...QUESTION PAPER POSTAL /SORTING ASSISTANT 2009 - ENGLISH AND MATHEMATICS APTITUTDE TEST- DECEMBER 2009 PART 1 – ENGLISH ( Select the most appropriate word/set of words) 1. The word most nearly opposite in meaning to Valor a. admonition b. Injustice c. Cowardice d . Generosity 2. The word most nearly similar in meaning to tentative a. Prevalent b. Portable c. Making d. Experimental 3. The pair whose relationship is most like the relationship expressed in the pair beggar: beg a. Medium- Advise b. Mediator: Disagree C. Mercenary : Demand d. Mentor : Guide Fill in the Blanks ( Question 4-10 ) 4. We list confidence in him because he never ------------------his promise. 5. Her true feelings --------------- themselves in her sarcastic asides; only then was her ------------- revealed 6. Technically glass is a mineral and --------------- a. Water so b. water is so c. so is water d. so water is 7. Rajasthan --------------- a very climate a. ha b. being c. having d. with 8 One of the least effective ways of storing information is leaning a. how repeat b. repeating c. to repeat d. Repeat 9 Many modern architects insist on------------------ materials native...
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...Answers 1. a) The passages says that, idealism is the epistemological doctrine that nothing can be directly known outside of the minds of thinking beings, which does not mean that nothing at all can be known outside the mind. 2. d) The passage says that, Hegel asserts that the twin aims of philosophy are to account for the contradictions apparent in human experience and also simultaneously to resolve and preserve these contradictions by showing their compatibility at a higher level of examination. 3. d) The topic idealism falls under the branch of philosophy and it is also a theory. 4. d) Hegel admitted that his ideas were not new to that of the existing ones and that he merely felt he needed to complete them. Explanation for questions 5 to 7: Correct Answer: ABA ‘Since’ indicates a consequence. Since they failed to conquer (subjugate) the tribes, they built a wall to keep out, or ‘exclude’ the tribes. The question at the end suggests that this attempt was misguided (or overoptimistic’) as no wall can ‘deter’ the determined. The word ‘deter’ is also better than the other options as the wall was to exclude the natives not to conquer or limit them. Explanation for Questions 8 to 10: Correct Answer: BDD. You need to know that ‘bantering’ means ‘playful’. So, although the talk seemed playful, it actually masked bad feeling. Here we have a ‘good word’ followed by ‘bad word’ situation. Hence we choose ‘amicable’ for the good word, and ‘antagonism’ for the bad. The first...
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...21 minutes and 25 minutes respectively. FIITJEE SOLUTIONS TO JEE(ADVANCED)-2013 CODE PAPER 2 3 Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 180ase read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose. INSTRUCTIONS A. General: 1. This booklet is your Question Paper. Do not break the seals of this booklet before being instructed to do so by the invigilators. 2. Blank papers, clipboards, log tables, slide rules, calculators, cameras, cellular phones, pagers and electronic gadgets are NOT allowed inside the examination hall. 3. Write your name and roll number in the space provided on the back cover of this booklet. 4. Answers to the questions and personal details are to be filled on a two-part carbon-less paper, which is provided separately. These parts should only be separated at the end of the examination when instructed by the invigilator. The upper sheet is a machine-gradable Objective Response Sheet (ORS) which will be retained by the invigilator. You will be allowed to take away the bottom sheet at the end of the examination. 5. Using a black ball point pen darken the bubbles on the upper original sheet. Apply sufficient pressure so that the impression is created on the bottom duplicate sheet. B. Question Paper Format 6. The question paper consists of three parts (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics). Each part consists of three sections. Section 1 contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of...
