...different types of leadership and core goals – military and social. The Ming Empire was led by brilliant philosophical scholars, concerned not only with the external world but the development of the internal consciousness; the Ottoman based on a new monotheistic religion that stratified society, but also allowed numerous mathematical, scientific, and medical advances, copied by the Europeans after the Crusades. Islam began about 700 AD in the Saudi Peninsula, which at the time, was composed mostly of nomadic tribes, a few trade cities, and a disparate population. Through religion, the Arab peoples were united, so that by the years of 900-1200 AD, the Ottoman Empire could be called a state unto itself. It quickly proved to be a military strength and threat to its neighbors, at its height growing from the Iberian Peninsula through India and into Southeast Asia. The Turks expanded their empire through brilliant military tactics, horse archery, and new technologies in battle. Coupled with this more practical sense, the idea of spreading Islam, and the uniting of cultures through culture and religion, proved to be equally as powerful (Goodwin, 2003). The Ming Empire, on the other hand, had no central religion or cultural basis, unless one considers the philosophies of Confucianism. However, the success of the Mings came from the intellectual and philosophical manner in which the ruling class brought together disparate peoples, a hierarchical class structure, and the idea...
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...“The Dark Ages” Justin Higman HUM 303 12/15/13 Throughout the course of history there have been different eras and time frames that have had significant impacts on the modern world. Some were times when countries were at war, fighting for their beliefs, religions, families, countries, etc. Others when warship and religion were setting ground work for today’s beliefs. Whatever the case may be, many of the actions that our forefathers of the world have taken and fought for throughout time are still in place today and have become the basis for life as we know it. Religion, education and literature are examples of parts of life that have been impacting the world and people’s lives for centuries and it is because of ongoing practice that they have been passed down for hundreds of years with each new generation adding information and bettering the subject for the greater good. One period of time in the early middle ages is known as the “dark ages”. From approximately 410 to 1095 is known as the “dark ages” mainly because of the ciaos, ignorance, superstition and repression that occurred during that time. The “dark ages” is a derogatory name given to the early middle ages. The fall of Rome gives good understanding to the severity of the “dark ages” because for years Rome was a power house and known for bringing stability to Europe. Roman Civilization began to deteriorate from about 200 CE onward. In the late 400s the weakness of the Empire, caused by corruption and various...
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...Document A 1. What time period does The American Cyclopaedia use to explain the “Dark Ages?” Fifth to fifteenth 2. Does “intellectual depression” refer to the people of the “Dark Ages” or historical knowledge of the time? Yes, from the establishment of the barbarian supremacy. 3. Does this definition resemble more the original meaning of the “Dark Ages” or the meaning it gained over time? Notes: Called “Dark Ages” because of depression. Secondary Document B 1. How did religion influence the Magna Carta ? God was first in everything. 2. How did the Magna Carta limit the power of King John? It made him run all decisions through the nobles. 3. How did the Magna Carta lay the foundation for democracy? Notes: Limits power and lets the people have...
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...The Rise of the ChristianIty was in the 5th century when the Roman empire began to fall apart. German tribes took over the city of Rome. This event began the period in history often referred to as the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages saw the growth in the power of the Christian Church which was then referred to as the Catholic religion. During the Dark Ages and Early Middle Ages the only accepted Christian religion was Catholicism. The word Catholic stems from the Middle English word 'catholik' and also from the French word 'catholique' and the Latin word 'catholicus' meaning whole or universal. Early Christians, such as Saint Ignatius of Antioch- a martyr- used the term 'catholic' to describe the whole Church - the meaning being universal. Soon...
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...Fatima Haidar AP European History Essay Everyone has a way to express themselves whether it's in writing or in arts such as music, dance, or drawing. During the Renaissance the arts were encouraged. The Renaissance was expressed through Italian art by incorporating religion, science, and math. They made self-portraits and wrote autobiographies. The Renaissance was more secular then the middle Ages, but they were still very religious. Although the Middle Ages wasn't secular, nevertheless during the Renaissance period ideas were expressed in the Italian art because religion was embraced, people valued learning, knowledge, education, self-confidence and secularism grew. Religious artwork such as the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo combines art, religion, science, and faith. It also contains a true connection between God and humans. The Old and New Testaments play a significant role in the painting, in the picture you see God reaching towards Adams' hand and there are angels all around God. It depicts God separated from light and darkness. The Sistine Chapel is a really good picture to use to prove that religion still played a huge role during the Renaissance period. Education also played a role in the artwork contributed during the Renaissance. The Vitruvian Man and The School of Athens are two perfect examples. The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci not only symbolizes art but it brings math and science into the painting. Leonardo, like most artists of his time, shared this...
