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Orchid International College
Sinamangal, Kathmandu

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Name: Bikram Khyaju
Roll No:5
Submitted to:
Ravi Kr.Sing
College: Orchid International College
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Project by: Bikram Khyaju
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<table width="100%"border="1"> <tr> <td valign="top"><B>Tourism sites in Bhaktapur</B><br> <a href="map.html"> <img src="images/bhaktapurmap.gif" height=100 weidth=100 align="center" border="10" hspace="3"> </a><br> <ul type="circle"> <li><A HREF="info.html#Durbar Square">Bhaktapur Durbar Square</A></li> <br> <li><A HREF="changu-narayan.html">Changu Narayan</A></li> <br> <li><A HREF="info.html#Nyatapol Temple">Nyatapola Temple</A></li> <br> <li><A HREF="info.html#Dattatriya">Dattatrya Temple</A></li> <br> </ul></td> <td><b>Bhaktapur</b><BR> <a href="images/bhaktapur_view.jpg"> <IMG SRC="images/bhaktapur_view.jpg" HSPACE="9" ALIGN="RIGHT" WIDTH="350" HEIGHT="250"></a>
Bhaktapur is lying at 12 KM east of capital city Kathmandu. Bhaktapur in Sanskrit language means 'The Town of Devotees", the city is also known as Khwopa or Bhadgaon or as an ancient Newari town. It is locally known as "Khwopa and Bhadgaon" which is world renowned for its elegant art, fabulous culture , colourful festivals, traditional dances and indigenous lifestyle of different people of different religion. For its majestic monuments, temples and the native typical newari lifestyle best known for their long history of craftsmanship, the ancient city is also variously known as the " City of Culture ", "Living Heritage " , "Nepal's Cultural Gem " and "An open museum". Given such unequaled opulence in ancient art and culture, Bhaktapur is more like an open museum, and the ambiance here is such that it instantly transports visitors back by centuries. This conch shaped historic city is spreading over an area of 6.88 square KM at 1,401 meters above sea level, which was founded in the 12th century by King Anand Dev Malla.Bhaktapur was the capital city of the Greater Malla Kingdom till the 15th century AD. The many of Bhaktapur's greatest monuments were built by thethen Malla rulers.<br>
The ancient ritual dances and festivals are still observed by the locals with the same fervor and ehthusiasm as their ancestors did centuries ago. King Yaksha Malla (15th century) heavily fortified this city. Bhaktapur has its gem in Durbar Square and Changu Narayan temple-- a World Heritage site listed by the UNESCO. Strewn with unique palaces, temples and monasteries best admired for their exquisite artworks in wood, metal and stone, the palatial enclave has bewitched pilgrims and travelers for centuries. Yet, they are not all though. Stretching all along the township, the panoramic Himalaya levitates in the skyline as if to keep vigilance on the city'senviable beauty and splendor.It grows from a collection of villages strung along the old trade route between India and Tibet.<br> <BR> <h2>Location:</h2> <br> Geographical Location: Located 27 036' to 270 44' Northern Latitude and 85021'to 85032' Eastern Longitude<br> Area: 138.46 Square Kilometers (the smallest District of the country)<br> Boundary: East: Kavre, West: Kathmandu and Lalitpur, North: Kathmandu and Kavre Palanchok, South: Lalitpur District.<br> Geo-Physical Area : Hilly and Valley Land<br> Land-use: <br> <table cellspacing="10" align="center" width="80%"> <tr align="center"> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">Types of land</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">Area (in square Km)</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">Area in %</td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">Arable land</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">96.57</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">80.1</td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">Jungle and Forest</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">12.46</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">10.32</td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">Bushes</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">6.82</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">5.65</td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">Urbanarea & Settlement</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">2.67</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">2.21</td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">Pasture Land</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">0.21</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">0.18</td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">Rocky, Sandy</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">1.97</td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc">1.63</td> </tr> </table></td> </tr>

