...to do because the article is based on the marriage relationship, but if I was to change the marriage part I could very much relate to this article. The disclosure on just a relationship works the same the way, because without proper communication a relationship can turn sour really quick. Without knowing what the other person in the relationship is thinking then one could assume that the relationship is either a bust or things are going well. Based on a relationship stand point I have dated and some relationship I just did not find that I was happy or there were things about the individual that I did not like and I am pretty sure that they felt the same way about me bout we did not communicate this to each other therefore we just separated. After reading the article seeing that a lot of the past relationships that I was in ended really bad this could have been avoided by just talking to the individual and finding out what each other disclosures were. I do feel that the disclosure in a relationship is important after reading the article because it’s the back bone of the communication part of the relationship. Leaving out the disclosure is like leaving out a main ingredient in a recipe it will not allow the relationship to move further north or move to be positive because of the lack of the true communication from both parts of the relationship. Gender may play a part in some relationships because, men may see that the female may be nagging and complaining to just complain...
Words: 621 - Pages: 3
...Interpersonal Communications As social animals, relationships play a huge role in every individual’s life. They shape one’s life at the micro and macro level. This means that relationships can be made up of a bond between two people or a bond that is as large as a connection between entire societies. While it is important to understand the full range of how relationships affect one’s life, it is essential that each relationship type gets the full attention that it deserves. One of the types of relationships that is most common in the United States is known as “friends with benefits.” This “friends with benefits” type of relationship is a complex relationship that is typically grouped with another type that is known as casual hook ups, but this grouping is done erroneously because they are two very different types of relationships. Friends with benefits is a type of relationship that is defined as an understanding between two people that are friends and choose to engage in sexual behaviors while holding no emotional ties or feeling obligated to be committed to one another. This definition allows us to see that a friends with benefits relationship is more complex than a casual hook up. The reason that most people tend to confuse the two is because they both disassociate sexual actions from romance and feelings, but that is where the similarities end. A casual hook up is also known as a one night stand. Most casual hook ups involve sleeping with different people, many...
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...aspects of this are shown in his relationship with the major. He doesn't give the major much time and is short in his responses “I’ve been in France.” The major asking a simple question and Hilliard is almost sarcastic in his response. This could be because Hilliard is tired of the home fronts view of war and that he doesn't want to continue what feels is a discounted view of what war is. However the Major is an old man and perhaps he is a little out of touch but this may be because people don't update him on how war changes. This shows a hypocritical nature within Hilliard as he is angered by the home front’s naivety but doesn't elect to tell them how its changed. It creates a relationship between the characters of discontent in Hilliard’s view of him within their relationship. Also this use of short, sharp and blunt sentences in common within Hill’s writing style which usually represents annoyance when used in speech. This quote is representative of this. Another aspect of the Major and Hilliard’s relationship is the idea that they don’t really have conversation they just talk at each other, without really listening on responding. “you weren't a cavalryman”… “oh, i do,” especially when the major talks back to Hilliard, he doesn't really take in what he says and responds he just talks at him. This shows a invalidity in their relationship. Perhaps it’s not really real, its been created as many relationships were of the time. Many relationships were very transparent and didn’t...
Words: 1775 - Pages: 8
...Workplace romance is defined as a mutually desired relationship that includes physical attraction between two members of the same organization. Workplace romance is consensual and mutually welcomed (Clarke 2006). More specifically, as with other romances, workplace romances are characterized by desiring to be with the other person and feelings of emotional and physical attraction, which may lead to a sharing of personal information, mutual caring and respect, and quite likely sexual behavior such as touching, kissing and hugging, and sexual intercourse (Pierce, Byrne, and Aguinis 1996). Consensual relationship agreements, in my opinion, are a good idea for the workplace. They help ensure that even if a relationship goes bad between a person of authority and a subordinate, no one will be held legally liable. Signing a consensual relationship agreement does not cause either party to waive all of their rights regarding sexual harassment or other wrongful behavior that might evolve at a later date. However, it may include an arbitration provision. If any adversarial action is later contemplated, the matter must be resolved through arbitration proceedings and not the public court system. This has been an issue many times in the past with co-workers fraternizing with each other and later filing lawsuits because the relationship did not work out as planned. Consensual relationship agreements are just an ingenious way of protecting both parties from any legal woes that...
Words: 2002 - Pages: 9
...friends want a sexual partner, but do not want to have a romantic relationship. Can two friends have a sexual relationship without romantic feelings occurring? Can friends with benefits maintain their friendship? Questions involving friends with benefits arise from a myriad of readings involving cross-sex friends. It can be deduced from modern culture that the practice of having sex with someone other than one’s significant other is a commonality. I personally feel that many men and women, when young, are more willing to explore their sexuality. Young adults often don’t want to settle down as soon as possible; they may like to enjoy the pleasures out of life. There are many factors, such as feelings of love and the prospect of marriage, which can change the relationship between friends with benefits. The outcome of the relationship will depend on the individuals involved. There are multiple readings that discuss or portray the outcomes of friends in sexual relationships. For instance in Sula, a reading that involves different relationships between friends, the author used literary analysis to portray the effect of a sexual friendship between a man and a woman. Sula is a Native American woman who is sexually promiscuous. Even though she has slept with many men, she has never created any type of relationship with them. One day Ajax, a Native American man who lives in the same town as Sula, showed up at Sula’s door because he was curious about her from all the stories he had heard about...