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...แนวแน-ไมฟุงซาน 4.ชีวิตควรเปนอยูอยางไร ? มิจฉาปฏิปทา 9.อวิชชา 8.นิวรณ5 7.ทุจริต3 6.ไมสํารวมอินทรีย 5.ขาดสติสัมปชัญญะ 4.ขาดโยนิโสมนสิการ 3.ขาดศรัทธา 2.ขาดสดับสัทธรรม 1.ไมไดเสวนาสัปบุรุษ สัมมาปฏิปทา 9.วิชชา/วิมุตติ 8.โพชชงค 7 7.สติปฎฐาน 4 6.อินทรียสังวรณ 5.สติสัมปปชัญญะ 4.โยนิโสมนสิการ 3.ศรัทธา 2.สดับสัทธรรม 1.เสวนาสัปปบุรุษ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 อะไรเปนอะไร สวนใหญเกิดจากสวนยอย อุภโตภาควิมุตติ เจดตวิมุตติ ปญญาวิมุตติ จิตตัสเสกัคคตา สัมมาสมาธิ สัมมาสติ สัมมาวายามะ สัมมาอาชีวะ สัมมากัมมันตะ สัมมาวาจา สัมมาสังกัปปะ สัมมาทิฎฐิ เอกัคคตา ฌานสมาบัติ กรรมฐาน 40 one-pointed mind Right Concentration Right Mindfulness Right Effort Right Livelihood Right Action Right Speech Right Thought Right View จิตมั่นชอบ ระลึกชอบ พยายามชอบ อาชีพชอบ กระทําชอบ วาจาชอบ ดําริชอบ เห็นชอบ ตั้งมั่นแนวแน มีสติกํากับตัว เพียรพยายาม ยังชีพชอบ เกื้อกูลกัน พูดกอประโยชน คิดไมเอนเอียง เห็นตามสภาวะ สติปฎฐาน 4 กาย เวทนา จิต ธรรมานุปสสนา กาลามสูตร 10 อยาเชื่อ เพราะ.. ฟงตามกันมา ถือสืบตอกันมา คําเลาลือ อางตํารา/คัมภีร อางตรรกะ อนุมานเอา ตรองตามเหตุผล เขากับทฤษฎีตน ผูพูดนาเชื่อถือ ผูพูดเปนครู อริยสัจ 4 รูสภาพปญหา/ทุกข รูเหตุแหงทุกข/สมุหทัย รูการดับทุกข/นิโรธ วางวิธีการ/มรรค ขอดี/ขอดอย/โอกาส SWOT สัปปุริสธรรม 7 รูหลัก/รูเหตุ รูผล/ความมุงหมาย กุศลธรรม รูตน ชี้ใหชัด/ชวนใหปฎิบัติ รูประมาณ เราใหกลา/ปลุกใหราเริง รูกาล รูชุมชน รูบุคคล โยนิโสมนสิการ 1.สืบสาวเหตุปจจัย 2.แยกองคประกอบ 3.รูเทาทันธรรมดา 4.คิดแกปญหา/อริยสัจ4 5.อรรถธรรมสัมพันธ 6.คุณโทษ/ทางออก...
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...1. According to Little’s law, under process 1, the average processing time would be 500 / 1000 = 0.5 month or 0.5*30 = 15 days. Under process 2, the average requests undergoing processing is LIR + LA + LB = 375. So, the average processing time is 375 / 1000 = 11.25 days. Therefore, the average processing time was reduced. For approved requests, we can calculate the average processing time as (200*0.25*0.7 + 200*0.25*0.10 + 25*0.7 + 150*0.10) / 200 = 0.3625 = 10.875 days. Hence, we see that the processing time for approved requests did improve. 2. According to the critical path method the first step should be to identify the different activities. In this case we have 15 weeks in the semester, to complete the whole 15 cases. Description Read Case Gather Data Search Literature Load in Data Run Computer Analysis Write/type case Time (days) 1 4 3 1 4 4 Precedence None Read case Read Case Gather Data Load in Data Search Literature & Run According to the critical path developed Task 1, 2 and 3 would take 3 week to finish, task 4 and 5 would take another week to finish and task 6 takes 1 more week to finish. In conclusion the whole project would take approximately, 14 weeks to finish...