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<h1> Facts & Information: </h1>
<table width="85%"align="center"> <tr> <td><b>History:</b><br> <a href="images/durbar_square.jpg"><img src="images/durbar_square.jpg" height="150" weidth="150"align="right" hspace="10"></a>
Founded in the 12th century by King Ananda Malla (according to various chronicles), Bhaktapur was the capital city of the Greater Malla Kingdom until the 15th century and was an independent kingdom from then until the 18th century.<br>
The last three Malla rulers of Bhaktapur were Jitamitra Malla, Bhupatindra Malla, and Ranjit Malla. These rulers played key roles in building the palaces and temples of Durbar Square.<br>
In 1744, Prithvi Narayan Shah, descendent of Dravya Shah, who was the founder of the Gorkha dynasty, began a conquest march in the Kathmandu Valley, capturing and unifying Kathmandu, Patan, Bhaktapur, and the smaller towns of the Valley under one rule.<br>
After a period of instability and a bloody coup in 1846, Jang Bahadur Kunwar Ranaji took control of Nepal. His Rana dynasty ruled Nepal until 1951, when the Congress Party formed a new government. In 1960, King Mahendra took control, banned political parties, and instituted land reforms. Political turmoil continued throughout the late 20th century.<br>
In 1934, a major earthquake destroyed over 2,000 houses and severely damaged over 2,000 more homes. Over 1,000 people died in this quake. Restoration of many buildings was undertaken over the years, including efforts funded by West Germany in the late 1980's and by the U.S. in the 1990's.<br> <br> </p> <h2>Culture:</h2> <a href="images/festival_sm.jpg"><img src="images/festival_sm.jpg"align="left"></a>
Festival chariot in Bhaktapur, NepalBhaktapur is filled with Hindu and Buddhist religious sites and art.
Although the population is primarily Hindu, there are nineteen Buddhist monasteries (Vihars). At Indra Varna Madavihar, built in 1671 and located between Durbar Square and Dattatraya Square, visitors can see two lion statues, a Patinga Hiti (water spout), Tantric wood-carved windows, and prayer wheels.<br>
There are also many Buddhist monuments and shrines, including Lokeswor Mahavihar, Prasannasheel Mahavihar, Chatu Brahma Mahavihar, Jaya Kirti Mahavihar, Sukra-varna Mahavihar, Dipanker Mahavihar.<br> Many festivals are celebrated throughout the year to mark the seasons, pay tribute to gods, and remember historical and legendary events. A few of these are: Costumed Dancers at Festival<br> <br> <a href="images/costumed_dancers_2004_festival_sm.png"><img src="images/costumed_dancers_2004_festival_sm.png"align="right"></a>
* Dashain, the longest festival of the year, lasting 15 days. This festival honors the goddess Devi Durga, who is said to have slain the demon Durga, son of Ruru. Celebrants perform many pujas (offerings) during this festival, including thousands of animal sacrifices. (September/October)<br> <br>
* Gai-Jatra, the Cow Festival. This festival focuses on families in bereavement. Every family who lost a relative in the past year participates in a procession with a cow or a young boy dressed as a cow. The cow, it isbelieved, helps the deceased reach heaven. (July/August)<br> <br>
<h2>Bisket Jatra, the Nepalese New Year celebration</h2> , in which chariots are pulled through the streets and ultimately a tug of war over them determines who will be blessed with good fortune in the coming year. This celebration is also observed with picnics and other private get-togethers. (April)<br><br>
<a href="images/bisket_jatra_by_tempo_sm.jpg"><img src="images/bisket_jatra_by_tempo_sm.jpg"align="left"></a>
<b> Tihar, the festival of lights, honors Laxmi, the goddess of wealth.</b> The Nepalese light up their homes with candles, oil lamps, and other lights to invite the goddess Laxmi in.<br>
<b> Handicrafts</b> - Tourists can watch potters create works of art in the Pottery Squares. Indigenous (Newar) handicrafts include paubha scroll paintings, papier-mâché masks, cotton cloth, woodcarvings, metalwork, jewelry and ceramic products, haku-patasi (black sari), black caps and Juju-dhau (yogurt).<br> <br> <h2>Travel & Tourism</h2>
<a href="images/golden_gate_sm.JPG"><img src="images/golden_gate_sm.JPG"align="right"></a> Bhaktapur is rich in architectural beauty, filled with ancient Hindu and Buddhist religious sites, and palaces and courtyards where tourists can easily spend days absorbing the traditions and culture of the Newars.<br> Bhaktapur's Durbar ('Royal') Square was added to the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 1979.<br> <h2>Highlights & Features of the City and Surroundings:</h2> <br> <a name="Durbar Square"> <h2>Durbar Square</h2> Almost 1/3 of the ancient temples, monasteries, and other ornate buildings were destroyed in the earthquake of 1934.Yet many gems remain.<br> Bhaktapur’s Durbar Square is the gem not only of Bhaktapur, but also of the entire nation. The most fascinating structure here is the world-renowned 55-Window Palace. The elaborately carved windows and doors are something that visitors simply cannot help admiring. The seat of royalty before 1769 AD, the building now houses the National Art Gallery—the museum better known for its rich collection of paubha scroll paintings and breathtaking artworks in stone.<br> The world famous Golden Gate rubs shoulders with the 55-Window Palace. An unparalleled specimen of repousse art dating back to 1756, it is the entrance to the marvelous Taleju Temple Complex. Getting into it leads to a number of artistica-lly designed chowks (courtyards) including the Royal Bath, which is adorned with the well-admired Golden Faucet among others.<BR> In Durbar Square, tourists will find the 55-Window Palace, which served as the seat of royalty prior to 1769. The palace has elaborately carved windows and doors and houses the National Art Gallery, with Buddhist Paubha scroll paintings, palm leaf manuscripts, and stone carvings.<br>
