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Relationship Between Exchange Rate and Inflation


Submitted By Zain24
Words 5793
Pages 24
The Relationship Between Exchange Rate and Inflation in Pakistanby Shagufta KashifAbstractThere has been a long-standing interest in studying the factors that are responsible for uneven vacillation in the stable growth of the world economies. Lots and lots of theoretical literature and empirical evidences have addresses this issue in the past. Hike in prices of goods and services and foreign exchange are two important aspects which are deemed responsible for such potholed fluctuations in the economic growthThe volatility of the nature of prices is a major source of concern in all countries since 1970s. The issue is of a more serious nature in the developing countries where inflation in foreign countries known as “imported inflation” is seen to be driving “local/domestic inflation”; making domestic policies to control inflation ineffective. Similarly, in Pakistan, the domestic price level rose from the mid-1970s. The exchange rate started depreciating continuously from the early 1980s. Continuous devaluation of currency and inflation in the 1980s seems to suggest a correlation between the two variables.The studies by Rana and Dowling (1983) suggest that foreign inflation is the most influencing factor in explaining the change in local price level in nine less-developed countries of Asia during the period 1973-79. This study suggests that these countries cannot exercise much control over domestic inflation, however, the policies of their major trading partners (through exchange rate) had a significant impact on their domestic prices. Cooper (1971) and Krugman and Taylor (1978) have also studies this relationship.This research paper will provide the empirical evidence regarding the relationships between foreign exchange reserves and inflation, focusing on the period between 1993-2010. We will use the Ordinary Least Square model to determine the long run relationship.Our

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