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...评估分析&建厂计划书 通泰光电(泰州)有限公司 公元 2012 年 3 月 计 划 书 目 录 壹、公司概况………………………………………………… 1 贰、产业及产品市场分析…………………………………… 5 A、全球车辆电子产业现况与未来趋势………………………… B、智能车辆驱动车用影像感测芯片市场起飞……………… C、汽车科技简介:夜视系统 Night Vision System………… 5 … 13 ……17 参、竞争力分析………………………………………………31 肆、营销策略…………………………………………………33 伍、风险评估与因应对策……………………………………35 陆、资金运用及设厂说明……………………………………38 柒、 预估营收及获利………………………………………… 39 i 壹、公司概况 禧通科技公司总部座落于新竹县新竹工业区内,拥有汉阳与光复两厂 房。禧通科技拥有世界一流的光电半导体磊晶及芯片量测设备、制程设备 及射频组件封装及测试设备,配合专业实务及设计能力,生产高质量磊芯 片及晶粒。 1 一、基本数据 禧通成立于 2001 年 1 月 资本额:新台币 7.7 亿元 董事长:赖利温 博士 员工:126 人 产品:砷化镓半导体光电组件: ◇ 太阳能电池 (Solar Cell) ◇ 面射型雷射 (VCSEL) ◇ 射频组件封装及测试 (Assembly & Testing) 主要产品市场 聚光型太阳能发电厂、 太阳能手机、 太阳能汽车、 卫星用太阳能电池、 监视器用雷射光源、 雷射鼠标、 3G 手机、GPS、 无线通信网络、卫星通讯。 (一) 厂房、设备投资与产能 1. 厂房 禧通科技集团座落于新竹县新竹工业区内,拥有汉阳与光复 2 两厂房, 总和办公室及厂房楼地面积为 7,400 平方公尺, 其中 无尘室为 2,000 平方公尺; 于大陆投资的子公司 「通泰光电(泰 州)有限公司」自有厂房面积 6,828 平方公尺。 2. 现有设备 设备名称 MOCVD H2 气体纯化器 N2 气体纯化器 PL mapping X-ray Etching CV profiler MOCVD Scrubber 真空高温炉 毒气侦测器 金相显微镜 曝光机 光阻涂布机 有机酸碱 Bench Hot plate α -step E-gun 快速热退火机 贴片机 研磨机 上蜡机 抛光机 金线焊线机 O2 Plasma 金相显微镜 Scriber Cleaver 芯片翻转机 椭圆测厚仪 切割机 反射率量测仪 用途 磊芯片成长 气体纯化 气体纯化 发光波长与均匀性确认 组成成分及膜质量判定 膜层浓度量测 废气处理 Carrier 及 parts 烘烤 全厂毒气侦测 磊芯片表面分析 光罩 pattern 曝光显影 光罩 pattern 曝光显影 芯片清洗 烘烤 测厚 金属与 dielectric film 镀膜 Film annealing 芯片贴片 芯片研磨 芯片上蜡 芯片抛光 打线 去除光阻 观测芯片表面 芯片划线 芯片劈裂 芯片翻转 镀膜测厚 切取 solar chip 膜反射率量测 数量 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 6 3 2 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 5 1 3 SEM 太阳能仿真器 太阳能仿真器 mapping UPS 不断电系统...
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...questions to address the areas of concerns, which is intended to provide clear information for Tasty Restaurant to move forward for improvement. 1. “The food of Tasty Restaurant is well prepared and satisfying”. STRONGLY AGREE (5) AGREE (4) NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE (3) DISGREE (2) STRONGLY AGREE (1) 2. “Tasty Restaurant has a well maintained menu and has interesting types of food”. STRONGLY AGREE (5) AGREE (4) NEITHER AGREE NOR DISAGREE (3) DISGREE (2) STRONGLY AGREE (1) 3. What is the atmosphere of the restaurant? (A) Romantic (7) ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: (1) Distracting (B) Unappealing (1) ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: (7) Appealing (C) Comfortable Décor (7) ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: (1) Uncomfortable Décor 4. “Compared to a neighboring restaurant’s friendliness, Tasty’s is”. SUPERIOR ABOUT SAME INFERIOR ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ 1 2 3 4 5 5. “I plan on visiting Tasty Restaurant in the next 30 days”. Yes___ No___ 6. EXTREMELY FAVORABLE 5 4 3 2 1 EXTREMELY UNFAVORABLE Staffs are friendly ___ Staffs are positive about their job ___ Staffs are competent about the menu ___ 7. “What type of service does Tasty have”? Fast (7) ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: (1) Slow Uncomfortable (1) ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: (7) Comfortable Professional (7) ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: ___: (1)...