<a href="images/yachheswor_mahadev_temple_smJPG.jpg"><img src="images/yachheswor_mahadev_temple_smJPG.jpg"align="left"></a>
Yachheswor Mahadev TempleJust outside the palace, at the entrance to the Taleju Temple Complex is the Golden Gate, built in 1756, a splendid example of Repoussé metalwork. There also lies the Royal Bath, with its Golden Faucet.<br> Durbar Square is also home to the Big Bell, built by the last Malla king of Bhaktapur, Ranajit Malla in the 18th century. It was rung to pay homage to the Goddess Taleju and to harken the public to town meetings.<br> Today it is rung twice a day as a tribute to the Goddess Taleju. Next to this bell is the Barking Bell, so named because dogs bark to its ring.<br> Also in the Square lies the Yaksheswor Mahadev Temple, built by Yaksha Malla in the 15th century.It was modeled after the Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu and was designed with ornate wooden struts decorated with erotic carvings.<br> Other sites in and around the square include the octagonal Chyasin Mandap, Siddhi Laxmi Temple,Shiva Temple (Fasi-dega), Vatsala Temple, Bhandarkhal Complex, Chatu Brahma Mahavihar, Indrayani Temple, Balakhu Ganesh Temple, Tripura-sundari Temple and the Char Dham symbolizing the four greatest Hindu pilgrimage sites.<br>
The Phasi Dega Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, affords expansive views of the entire city.<br> <a name="Nyatapol Temple"> <h2>Taumadhi Square Nyatapol Temple- Bhaktapur, Nepal</h2> <br> <a href="images/bhairav_temple_sm.JPG"><img src="images/bhairav_temple_sm.JPG"align="right"></a> The Nyatpol (or Nyatapola) Temple, dedicated to the Goddess Lakshmi, lies in this square. Built in 1702 with 5 stories, this is Nepal's tallest pagoda temple.<br>
It's struts, doors, windows, and tympanums are decorated with carvings of divine figures, including a pair of 2 m high stone statues of the legendary Rajput wresters-Jaimal and Pata; a pair of elephants, a pair of lions, a pair of griffons and a pair of tantric goddesses known as Singhini and Toyahagrini.<br>
The Nyataponla Temple presides over the Taumadhi Square. Dating back to 1702 AD, the colossal five-storied edifice is the country’s tallest pagoda temple. The struts, doors, windows and tympanums—each embellished with attractively carved divine figures—perfectly portray the creative tradition of Newar craftsmen. The temple is dedicated to Goddess Siddhi Laxmi, the manifestation of female force and creativity. The latest major renovation of this monument was carried out in 1997 AD by Bhaktapur Municipality using the revenue it collected from tourists.<br> Next to the Nyataponla Temple is the rectangular shaped Bhairavnath Temple. It houses a gilded bustof Bhairav, the ferocious manifestation of Lord Shiva. The three-storied pagoda was razed to the grounds by the 1934-earthquake, and its latest renovation was undertaken by Bhaktapur Municipality in 1995 AD.<br>
The enclosed complex facing the Nyataponla Temple is dedicated to Tilmadhav Narayan, a manifestation of Lord Vishnu, who is one of the Supreme Triumvirate of Hindu pantheon. A few steps ahead it, to the southwest, lies the famous Pottery Square, where visitors can see the city’s well-known potters making variously shaped and sized earthenware. The major monumental highlight of this square is a temple of Jeth Ganesh, which dates back to the 14th century.<br>
The Bhairavnath Temple, which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1934 and subsequently rebuilt, houses a gilded bust of the terrifying Bhairav, considered either a manifestation of Lord Shiva or a deity that guards his home.<br> Also here are a Pottery Square and the Temple of Jeth Ganesh, dating back to the 14th century.<br> Temples in Taumadi Square: Nyatapola Temple, Bhairav Temple, Teel Mahadeve Narayan Temple and many more. <a name="Dattatriya"> <h2>Dattatreya Square</h2> In this square, lie many of Bhaktapur's Hindu monasteries, called maths, as well as temples and museums. The three-story pagoda-style Dattatreya Temple, with statues of the Hindu trinity, was built by King Yaksha Malla in 1428. It is claimed that the building was constructed from a single piece of wood from one tree. <br> <a href="images/bhairav_temple_sm.JPG"><img src="images/bhairav_temple_sm.JPG"align="right"></a> At the entrance are two large sculptures of the Jaiput wrestlers, Jaimala and Pata (as in the Nyatapola Temple), a “Chakra”, and a gilded metal statue of Garuda, a bird-like divinity. Around the temple are wood carved panels with erotic decorations.<br>
During the Mohani (Dashain) festival, in the Wane Layaku complex, which lies just southwest of the Dattatreya Temple, a rare Ghau-batacha (water clock) is displayed.<br>
The Pujari Math, which houses the Woodcarving Museum and dates back to the early 15th century, is adorned with the intricately carved Peacock Window. The Chikanpha Math, across the street, houses the Brass and Bronze Museum,with its collection of ancient Malla housewares and ritual metalware.<br>