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...IWT Task I Brandon Sisler Middle ages art also known as Byzantine art. Byzantine coming from the capital of the Roman Empire later being renamed Constantinople. At the time the Roman Empire was under attack causing a great divide. The western empire disintegrated unlike the Eastern or Byzantium that stayed together. During the Great Schism the Catholic’s divided. The earliest of the Middle Ages art show the differences in the developments of the Catholic’s religion in the East from the West. Middle Ages art mainly consisted of religious art. Most of the major Middle Ages artist where members of religious houses. These artist used techniques that resulted in a one dimensional work of art without perspective of the use of shadows. The artist tended to have the subject front facing possessing elongated narrow faces. The Renaissance is considered by historians to be the beginning of the modern age. Renaissance actually means rebirth, a very practical name for the period considering the modernization in science and art. The Renaissance era dates from 1400-1550 deriving from Florence Italy. The art started in the center of a wealthy community deeming it was necessary to fund the cathedrals that were garnished by the most prestigious artist in the area. Most works of Renaissance art are from the religious background but also included domestic themes like marriage, birth and everyday life in the home. It was custom for the artist to study as an apprentice working under an older...
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...The Middle Ages was an era characterized by an immense decline in art, learning, advancements, and much more. The Renaissance was a period in Europe that brought about many changes to Europe. It lasted from around 1300 until 1600. The French word “renaissance” translates to “rebirth” or “revival” in English. During the Middle Ages, people were focused on religion and going to heaven in the afterlife. Life on Earth was full of suffering and sadness, and people believed anything that the Church said, even without the evidence. However, the late Middle Ages caused new attitudes and ways of thinking to spread across Europe. People regained interest in Greek and Roman art. The focus of art was no longer religion, and it displayed the beauty of man....
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...The Middle Ages Do you know the chivalry of the knight? Do you know the famous Notre Dame de Paris? And do you know the martyr Giordano Bruno? I believe many of us at least have heard something about these. And they all share an identical time label. That is the Middle Ages. And today, I will introduce the Middle Ages in 4 parts: its history, religion, culture and economy. First is about the history. The Middle Ages is the second stage of the European history in a traditional division which divided the European history into 3 ages, namely the Classical Civilization of Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Modern Period. The Middle Ages lasted for roughly a millennium from the year of 476 to 1453, commonly dating from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century to the beginning of the Early Modern Period in the 16th century. During that time, the ruling regime was the feudalization which comes from the legal and martial liability of the noblesse. The 3 main features about it are seignior homager and land. The seigniors are the noblesse who have land. And the homagers fighting for them will get land as rewards. There were many seigniors who have homagers and knights fighting for them, leading to mass wars and armed conflicts. Since it was under the time of cold arms, the soldiers had to fight with bow and arrow, sword and for the knights, lances and pikes under the protection of Armor and shield. In these endless wars, there were several relative small empires...
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...Title: RIWT Task1 Toyin Debbie Osaro Western Governors University 11/08/2014 The Middle Ages, people lived under a lawless society. There were no order or structure during the fourteen and fifteen century; it was a long time of darkness; periods of severe weather that leads to crop failure and famine. (n.d.). The early middle ages arts also known as the Dark ages. The middle ages period was when European history fell from the Roman Empire to the renaissance. Art during the early middle ages went through many changes up to the early renaissance period. The Middle Ages art style known as the Byzantine art; while the dark ages followed by the medieval era of (1066- 1448 AD) encounter changes. Furthermore, the middle ages art and saw the emergence of early renaissance art. (WGU on line quote) The artist, by the name of Giotto di Bonedone, is one of the most famous people of the middle ages. His painting of “Madonna and Child” painted for a chapel in the church of Santa Maria. This picture made with temperas and wood and emphasized Christian faith, teaches spiritual truth, aid in the conversion of non-Christian. Renaissance art with the literal meaning “ Rebirth” played a significant part of our lives today. The early renaissance started right after the middle ages (1400-1600). During this period, the European history was marked by renewal of interest in intellectual and cultural legacies of ancients Greece and Rome. Renaissance was the time of tremendous creativity and...
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...Age of Faith The High Middle Ages are usually referred to as the “Age of Faith”. This reference is illustrated through the art and architecture that was solely devoted to the Christian God’s absolute glory. The Christian Church played such a central and important role in Europe during the High Middle Ages, so much so that by the end of the 11th century, nearly every corner of Europe had become Christianized. Many monumental things took place in the religion of Christianity during this period of time, for example, the great schism—the split of the Christian churches. Furthermore, the Catholic Church was very powerful. It had it’s own laws, lands and gathered taxes. In addition to collecting taxes, the Church also accepted gifts of all kinds from individuals who wanted special favours or wanted to be certain of a place in heaven. The power of the Catholic Church flourished along with its wealth, and as a result, the Catholic Church was able to influence the kings and rulers of Europe. Furthermore, if anyone tried to oppose or go against the Catholic Church in any way or form it would result in excommunication. By the 1300s, the Northern European countries had recognized themselves as the political and cultural powers of the continent. The towns and cities were doing well and progressing. Moreover, the relatively stable social order helped maintain the continent even further. By the 14th century, the people of Europe had gotten used to the luxury of having stability and prosperity...