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...call them back” “uhhu okay, I will” “Tomorrow I have to take Dylan to baseball and pick Madison up from babysitting, so I am going to need to take Ethan to his meeting and pick him up.” “Okay well I have to go to TSC and get a few things anyway for the farm, and the new chicken house.” “Well then can you take him and pick him up?” “Yeah, uhhh uhh, I can do that” “Okay great thanks” Hayley also says this in her article, “One may behave in a helpless manner and control whatever behavior is to take place in the relationship, just as one may act authoritarian and insist that the other person behave in circumscribe.” (pg.10) Ed simply just responds to Monica and does simply whatever she asks...
Words: 821 - Pages: 4
...an intimate relationship where a couple is dating or married. The benefits of self-disclosure are great, because both parties begin and continue to understand each other and know things about each other that other people would not necessarily understand very quickly. Becoming comfortable enough with one’s own emotions and feelings, and being confident enough to communicate them is a great thing when it pertains to couples elevating and prospering in their relationships. To have meaningful discussion between two people or even a large group of people there has to be effective listening amongst everyone. Effective listening is what holds the discussion together, because if it is not in the conversation, the problem often times arises where one party does not know where the other party is coming from, and consequently they become totally misunderstood. With that being said, I can absolutely relate to self-disclosure in a relationship. In my opinion, there is no better way to ensure that your partner, mate, spouse, significant other, or however you want to identify the person you are in a relationship with relates to you. I agree wholeheartedly with self-disclosure. I have done it all throughout my marriage, and I practice it in the workplace as well. I think that it is healthy in all your relationships, because it keeps people informed about who you are, what you like and don’t like, and what you believe in as a person. As stated by Orbuch (2011), “As a relationship expert, I do...
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...to survive.” We do need love just like we need food and sleep. When we are younger we should receive love because it’s possible that we could not develop to love others. It’s very important for babies to get love because if they don’t there is a high chance that they will grow up to be alone and will have low self esteem. I agree that the “mother-infant relationship is the essence of love.” I agree with this because our mothers are really the first people we develop a real relationship with and how learn to love. If we don’t establish that relationship with our mothers, it will be relatively hard to love other people. Babies slowly learn how to live in the world and having a relationship with their mother is very important for the baby to develop relationships with other people while they are still young as well as when they get older. I agree with the talk about criminals. It says that they usually didn’t get enough love and affection while they were growing up. If you don’t get enough love as a child, you could end up going down the wrong path. You will most likely end up doing bad things to try and make up the lack of love and affection that you received as a child. Children with inattentive parents sometimes end up being criminals because they never really had anyone show them love 3 Disagrees: I disagree that babies need “continuous loving.” I think they just need to know that their mother is there and will acknowledge them. They just need enough love so they don’t...
Words: 516 - Pages: 3
... I believe a woman should require certain rules for a possible relationship. Just to define respect –is to hold one in esteem. Respect denotes both positive feeling of esteem for person. A woman should have certain standards from the beginning because she has no knowledge or history of this particular man. First and foremost my man would have to prove that hardworking, able to keep a job and is a breadwinner in order to be in a worthy relationship with me. This would be the beginning stage before we could move any further. If he proves that he is capable of meeting the requirements, then we can start a relationship. My man would have to have benefits because it doesn’t do a woman any good to get someone in the same state that she’s in. It would only lead to disaster depending on how ambitious that man is toward the relationship and what he desire for the future. My man would definitely have to meet the challenge in order to prove or show me that he is serious. Another aspect is if my man is faithful and on time for his job to receive the promised benefits. Then I know he would definitely prove that he is up for the challenge and will not stop until he has attained the reward which is “me”. Speaking from a woman’s perspective, you have to demand respect. You can’t lower your standards because it would make a man challenge easier and he wouldn’t put up the effort because he know that the benefits with you are just a breeze. Nothing in life is free. So until proven differently there...
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...Communication Recommendation’s MR slone Interpersonal Communication Summer Beretsky 02/11/2013 Dear Chris and Shelbie I am writing to you to give you some advice on Interpersonal Communication. I will explain on the importance of this to have a long and healthy relationship and of course how to communicate effectively. There are tons of topics to explore to do this but I have chosen in my eyes the top five to explore and explain for you. Make sure to take this advice on and apply this to your relationship and you will watch it flourish into much more. Identify the barriers to effective communication I will start out with the common barriers and how to get past them. The three common barriers are Silence, placating, and playing games. Silence is something that is used a lot against each other in a relationship when one is mad or hurt or as some might understand it as the silent treatment. One marriage therapist reports that people most commonly resort to silence when they are angry and/or hurt, when they are unable to communicate their feelings, or when they want to punish their partner (Slupesky, 2010). This can be very unhealthy for your relationship and can be very phsycologicalely damaging. It is best no matter the situation or why you’re mad or angry to always be open and honest. The only way to get past the anger or hurt is my communicating to each other. Sure in some point in life we have all used this to in our own way teach our partner a lesson. This is something...