The Dattatreya Square is Bhaktapur's third dazzling gem. The seat of royalty till the 15th century, the area still houses a great number of historic monuments including many wondrous Maths (residential mansions) and temples.The Dattatreya Temple is the main attraction of the Square. Constructed by King Yaksha Malla, the giant three-storied temple is believed to have been built with the stem of a single tree. Having defied series of calamities, it still bears testimony to the incredible achievement made in those regal days of the Nepalese history.<br>
The Wane Layaku complex, which lies to the south-western corner of the Dattatreya temple, is noted for Bhaktapur's second Taleju shrine. Enclosed with old houses, the courtyard sees throngs of people, especially during the Mohani ( Dashain ) festival, when a rare Ghau-batacha (Water Clock) is put on public display. During the Malla Era, the water-clock was used by the then rulers and astrologers for fixing "propitious moments" for commencing and concluding various state and social ceremonies.<br>
The Peacock Window, which is also called the " Mona Lisa of Nepal ", is a rare masterpiece in wood. Dating back to the early 15th century, the unique latticed window has an intricately carved peacock in its center. The window adorns the Pujari Math which, with rows of exquisitely carved windows and doors, is equally appealing. The building presently houses the Woodcarving Museum . The museum has a rich collection of unique pieces in wood.<br>
The Brass & Bronze Museum , housed in the historic Chikanpha Math , is the next highlight of the Square. It has a wide collection of bronze and brasswares including the ritual jars, utensils, water vessels, pots, spittoons and similar other household items.Near the Dattatreya Square is the Wakupati Narayan Temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the two-storied structure is a unique specimen of pagoda architecture. Next to it is bhaktapur's second Pottery Square .Besides Bhaktapur's three well-acclaimed Squares, there are many other spots within the expanse where visitors can experience a lot more. The recently-restored Ta-Pukhu (Siddha Pokhari) , Ancha-Pukhu , Khancha-Pukhu , Barahi Temple , Lokeswor Mahavihar , Nava Durga Temple , the Terra-cotta Windows at Tuchhimala and Nepal's largest Shiva Lingum at Hanumanghat are some of Bhaktapur's monumental glories which tourists visiting this ancient city simply do not like to miss.<br> Temples in Dattatraya Square: Dattatraya Temple, Bhimsen Temple,
In Dattatreya Square, lies a Pottery Square, where potters work and display their handicrafts.<br> <h2>What to Do & See Around Bhaktapur</h2> <a href="images/datatryaya_pagoda.jpg"><img src="images/datatryaya_pagoda.jpg"align="right"></a> <ul style="list-style-type:circle;"> <li><b>Datatryaya PagodaNagarkot</b>
- The second-highest point on the Kathmandu Valley rim, Nagarkot, at an altitude of 2,175, offers panoramic views of the Himalayas and Mt. Everest. It lies 20 km northeast of Bhaktapur. The area offers hiking trails that lead into Tamang villages.<br> <li><b> Changu Narayan</b> - The oldest temple in the valley, build in 464 AD by Kind Mandev, the Changu Narayan lies 6 km north of Bhaktapur. A popular hiking trail leads from here to Nagarkot.<br> <li><b> Thimi</b>
- Thimi is a traditional Newar city noted for its a vegetable garden and handicrafts.It lies about 5 km west of Bhaktapur.<br> <li><b> Bode</b> - This town, about a 20-minute walk from Thimi, hosts the the river-side shrine of Nil Barahi. Each year on the second day of the Nepalese New Year, the town celebrates the tongue-boring festival, in which a villager has a thin metal spike thrust through his tongue by the temple’s priest. After parading around town carrying a bamboo rack of oil lamps, the spike is removed and packed with mud from the temple floor. If no blood flows, the villager earns great respect for himself and the town; however, if blood flows it is considered a bad omen for the coming year.<br> <li><b>Surya Vinayak Shrine </b>
- The Surya Vinayak is just a 10 to 20 minute walk from Bhaktapur and attracts visitors and locals praying for good luck to the god Ganesh. The shrine is located in a forest at the top of a hill.<br> <br> </ul> <h2>Where to Stay</h2><br> Bhaktapur has no deluxe hotels but can accomodate tourists in a total of 130 standard rooms throughout the city. Information on where to stay in Bhaktapur is coming soon...<br> <a href="images/peacock_window_sm.jpg"><img src="images/peacock_window_sm.jpg"align="right"></a>
Peacock Window- Bhaktapur, Nepal Getting There & Away<br>
Tourists arrive in the Kathmandu Valley via Tribhuvan International Airport. Airlines flying into this airport include Royal Nepal Airlines, Aeroflot, Biman Bangladesh Airlines, China South-West Airlines, Druk Air, lndian Airlines, Pakistan International Airlines, Singapore Airlines and Thai lnternational.<br>
<a href=""></a> recommends comparing various airlines and ticketing agents with our Travel partner Booking Wiz.</br>
From the airport, which lies 5.5 km east of Kathmandu, one can take taxis or buses or rent a car with a driver. One can take them back to Kathmandu from just outside Bhaktapur as well.<br> <br> <h2>Getting Around</h2> Inside the city limits of Bhaktapur, motor vehicles are not allowed. Outside the city limits, buses and taxis are available.<br> <h2>TRAVEL to Bhaktapur!</h2> <br>
Use KATHMANDU as your destination city and compare the travel services.<br>
Visit Bhaktapur Durbar Square<br>
Stone carving<br>
See the ancient pagodas, palaces, stone carvings, and statues.<br><br> <a href="index.html">Back to home</a> </td> </tr>

