...individual reflective journal (30%) Individual Negotiation Reflective journal (30%) Due date is on Tuesday week 13 The objectives of this assignment are to: Assess student’s ability to apply the knowledge and understanding of cross cultural management and negotiation learnt in this course by critically reflecting on negotiation simulations. Assess student’s ability to identify and analyses issues that were critical to the processes and outcomes of the negotiation simulations. Assess student’s ability to plan for a negotiation. Specific Tasks: This assessment item include four sections each approximately 500 words in length. In Part 1 of your journal, you are required to critically reflect on negotiation simulations from Week 9 to 11 and apply appropriate cultural, communication and negotiation theory/ies to identify and evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses. In part 2 of your journal, you are required to critically reflect your final negation simulation on week 12 and identify your improvements and evaluate processes and application while including effective and ineffective strategies and tactics compare with week 9 to 11. In Part 3 of your journal, you are required to identify the most significant ethical issues surrounding the negotiation simulations from week 9 to 12 and provide recommendations on how could you avoid the issues. Your individual negotiation plan for the Final Group Negotiation Simulation in Week 12 forms Part 4 of your reflective journal...
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...Self-reflective journal report of my learning experience in my ADR class. Self-reflective journal report of my learning experience in my ADR class. ADR Journal ADR Journal Reflections Since I started this course I have participated in three role play/ interactive exercises. I started this course without being prepared, I did not know or have any idea what this course will be all about. I totally got the surprise of my life when we were told we would be participating in classroom activities and online quizzes. It was totally different from my other courses. I felt so cautious because I did not want to lose any marks. I prepared myself to try as much as possible to listen to instructions and follow them to the letter, I promised myself I would try as much as possible to get an A if not an A+ in this course. The first exercise which was the magic ring was full of surprises for me. It taught me all about being part of a team, communication and patience. It also made me realise that I could be open and friendly not only to people from my ethnic background but with anyone from around the world. I thought I would just be a silent participator, but I found out I enjoyed the activity and I always looked forward to the next one. I believed I performed averagely during the first in-class activity but I improved really well during the next one, then I performed averagely in the role playing activity. In the role playing activity in which I acted the part of a seller, I acted...
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...04/02/2015 REFLECTIVE DIARY Cultural Differences and People Management – BLDE606.2 REFLECTIVE DIARY Cultural Differences and People Management – BLDE606.2 Module leader: Dr Dawn Williams Seminar teacher: Fiona O’Connor Student name: Charlotte Marcenac Student ID: W151350741 Module leader: Dr Dawn Williams Seminar teacher: Fiona O’Connor Student name: Charlotte Marcenac Student ID: W151350741 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Table of contents II. Introduction III. A module providing a greater understanding of culture self-awareness, through the process of cultural pluralism IV. Reflecting on the political rights of women in France and Saudi Arabia across the concept of masculine societies V. Cultural Shock: a concept perceived as a disease, or a learning process of cultural differences? VI. Difficulties to demonstrate high and low context from you culture, but a strong relation with other cultural patterns to help. VII. The importance of rituals, symbols, beliefs when negotiating with the Chinese culture, as example: the meaning of a gift VIII. Cross cultural management: the relationship between managers and employees in France compare to Australia. IX. Conclusion X. References INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION According to Schön (1983), reflective practice enables people to involve in a process of continuous learning, by learning from experiences. This reflective report is...
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...A Review of the Role of Gender in Conflict Resolution and Leadership The value of effective conflict resolution and leadership skills cannot be understated. As more and more women are moving into decision-making positions, the issue of whether there are gender differences in the ability to manage conflict and to lead effectively has become an important concern. This literature review examines 14 studies that address the role of gender in conflict resolution and leadership. Studies from areas of conflict resolution, negotiation, and leadership are included. Evidence is provided that while women and men are, in fact different from one another, neither outperforms the other in all situations. In fact, while some researchers claim a male advantage in a male-oriented world, others assert a feminine advantage for 21st century leaders. Implications for women leaders are included. Conventional wisdom says that conflict management skills are important if individuals are to function effectively at any level within an organization. They are a particularly important part of effective leadership. As more and more women are moving into decision-making positions, the issue of whether there are gender differences in the ability to use conflict management skills to lead effectively has become an important concern. In fact, some researchers have expressed skepticism about women’s abilities to fit in to the masculine managerial world. As far back as 1979, Powell and Butterfield found that...