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...On Thursday, March 25, historian Caroline Walker Bynum spoke about Medieval Christianity, specifically focusing on holy beds and holy families. In highlighting the Beguine Cradle and Burgundian crèche, she discussed the roles of baby Jesus dolls being dressed and placed into such cribs during the medieval era. It is through the analysis of those cribs that Bynum reflected on gender roles, form and function, and sensuality in medieval art, all of which are imbued with a sense of religion. During her lecture, Bynum established that the medieval era was a time in which male social status was changing, and females’ role in religion was changing: in focusing on Mary as the mother of Jesus, women became more central in art. With that idea in mind, Bynum explained how cribs functioned in the Middle Ages to constitute the female monastic identity. Some girls were put in cloisters when they were very young- even three or four years old. Therefore, naturally, the cribs and baby...
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...| Thinking Like An Historian | The Dialectic in Faith/Reason and Ethics/Daily Life | | | History 104: The Medieval World: 500-1500 C.E. | This paper is going to cover two countries. One is a western European nation and one is a Middle Eastern nation. We are going to be covering France and Iraq and how their medieval formation of religion shaped their country into what it is today. The purpose of this paper is to outline how religion used to have such an impact and see how much that impact is today. Church and State have made a separation but is that a good thing or a bad thing? When you think of France you think of the Eiffel Tower, rolling fields of grapes at one of the many vineyards on the countryside, the fantastic food and the endless romance. Most do not often think about the days when soldiers in suits made of iron ran the countryside and collected the King’s taxes from all of the peasants he ruled over. It was a time when work and the Church were the only things in your life. Modern day France is Parliamentary Republic with two Houses of Parliament (the Senate and the National Assembly) and the Council of Ministers, led by the Prime Minister.1 The Republic of France is ultimately led by a President but he/she must confer with all branches of government before any major changes can be made. This political checks and balances system ensures that the people of France have a part in how government rules over nation. National sovereignty is vested in the...
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...differences between social groups and their religious participation and in the types of belief they hold. There are clear gender differences in religious beliefs and participation. Sociologists have put forward several explanations for gender differences in religious belief and practice however these tend to focus on the reasons for women’s relatively high levels of participation rather than men’s lower levels. While the priesthoods of most religions are male, more women than men participate in religious activities and believe in God. For example, in 2005, 1.8 million women in England were churchgoers, as against only 1.36 million men. Miller and Hoffman (1995) identify two main theories explaining women’s greater religiosity. Firstly there is differential socialisation where women are taught to be more submissive and passive than men and these characteristics are associated with being more religious. Traditional religions tend to expect their followers to be passive and obedient. The second theory is structural location where women take part in religion because of their social roles. Men are more likely to take on the instrumental role whereas the women take on the expressive role. This gives women more time for church-related jobs. However as sociologists go on to quote this research and take these factors into account they have criticised it for no fully explaining why women are more religious than men. Greeley (1992) argues that taking care of other family members increases women’s...
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...Thuy Tran 10/19/15 101-0032 Outline: History of Middle Ages Introduction: Middle Ages began when Western Roman Empire collapsed. Byzantine and Islamic appeared before the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages is the middle period of three traditional division of Western history: early, the high, and the late Middle Ages. Middle Ages is an important part of Western Civilization. It through many different period of time of the Middle Ages helps Western Civilization development economy and political. Each period of Middle Ages affect to how Civilization changes and growth. Western Civilization had more strong and created many intellect men. Also, the last Pagan Europe was converted to Christianity with the Baltic people in the High Middle Ages, bringing them to Western Civilization as well. I. Byzantine and Islamic influence A. Byzantine influence In the textbook Humanities in the Western Tradition, First Edition Marvin Perry, Baruch College, City University of New York, Emeritus J. Wayne Baker, University of Akron Pamela Pfeiffer Hollinger, the University of Akron that discussion Byzantine and Islamic their cultural contribution to Western Civilization. * “The Byzantine and Islam have in common” by contributing writer that almost 700 years Byzantine and Islamic cultural fought the remains of the Roman Empire, but they also hared many cultural political and artistic that shape their societies in many ways. * Advantage: * Byzantine cultural contributions...
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...January 18, 2015 DeVry University Professor Clarke-Peterson Outline/Proposal on Dark Ages I. Introduction and Thesis The Dark Ages refer to the medieval period in the studies of humanity. The general duration of the early Dark Ages is considered to be from 450-1000 century (CE). It is believed that the fall of Roman Empire brought about an age of “barbarism and religion” (Gibbon 18th CE). This era, compared to both the pre-dark ages and the post-dark ages, Renaissance, witnessed no significant scientific innovations, no great art produced, and no valiant emperors or leaders ruling the early medieval Europe (Middle Ages, n.d.). These are the major factors which led to the coining of the phrase Dark Ages by Petrarch, the great Italian scholar, in the 14th CE (Wikipedia). This proposal is about the vital role of flourishing Irish social order, in the Dark Ages, in the re-conversion of Europe to Christianity. II. In the Dark Ages, when the entire Europe was reeling under barbarism, the Irish social order was flourishing. * The Romans had never invaded Ireland, and thus it remained unaffected by the downfall deteriorating the social order of rest of Europe (Eaton & McCaffrey, 2002). * While the entire Europe was victimized by the Dark Ages, the Irish monks were the torch-bearers of luminous beam of civilization (O’Connor & Steves, 2014). * In the Dark Ages, religion was one binding force that kept the hopes of people alive. While Barbarism was thriving...
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