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<title>example of form</title>
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<font size="10" color="white"> <b>Please register below to know all the events and latest news about<blink><a href="index.html"> BHAKTAPUR</a></b><blink><br> <br> </font> <table width="40%" align="center" > <tr> <td align="right"> First name:&nbsp;&nbsp; </td> <td><input type="text"name="txtname"size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> Last name:&nbsp;&nbsp; </td> <td><input type="text"name="txtlname"size="40"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> Address:&nbsp;&nbsp; </td> <td><textarea name="taAddress"rows="5"cols="25"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> Email Id:&nbsp;&nbsp; </td> <td><input type="text" name="eml" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> Password:&nbsp;&nbsp; </td> <td><input type="Password"name="txtpassword"size="20%"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> Gender:&nbsp;&nbsp; </td> <td><input type="radio"name="rdGender"value="M"/> Male <input type="radio"name="rdGender"value="F"/> Female </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> Country:&nbsp;&nbsp; </td> <td><select> <option>Nepal</option> <option>America</option> <option>China</option> <option>Brazil</option> <option>Malaysia</option> </select></td> </tr> </table> <br> <br> <br> <br> <b>For any information send us mail at:<u></u></b>

<title>use of map</title>
<a href="index.html">Back to home</a>
<img src="images/bhaktapurmap.gif" USEMAP="#bhaktapurmap" BORDER=0> <map name="bhaktapurmap"> <area shape="circle" coords="320,150,33" href="info.html#Durbar Square"> <area shape="circle" coords="375,197,33" href="info.html#Nyatapol Temple"> <area shape="circle" coords="604,142,26" href="info.html#Dattatriya"> <area shape="circle" coords="320,150,33" href="info.html#Durbar Square" alt="" title=""> <area shape="circle" coords="320,150,33" href="info.html#Durbar Square" alt="" title=""> </map> <font size="6"> <B><br> Visit places in Bhaktapur</b> </font>