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...Unit Handbook Applied Management Project (BSS000-6) Induction Week 5th - 11th February 2014 ------------------------------------------------- Submission Date: 28th April 2014 Unit Leader Simon Reilly Course Co-ordinators MSc Finance and Business Management – Piotr Konwicki (Pathway Leader: Sanawar Choudhury) MSc International Business and Management – Simon Reilly and Brinder Saigal MSc Marketing and Business Management – Carmine de Vita MSc Business and Management – Rosemary Burnley MSc Information Systems & Business Management – Markus Haag Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. How the AMP works 2 3. AMP tutorial support 4 4. Handing in the AMP interim, main and reflective reports 5 5. Main Report structure 6 6. Reflective Report format 7 7. Academic offences 8 8. Referencing 10 9. Assessment marking 10 10. Assessment criteria 11 Appendix 1 - Submitting your Work through BREO 17 Appendix 2 - Guide to Referencing 18 Appendix 3 - Unit Information Form 22 Appendix 4 - AMP Session Timetable 30 Appendix 5 - AMP Suggested Time Line 31 1. Introduction This unit is completed at the end of the taught part of your programme. You have successfully completed the first two semesters of study and therefore should have a thorough grasp of the taught elements of the programme. You will be expected to draw on the learning that you have achieved during the taught units. The Applied Management Project (AMP) is the final assessed...
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...NAME: ARNEJO, MURIELLE ANNE C. BEED-ECEIII 1.Reflected diary-A reflective journal is a means of recording ideas, personal thoughts and experiences, as well as reflections and insights a student have in the learning process of a course. In addition to the demands of a typical written assignment (e.g. able to give definition on concepts, demonstrate basic understanding of course materials), reflective journal requires the students to think more deeply, to challenge their old ideas with new incoming information, to synthesize the course materials they have learnt into their personal thoughts and philosophy, and also to integrate it into their daily experiences and future actions. The benefits of the reflective learning process are usually accumulated over a period of time, in which the students usually show a series of developmental changes, personal growth and changes in perspectives during the process. 2.journal-journal is an academic magazine published on a regular schedule. It contains articles written by experts in a particular field of study, based on research or analysis that the author, or authors, did. That research might include case studies in the medical field, primary source research in the field of history, or literature analysis. Journal articles are written for experts or students of that particular field who have an advanced field-specific vocabulary and knowledge. A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis;...
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...Unit Handbook Applied Management Project (BSS000-6) Induction Week 17th- 21st September 2012 Submission Date: Monday 10th December 2012 MSc Finance & Business Management MSc International Business & Management MSc Marketing & Business Management Contents 1.Background to the unit 2 2.How the AMP works 2 3.AMP induction timetable 4 4.AMP tutorial support 4 5.Handing in the AMP report and reflective report 5 6.Main report format 6 7.Reflective report format 7 8.Academic offences 8 9.Referencing 10 10.Assessment marking 10 11.Assessment criteria 11 Appendix 1 - Applied Management Project Marking Scheme 13 Appendix 2 - Submitting your Work Through BREO 18 Appendix 3 - Guide to Referencing 19 Appendix 4 - Unit Information Form 23 Appendix 5 - AMP Session Timetable......................................................................29 1. Background to the unit This unit is completed at the end of the taught part of your programme. You have successfully completed the first two semesters of study and therefore should have a thorough grasp of the taught elements of the programme. You will be expected to draw on the learning that you have achieved during the taught units. The Applied Management Project (AMP) is the final assessed piece of work of the Masters Programme. It is designed to simulate a real management situation, giving you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to...
