF WRITING Audience, Point of View, Levels of Language, Voice, Style Structure of the Essay Proofreading and Editing PRE-WRITING Ideas and Data-Gathering Sources and Kinds of Sources Introduction to Report Writing Organizing Ideas Introduction to Concept Papers TECHNIQUES IN WRITING Kinds of statements Making Assertions Art of Persuasion Documentation and Plagiarism Introduction to Position Papers Requirements: Report 15% Reaction Paper 15% Concept Paper 15% Position Paper 15% Research Paper 20% Research Journal (Blog) 10% Class Participation 10% House Rules: 1. English Only Policy will be observed inside the classroom during class time 2. 6 absences = a grade of 5...

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