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...Traditional Relationships and Same Sex Relationships: Are They Really That Different? According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center “49% of Americans are in support of same sex marriage. What is more interesting is that 70% of the Millennial Generation (people born after 1980) are in support of same sex marriage.” While these numbers have significantly increased over the years and it looks like the younger generation is becoming much more accepting of gay marriage there are still many out there who oppose it. This makes us wonder, how different is a homosexual and a heterosexual relationship? Honestly, there are not a lot of concrete differences. Homosexual relationships can be just as long lasting as a heterosexual relationship. The love that a homosexual feels for their partner is just as strong as their heterosexual counterpart. A same sex couple is just as capable of supporting and a raising a child. The major difference that exists between homosexual and heterosexual relationships is the fact that marriage is still not legal in all states. This poses an issue for homosexuals because they are denied many rights that heterosexuals are granted. While homosexual and heterosexual relationship are different they are also surprisingly similar. A stereotype exists in our society that same sex partnerships are not as long lasting as heterosexual relationships or that homosexuals do not desire to be in a committed relationship. This stereotype has been disproven...
Words: 1152 - Pages: 5
...Relationships are necessary part of healthy living, but there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Relationships, from acquaintances to romances, have the potential to enrich our lives and add to our enjoyment of life. However, these same relationships can cause discomfort, and sometimes even cause harm. At least once in your lifetime, you will find yourself in a couple of unhealthy relationships that you just seem to can't let go of. As the days drag on, although you can't take it any longer, you just can't seem to take that first step. Maybe because, you're still hoping that everything will still change. Or you can't bear hurt the feelings of your lover. Whatever it is that is holding you back from getting out it, unhealthy relationships will only cause more emotional damage if not ended soon. Unhealthy relationships can come in different forms. Most of the time it involves some form of abuse. If you think that your partner is physically or emotionally abusing you, by all means, get out of that relationship as fast as you can. If one partner is hindering the other from growing, then the relationship just isn't healthy for both of them anymore. And once the relationship becomes unhealthy, conflict will surely arise. Ending an unhealthy relationship starts with a conscious decision of actually ending it. You have to be determined to let it go so that you wouldn't have to think twice about it anymore. Many people find it hard to break up with someone because they think that...
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...grazing land, the flock will provide him with copious amounts of wool: that their relationship will be all right. Unfortunately, this simply may not be true; his flock can produce the wool or it may suffer from an unexpected disease or any other ailment and their presumed relationship will fail. As Christopher Marlowe so elegantly presented in “The...
Words: 2151 - Pages: 9
...Close Relationships Essay Juleika Solano Com200(GSL1209D) Instructor: Jacey Saucedo My current boyfriend and I are just getting back to our normal way of behavior because we broke up due to lack of communication. Last year, he asked me a question and he hated the answer and he broke up with me for three months. He had an engagement ring and he sold it back. Later on, we got back together and I got kicked out of school and I felt that if I told him that he would break up with me, so I kept it a secret, then when I finally told him , he was extremely upset and we broke up for six months. He told me that I could have trusted in him and that we could not be together if I could not communicate with him. Communication is very hard to do even if it seems to be the easiest thing to do. In the article, Close Relationships Sometimes Masks Poor Communications, proves that just because you do have a relationship you cannot take it for granted. I took my boyfriend and family for granted. I felt like just because I was not honest they would forgive me anyways. I was completely wrong. My family kicked me out and my boyfriend and I are just getting into each other’s good graces. Just recently, my boyfriend and I had a miscommunication and I felt that I had to tell him that I was not agreeing with his decisions. We sat down and talked and we worked out issues. I actually like talking...
Words: 575 - Pages: 3
...Jessica Wright ENG 105 May 15, 2012 Marybeth Nipp Relationship: Me and My Grandmother Every child has a strong bond or connection with their grandparents. I had a very strong relationship with my grandmother who I also considered as my mother. She took me and my other siblings in when we were first introduced into this world. I lost her last year due to CHF (congestive heart failure) on October 13, 2011. That was the saddest day of my life because I felt like I had lost my best friend. If I could explain our relationship, I would say that she taught me a lot when it came to life itself. Because she put her life on hold for her grand children, that just made the whole relationship that much stronger. Grandparents can offer their grandchildren the greatest teachings when it comes to having values and morals because they are the older generation teaching the younger generation. I had a relationship with my grandmother for 24 years, and during that time, I was taught to be strong and wise like her in so many ways. When she used to talk to me about lessons in life, she made sure I understood because she would say “Jessica I’m not gone always be here for you and I want you to know everything you need to know about life because this can be a cold world out here”. As a young lady growing up, my grandmother made sure I had morals in life. Having respect, honesty, and a positive attitude towards people, and also having my priorities in order, and morals I still have. As I got older...
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