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...[pic] | | |REFLECTIVE JOURNAL | | MAI LAM | |ID: 11114980 | |Class: Thursday 3pm | |Tutor: Cameron | | | Table of Contents The article “ Carbon Complex” ________________________________ Page 1 – 3 Relevant Law & Analysis to article “ Carbon Complex” _____________ Page 4 - 6 The article “Lifecycle” _________________________________________ Page 6 – 7 Relevant Law & Analysis to article Lifecycle _______________________ Page 8 – 9 Self-assessment and feedback sheet _______________________________ Page 10 REFLECTIVE JOURNAL “CARBON COMPLEX” BY JOSEPHINE CLARKE ARTICLE INFORMATION: CARBON COMPLEX Author: JOSEPHINE CLARKE Publisher: FINANCIAL REVIEW Date Published: April 2011 Volume 12 SUMMARY: Author Josephine Clarke’s article “Canbon Complex”, illustrated the management and approach to control, manage two of the Australia’s big steel manufacturers. The article relates to Onesteel’s CEO, Geoff...
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...Introduction: The purpose of this essay is to discuss the managerial role which involves Fayol’s four functions. The Fayol four functions are planning, leading, organizing and controlling. The essay shows whether the Fayol’s four function theory is relevant to roles of manager in reality. The essay also looks into the influence of economic and technological factors on the work of the manager. The manager that was interviewed is Mr.T and he is working as operation director in Company S. Company S is a part of manufacturing industry in Malaysia. He has been working in this industry for the past twelve years as an operating director in Company S. Company S collects waste materials like old computers, tins, glasses and computer components from multi-national companies and large industries. After that, the company S will process the waste materials and finally sell the processed materials to other industries and companies. Mr.T is assigned as operating director of the company which can be considered to be top level management. Responsibilities of top level managers are controlling the entire organization and to develop goals, strategic plans and make major decisions in the company (…). He also lead the workers to achieve to the company’s objectives and targets. Management is a process of where individuals work together and use the knowledge and skills to improve the efficiency and opportunity enhancement of the company, in order to achieve particular objectives (Hussain, Lucas...
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...conscious capacity to develop personal competence and self respect” (Humanistic Psychology Overview, 2001). This view of humanistic psychology shows why a humanistic approach is valuable and effective when working with patients who have a terminal illness, such as cancer. This paper will provide an example of a humanistic approach by a medical professional in providing care to a terminally ill patient. This paper will also provide a reflection of my feelings on the approach, my thoughts on how I would prefer a human service worker to work with me in such an instance, and discuss how unconditional positive regard would be presented under these circumstances. The following example is from Jill Preston’s article in the Journal of Community Nursing, Using Reflective Practice in Palliative Care (2001). Brenda is a patient who was diagnosed with breast cancer and was treated with a mastectomy and radiotherapy. Three years later, Brenda presented back pains to her physician. It was discovered that Brenda had a metastatic tumor on her spine, a terminal condition. Jill Preston was a nurse from the district nursing service who provided Brenda with care. Jill had only visited Brenda three times in the past two months. During the next visit, Jill was shocked to find Brenda looking so pale. Jill greeted Brenda, who smiled. Jill then sat on the bed and had passive conversation about the...
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...wants to expand the business and increase the business profits. Both of the partners were able to come to an agreement at the mediation to hire a temporary employee for three months. This would free up Jo to develop new models for business expansion and a phase out plan for Bill to retire over the next five years. It was helpful to read Peter Condliffe's Conflict Management as well as Tania Sourdin's Alternative Dispute Resolution to understand the role and methods of mediations. The book covered in detail how a mediation is to be conducted as well as how to assess the strengths and weakness of a mediator. Some of the journals I've read, especially the once I've referenced below helped me understand the importance of active listening. emotions and how important it is to effectively assess them in mediation. It was very helpful to read the journals as well as the text to understand that regardless of how neutral a mediator might be, they do in fact effect the outcome of mediations. Issues raised in Mediation, Issues left Unresolved in Mediation & Solutions Reached in Mediation There were a number of issues raised during the mediation. The main issue...
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...knowledge to students. In order to try and improve the learning experience of students undertaking a course in Information Systems, the research team, with considerable experience in online learning, tried to combine objectivist lectures with a moderate constructivist learning process facilitated by a WebCT online resource. This paper presents the design and development of such an e -learn ing environment and discusses how e -learning can be applied to complement and support traditional on-campus teaching. The e -learning resource aims at providing students with content materials, self-assessment facilities, case-study materials and infrastru ctures for online learning activities. A higher degree of peer discussion, interaction and social negotiation is therefore achieved through group case-study analysis and project work. The resource was designed using an established educational systems des ign (ESD) methodology and evaluated by tutors and students. KEYWORDS E-learning; instructional systems design; ISD; online education;...