Words: 383 - Pages: 2
...count < 100 is always true at Point A count < 100 is always false at Point C 3 0 AB CD 1 3 5 7 9 Pattern C The program may not stop because of the phenomenon referred to as numerical inaccuracy for operating with floating-point numbers. The program compiles despite the semicolon (;) on the for loop line, and displays 14. The for loop in this program is same as for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { }; System.out.println(i + 4); add 0.01, 0.02, i is 4 followed by 9 is not prime The program compiles and runs, but it is not effient and unnecessary to execute the Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); statement inside the loop. You should move the statement before the loop. int count = 0; while (count < 10) { System.out.println("Welcome to Java"); count++; 10 int count = 0; while (count++ < 10) { System.out.println("Welcome to Java"); 10 int count = 0; do { System.out.println("Welcome to Java"); count++; } while (count < 10); 10 int count = 0; do { System.out.println("Welcome to Java"); } while (count++ < 10); 11 int count = 0; do { System.out.println("Welcome to Java"); } while (++count < 10); 10 nt count = 0; do { System.out.println("Welcome to Java"); } while (count++ < 9); System.out.println(count); 10 double sum = 0; for (double d = 0; d < 10;) { d += 0.1; sum += sum + d; The program compiles and runs fine. for (int i = 0; i<10; ++i) { sum += i; } ...
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...evaluation of training and learning These instruments for training and learning evaluation and follow-up were developed by W Leslie Rae MPhil, FITOL, Chartered FCIPD, who is an expert in this field, and author of over 30 books about training and learning. These materials are free for personal and organizational use subject to the terms stated (basically, retain the copyright notice, accept liability for any issues arising, and don't sell or publish the materials). This document contains the essential end-of-programme validation, feedback and follow-up instruments: most ready for use, others for you to develop to suit your own situation. You will make better use of these systems if you read the section on training and learning evaluation on www.businessballs.com. Instruments such as the ones included here are the most effective way of: a) determining what the participants have learned b) giving the learners time to reflect on their learning during the programme prior to their completion of their post-training personal action plan c) getting useful feedback in an organized manner, to help with future training planning, and d) ensuring trainees and learners follow-up their training with relevant actions to apply, improve, develop and reinforce learning attained. The document contains two alternative learning evaluation instruments; two suggested approaches to post-training personal action planning, and four types of 'reactionnaire' for post-training...
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...LB5002:03 – DATA MANAGEMENT AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO5111:03 – BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Assignment 1: Emergent Technologies The purpose of this assignment is to introduce and familiarise students with examples of emerging information technologies and concepts. Assignment 1 consists of two tasks. TASK 1 (5%) Task 1 is an individual task. In this task, each student is required to conduct research on emergent information technology topics. Students are then required to post at minimum of two topics they have researched on the LeanJCU discussion board. TASK 2 (25%) Task 2 is a group assignment with students working in groups of two or three. Each group will select an emergent technology topic from the posted list from task 1. Each group will then write a report and a presentation on the selected topic. The composition of each group will be confirmed and finalised on Session 2 (Townsville – Saturday, 29/10/07, Cairns – Sunday, 7/10/07). Required for task 2: Task 2 involves a group presentation and a written report on the selected emergent technology topic. Both the presentation and report should highlight today’s capabilities of the selected emergent technology by: • • • • • • Describing the technology, its features and functionality (not technical components); describing how organizations can potentially use the technology to improve business performance; describing how organizations are currently using it; identifying issues and risks managers that should know about;...
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...QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS I. Profile of respondents 1. Name (Optional) ___________________________________________________ 2. Gender ________ Male ________ Female 3. Age ________ 17 and above ________ 15-16 years old ________ 13-14years old ________ 11-12 years old 4. Civil Status _______ Single _______ Married 5. Type of Curriculum ________ Basic Education Curriculum ________ Special Science Curriculum 6. Year Level ________ First Year ________ Second Year ________ Third Year ________ Fourth Year II. Consequences of having a boyfriend/ girlfriend while studying Directions: Read each item carefully and ascertain your views on how having a relationship with the opposite sex affect one’s studies. Put a check mark on the appropriate column opposite the items in the questionnaire using the following code: 5- Strongly Agree 3- Agree 1- Disagree 4- Moderately Agree 2- Slightly Agree Consequences of being commited 5 4 3 2 1 1.Having high grades 2.Having failing grades 3. Joining school affairs 4.Active participation in classes 5. Being friendly 6. Ability to socialize with others 7. Being distracted in Studies 8.Being Inspired 9.Being Matured 10.Ability to distinguish what’s wrong and right III. Effects of having a relationship with the opposite sex to one’s studies Directions: Read each item carefully and ascertain your views on how having a relationship...