<title>Simple Calculator</title>
<script language="javascript"> var opval=0; var total=0; function changecolor(){ var dbid=document.getElementById("dbcolor"); if(dbid.selectedIndex=="0"){ document.getElementById("tblcalculator").style.backgroundColor="gray"; } else{ document.getElementById("tblcalculator").style.backgroundColor="#ff00ff"; } } function cleardata(){ document.getElementById("txtDisplay").value=""; } function calculate(number){ var result=document.getElementById("txtDisplay"); result.value=result.value+number; } function operator(opr){ opval=opr; total=document.getElementById("txtDisplay").value; document.getElementById("txtDisplay").value=""; } function equal(){ var answer=0; var cvalue=eval(document.getElementById("txtDisplay").value); var pvalue=eval(total); if(opval=="+"){ answer=pvalue+cvalue; } else if(opval=="-"){ answer=pvalue-cvalue; } else if(opval=="*"){ answer=pvalue*cvalue; } else if(opval=="/"){ answer=pvalue/cvalue; } document.getElementById("txtDisplay").value=answer;

<form name="form1"> <table id="tblcalculator" width="40%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="gray"> <tr> <td><input type="text" id="txtDisplay" size="50" style="text-align:right;" onKeyPress="isNumberKey(event);" /></td> <td><select id="dbcolor" onChange="changecolor();"> <option value="0">Bgcolor for boys</option> <option value="1">Bgcolor for girls</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%"><table width="100%"> <tr> <td><input type="button" id="b1" value=" 1 " onClick='calculate("1");' /></td> <td><input type="button" id="b2" value=" 2 " onClick='calculate("2");'/></td> <td><input type="button" id="b3" value=" 3 " onClick='calculate("3");' /></td> <td><input type="button" id="b4" value=" 4 " width="50" onClick='calculate("4");'/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="button" id="b5" value=" 5 " onClick='calculate("5");'/></td> <td><input type="button" id="b6" value=" 6 " onClick='calculate("6");'/></td> <td><input type="button" id="b7" value=" 7 " onClick='calculate("7");'/></td> <td><input type="button" id="b8" value=" 8 " width="50" onClick='calculate("8");'/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="button" id="b9" value=" 9 " onClick='calculate("9");'/></td> <td><input type="button" id="b0" value=" 0 " onClick='calculate("0");'/></td> <td><input type="button" id="b3" value=" . " onClick='calculate(".");'/></td> <td><input type="button" id="bcls" value=" CLS " onClick="cleardata();"/></td> </tr> </table></td> <td width="15%"><table width="100%"> <tr> <td><input type="button" id="btnplus" value=" + " onClick='operator("+");' /></td> <td><input type="button" id="btnminus" value=" - " onClick='operator("-");'/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="button" id="btnmul" value=" * " onClick='operator("*");' /></td> <td><input type="button" id="btndiv" value=" / " onClick='operator("/");' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="button" id="btnequal" value=" = " onClick="equal();"/></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table>
Form validation
<title>Complete Form Validaton</title>
<script language="javascript"> var msg=""; function validate(){ msg=msg+checkName(); msg=msg+checkAddress(); msg=msg+checkradio(); msg=msg+checkCheckBox(); if(msg==""){ return true; } else{ alert(msg); msg=""; return false; } } function checkName(){ var name=document.f1.txtName.value; if(name==""){ msg="Something wrong with your name"+"\n"; } else{ msg=""; } return msg; } function checkAddress(){ var address=document.f1.txtAddress.value; if(address==""){ msg="Something wrong wih your Address"+"\n"; } else{ msg=""; } return msg; } function checkPhone(evt){ var charcode=evt.which; if (charcode > 31 && (charcode < 48 || charcode > 57)){ alert("Enter numerals only in this field."); return false; } return true; } function checkradio(){ var i; var choice=""; var len=document.f1.rdGender.length; for(i=0;i<len;i++){ if(document.f1.rdGender[i].checked){ choice=document.f1.rdGender[i].value+"\n"; } else{ msg=""; } } if(choice==""){ msg="No gender selected"+"\n"; } else{ msg=""; } return msg; } function checkCheckBox(){ var i,len=0; var ch=""; len=document.f1.chksubject.length; for(i=0;i<len;i++){ if(document.f1.chksubject[i].checked){ ch=ch+document.f1.chksubject[i].value+"\n"; } } if(ch==""){ msg="no check boxes selected"; } else{ msg=""; } return msg; } function getSelectedItem(){ var i,len=0; len=document.f1.s1.length; for(i=0;i<len;i++){ if(document.f1.s1[i].selected) alert(document.f1.s1[i].value); } }
<form name="f1" method="" action="" onSubmit="return validate();">
<div style="width: 50%;">
<fieldset> <legend>Complete Form validation</legend> <table width="50%" align="center"> <tr> <td> Name: </td> <td><input type="text" name="txtName"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td> Address: </td> <td><input type="text" name="txtAddress"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td> Phone: </td> <td><input type="text" name="txtPhone" onKeypress="return checkPhone(event);" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td> Gender: </td> <td><input type="radio" name="rdGender"/> Male <input type="radio" name="rdGender"/> Female </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Country: </td> <td><select name="s1" onChange="return getSelectedItem();"> <option value="Nepal">Nepal</option> <option value="China">China</option> <option value="India">India</option> <option value="US">US</option> <option value="UK">UK</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> Choose subject: </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="chksubject"> Structured Programming<br/> <input type="checkbox" name="chksubject"> Discrete Mathematics<br/> <input type="checkbox" name="chksubject"> Digital Logic<br/> <input type="checkbox" name="chksubject"> Economis<br/></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td> </tr> </table> </fieldset>