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...Constructivism: A Holistic Approach to Teaching and Learning Janet Giesen Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center Northern Illinois University Introductions • Your name • Your department or unit • Your experiences or knowledge of constructivism • Why have you joined us today? Overview • Learning cycle • Constructivism – Learning theory – Process – Instructional strategy • Classroom applications • Instructor and student roles Learning Cycle or “5 E’s” Engage Extend Evaluate Explain Explore How would you define constructivism? A definition of constructivism Fundamentally, constructivism says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. Source: Thirteen Ed Online (2004) Constructivism is a learning theory • Learning is an active process • Knowledge is constructed from (and shaped by) experience • Learning is a personal interpretation of the world Sources: Christie (2005); Kruse (n.d.) Constructivism is a learning theory • Emphasizes problem solving and understanding • Uses authentic tasks, experiences, settings, assessments • Content presented holistically – not in separate smaller parts Sources: Christie (2005); Constructivism is a process – the instructor • Adapt curriculum to address students’ suppositions • Help negotiate goals and objectives with learners • Pose problems of emerging relevance to students • Emphasize hands‐on, real‐world experiences...
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...Kiasu-ism - a Singaporean culture? Edward B. Tyler defines culture as “the complex whole which includes … and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man (and woman) as a member of society”. In this sense, I think Kiasu-ism can be defined as a Singaporean culture. “Kiasu” is a word, though commonly used in many Asian countries, applies most to the Singaporean context and, often, one of the first few words that foreigners pick up in Singapore. It is not surprising that it has now been added to the oxford dictionary as an English word. In a recent survey conducted by advantage and British-based Barrett Values Centre, 2000 local residents were polled to see how they perceive the Singapore society today. ‘Kiasu’ was the top choice for the vast majority of the respondents in the survey. Originating from the Hokkien dialect, Kiasu can be literally translated as ‘afraid of losing out’. Singapore’s insistence on meritocracy resulted in its expulsion from Malaya in 1965. Speaking at the National Achievers’ Congress 2012, Robert Kiyosaki cited Kiasu-ism as a possible reason for Singapore’s meritocratic rise as a nation. However, one cannot dispute that there are negative connotations of this quality. Since the government rewards an individual based on his merit, Singaporeans have become obsessed with doing all that is possible to keep themselves ahead of their peers. This obsession has intensified with the influx of foreign talent due to globalization. In today’s...
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...Fordism and Taylorism are responsible for the early success and recent decline of the U.S. motor vehicle industry Ronald Jean Degan International School of Management Paris 2011 Working paper nº 81/2011 globADVANTAGE Center of Research in International Business & Strategy INDEA - Campus 5 Rua das Olhalvas Instituto Politécnico de Leiria 2414 - 016 Leiria PORTUGAL Tel. (+351) 244 845 051 Fax. (+351) 244 845 059 E-mail: globadvantage@ipleiria.pt Webpage: www.globadvantage.ipleiria.pt WORKING PAPER Nº 81/2011 Setembro 2011 Com o apoio 2 Fordism and Taylorism are responsible for the early success and recent decline of the U.S. motor vehicle industry Ronald Jean Degen Ph.D. Candidate at the International School of Management Paris Vice Chairman of Masisa Chile Address: E-mail: rjdegen@gmail.com Phone: +55 21 8068 9000 Av. Pasteur 333 Botafogo/Urca Lancha Ovelha Negra Iate Clube do Rio de Janeiro 22290-240 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil 3 Fordism and Taylorism are responsible for the early success and recent decline of the U.S. motor vehicle industry Abstract This paper identifies the ways in which the ideas of Fordism and Taylorism have been responsible for the success of the U.S. motor vehicle companies until 1955, and for their subsequent decline. On three occasions, the motor vehicle industry has changed the fundamental ideas on the process of manufacturing, and, perhaps more significantly, on how humans work together to create value. Under Fordism...
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