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...STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The study aims to understand the different cause of computer games addiction and manage their time on study and playing games. Specifically this study seeks to answer this following questions: 1. What are the cause of computer games addiction as perceived by the students? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being addicted to computer games? 3. What are the proposed ways to eradicate computer games addiction? PANPACIFIC UNIVERSITY NORTH PHILIPPINES Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan Name: (Optional) ____________________ Gender: ________ Age : ___ Course: _________ Computer Addiction This study attempts to determine the problems encountered by the students of PUNP that affect their performance in addiction of computers. I. Study the effects and cause the students in computer games addiction. Direction: Put checkmark on the space provided that affect and cause in computer games addiction Problem 1. I prefer playing games to spend time with my friends 2. I find satisfaction in playing games 3. I think playing computer games is the answer to my problem 4. I prefer playing sports game in computer rather than playing it in real-life situation 5. I build interconnection with other computer gamers 6. I want online games to gain respect to other students 7. I prefer playing online games for pastime 8. I feel frustrated if I did not...
Words: 587 - Pages: 3
...Ethnological Museum for there is a great variety of racial types. (b) India is well-known as a land of great varieties. Because, there is a great variety of racial types. Of these : A. (a) is correct (b) is wrong B. (b) is correct (a) is wrong C. (a) and (b) are correct D. Both (a) and (b) are wrong Ref: NR IAS ACADEMY’s Class Room Discussion 104. What is special about the following personalities? Pandit Ravi Shankar, M.S.Subbulakshmi and Satyajit Rey. A. Recipients of Bharat Ratna Award B. Recipients of Lalit Kala Academy Award C. Recipients Sangeet Natak Academy D. Recipients of Padma Vibhushan Award NR IAS AC AD EM Y A. 41 C. 30 B. 35 D. 28 109. Find the Missing term A. 12 C. 16 B. 18 D. 24 1 Ref: NR IAS ACADEMY’s Director Dictated short cuts in class Room. India GK Vol-2 Pg.33...
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...Databases John Smith CSCI 109 Professor Jones September 16, 2007 Databases and spreadsheets are applications used for managing data. A database organizes information on a particular subject for retrieval (Stille, 2010, p.1). It is a “collection of related data that can be easily stored, sorted, organized, and queried” (Evans, Martin & Poatsy, 2001, p.510). Almost any kind of data that needs organizing can be put into a database. Databases increase efficiency and therefore provides for data centralization. An advantage of databases is that they are flexibly organized, enabling reorganization of the information (p.511-515). Microsoft Access is the most common database storage application for windows. In the days before computers, bookkeepers and accountants used a paper ledger booklet for keeping financial records and all calculations were done manually. The age of computers brought applications that could store data and perform complex calculations. Spreadsheets allow the user to track simple data, perform complex calculations and create charts and graphs. One of the first applications was Visi-Calc, which became Lotus 1-2-3. These days Excel commands most of the market of spreadsheet applications (Stille, 2010). A monthly budget is an essential tool for any businesses financial success. A budget created on a spreadsheet gives a clear picture of the overall financial condition of the company. By using a spreadsheet to compose a budget, quick modifications...
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...and then make calculations based on the information. When personal computers first began appearing, one of the first applications was a program released in 1979 called VisiCalc. It was used as a tool for performing spreadsheet style calculations that would have been to difficult to do on a calculator. The program quickly became so popular that people began buying personal computers for their businesses just so they could use VisiCalc. VisiCalc Since then, many other spreadsheet programs have been popular over the years, such as Quattro Pro and Lotus 123. Microsoft Excel was first released in 1985 with newer versions being released every couple of years. The most recent version is Excel 2003 (version 11). © Stephen O’Neil 2005 Page 1 Of 17 www.oneil.com.au/pc Using Microsoft Excel Getting Started How Do Spreadsheets Work? Computer spreadsheets are based on their old paper formats. A spreadsheet on a computer uses rows and columns to record information such as text and numbers, such as the example below. Graduates from University 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total Nursing Law Art Science Music Total Graduates 3,982 5,001 1,060 2,646 480 13,169 3,999 5,330 1,870 2,300 390 13,889 4,012 4,998 1,509 2,100 389 13,008 4,350 5,200 1,777 2,222 410 13,959 3,330 5,120 1,670 3,100 376 13,596 3,500 5,101 1,830 1,998 296 12,725 23,173 30,750 9,716 14,366 2,341 80,346 Average Minimum Maximum 2,634 480 5,001 2,778 390 5,330 2,602 389...
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