Connect database
<head> <title>Database Connection Example</title> <?php $user_name="root"; $password=""; $database="test"; $server=""; $conn=mysql_connect($server,$user_name,$password); $db_found=mysql_select_db($database,$conn); if($db_found) { echo "Database found"; } else { echo "Database not found"; } ?> </head>
Create database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!$conn) { die('Cannot connect'.mysql_error()); } $sql="create database auth"; if(mysql_query($sql,$conn)) { echo "Database created"; } else { echo "Error creating database"; }

Insert database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!$conn) { die('Cannot connect to databae'.mysql_error()); } $db_found=mysql_select_db("bikram_db",$conn); if($db_found) { $sql="INSERT INTO PERSON(first_name,last_name) values('Bikram','Khyaju ')"; //Execute query mysql_query($sql,$conn); mysql_close($conn); echo " Data Inserted successfully"; } else { echo "Databse not found"; }
Delete database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!$conn) { die('Cannot connect to database'.mysql_error()); } $db_found=mysql_select_db("bikram_db",$conn); if($db_found) { $sql="delete from person where id=4"; mysql_query($sql,$conn); mysql_close($conn); } else { echo "Cannot find database"; }
Update database
$conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if(!$conn){ die('Cannto connect'.mysql_error()); } $db_found=mysql_select_db("bikram_db",$conn); if($db_found) { $sql="UPDATE person set first_name='Ravina',last_name='khanal' where id=2"; mysql_query($sql,$conn); mysql_close($conn); } else { echo "Cannot find database"; }
$user='Bikram'; $pass='Khyaju'; if((isset($_POST['txtUsername']))&& $_POST['txtUsername']!="" && isset($_POST['txtPassword']) && $_POST['txtPassword']!="") { if(($_POST['txtUsername']==$user) && ($_POST['txtPassword']==$pass)) { if(isset($_POST['chkRememberme'])&& $_POST['chkRememberme']=='on') { //set a cookie for 1 month setcookie('username',$_POST['txtUsername'],time()+60*60*24*30,'/cookie','localhost'); setcookie('password',$_POST['txtPassword'],time()+60*60*24*30,'/cookie','localhost'); } else//cookie expires when browser closes(delete a cookie) { setcookie('username',$_POST['txtUsername'],time()-60*60*24*1,'/cookie','localhost'); setcookie('password',$_POST['txtPassword'],time()-60*60*24*1,'/cookie','localhost'); echo "Welcome guest"; } if (isset($_COOKIE["username"])) echo "Welcome " . $_COOKIE["username"] . "<br />"; if (isset($_COOKIE["username"])) echo "Welcome " . $_COOKIE["username"] . "<br />";

} else { echo "Invalid user/password----------------"; } } else { echo "You must supply username and password"; }
<html> <head> <title>Page 1</title> <?php session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION["login"])) { header("Location:login.php"); exit(); } echo "Session created"." ".$_SESSION["login"]; echo "<h1>Welcome to my website</h1>"; ?> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="login.php"> <input type="submit" value="Logout"/> </form> </body>
<head> <title>Login Page</title> <?php session_start(); if(isset($_POST['btnSubmit'])) { if($_POST['txtName']=="ravi" && $_POST['txtPassword']=="singh") { $_SESSION["login"]="go"; header("Location:page1.php"); } else echo "incorred username and password."; } else { session_destroy(); } ?> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="login.php"> Username:<input type="text" name="txtName"/><br/><br/> Password:<input type="password" name="txtPassword"/><br/><br/> <input type="submit" value="login" name="btnSubmit"/> </body>

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Financial Accounting Report

...SUMMER SCHOOL 2015 BUSINESS REPORT Content Executive summary Introduction Background and achievement Recent trends and approach taken by South Africa Analysis of implication and impediments of <IR> and a position statement Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to provide a concise background on the objective and technical development of Integrated Reporting and key achievement to date, a summary of recent trends in adoption of Integrated Reporting which including the approach taken by South Africa, an analysis of any implications and impediments of Integrated Reporting and a positon statement of how these might affect adoption in Australia. Introduction Integrated Reporting is a process in which the value creation of a periodic integrated thinking, in a periodic report, is created by the value creation of the periodic report of the value creation (Adams & Simnett, 2011). The organization uses the integrated report to convey a clear, concise, and complete story, stating that all of their resources are of value creation. Integrated Reporting is to help companies carefully consider their strategies and plans to make informed decisions and management of key risks, to establish the confidence of investors and stakeholders and improve future performance (INTEGRATED REPORTING<IR>, 2015). This is a diverse alliance, including the evolution of business leaders and investors to promote the global business report. Background and achievement ...

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Guide for Report Writing

...What is a report? A report ‘reports’ on something in a concise, formal way using clearly defined sections presented in a standard format, which tell the reader what you did, why and how you did it and what you found. It is the formal writing up of a practical experiment, project or research investigation. A report is written in a way which presumes that the reader knows nothing about your experiment or research. It is usually written more concisely than an essay, with headings and sub-headings and perhaps bullet-point recommendations, etc. A research report must be written in sufficient detail so that someone reading it would be able to replicate your research exactly. It usually contains arguments and critical evaluation to support a proposed course of action, or to evaluate a business issue. BEFORE YOU START WRITING… • Firstly, check with your lecturer and the module handbook for precise instructions, i.e. the prescribed report structure, word count, deadline. All UHBS reports are module and assignment specific, so this guide only gives a very general idea of structure and content. • Be very detail minded. All UHBS reports will require accurate referencing, good clear English, professional presentation, i.e. clear structure, coherent, free of spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. • If you are compiling a group report, assign roles. One person in the group could be assigned the role of ‘editor’ to finally ensure the report is put together...

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Project Status Report

...[PROJECT STATUS REPORT] Rev. 1.0, 25/10/2013 Company here Bi-weekly Project Status Report GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name Project Manager Project ID Number Prepared by Project Sponsor Reporting Period Ending Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Report Number Section I TASKS/MILESTONES COMPLETED This section only includes tasks/milestones that are completed since last reporting period (Report Number CT-BWR-09, dated 23/05/2012). [Insert rows as needed] Description of Task/Milestone Baseline Finish Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Current Status* Actual Finish Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Remarks [PROJECT STATUS REPORT] Rev. 1.0, 25/10/2013 Section II Company here ISSUES IDENTIFIED [Insert rows as needed] Description of Issue Reported by Reported Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Estimated Resolution Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Remarks Section III PROJECT CHANGES [Insert rows as needed] Change Reques t ID No. Description of Change Change Requestor Approval Status Action Steps Actual Resolution Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Current Change Status* [PROJECT STATUS REPORT] Rev. 1.0, 25/10/2013 Section IV Company here UPCOMING TASKS/MILESTONES This section only includes tasks/milestones that are to be completed by next reporting period, ending 06/06/2012. [Insert rows as needed] Description of Task/Milestone Baseline Finish Date [DD/MM/YYYY] Current Status* Remarks *Key: This column should be populated with the task/milestone current status. Valid options...

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Management Report Format

...For whatever research you intend to do in your law enforcement profession, always plan to record enough information so that people outside of your agency can understand and interpret what you’re researching, why, and how. * Title Page (name of the agency, product, program, or service that is being researched; date) * Table of Contents * Executive Summary (one-page, concise overview of findings and recommendations) * Purpose of the Report (what type of research was conducted, what decisions are being aided by the findings of the research, who is making the decision, etc.) * Background About Agency/Product/Service/Program that is being researched       a) Organization Description/History       b) Product/Service/Program Description (that is being researched)                   i) Problem Statement                   ii) Overall Goal(s) of Product/Service/Program                    iii) Outcomes (or client/customer impacts) and Performance                                            Measures (that can be measured as indicators toward the outcomes)                   iv) Activities/Technologies of the Product/Service/Program                                            (general description of how the product/service/program is developed and delivered)                   v) Staffing (description of the number of personnel and roles in the organization that are relevant to developing and delivering                        the product/service/program) * Overall...

Words: 310 - Pages: 2

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Report Writing Guidelines

...REPORT WRITING GUIDELINES ACADEMY OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT & FACILITY MANAGEMENT NHTV BREDA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES By Marina Brinkman ( Alinda Kokkinou ( Jelmer Weijschedé ( Version 1.0 08 September 2011 Summary The purpose of this document is to provide you with information on report writing and serve as an illustration of what your report should look like. The document also addresses the content and style of your report and how you should reference others’ ideas and information. Table of Contents Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................................................... 4  1.  2.  3.  3.1.  3.2.  3.3.  3.4.  3.5.  3.6.  3.7.  3.8.  3.9.  4.  5.  5.1.  5.2.  5.3.  5.4.  5.5.  5.6.  5.7.  6.  Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5  Types of Reports ............................................................................................................................................................ 5  Structure of a Report .................................................................................................................................................... 5  Cover Page, Title of the Report,...

Words: 4884 - Pages: 20