...1. Introduction Korea and Japan have close relationship ever since their ancient histories to this day. Because of this reason, their economic growth and development have similarities but on the other hand, due to their different characteristics, they also have differences. This paper will discuss some of the two countries’ major characteristics including geographic, social, and political characteristics and look at their histories and economies. 2. Geography Korea - Korea extends about 1,000 kilometers to the south from the northeast part of the Asian continent. It consists of the Korean Peninsula and over 3,400 islands. Since 1945, as a result of the WWII, Korea has been divided into North Korea, and South Korea. The total area is 221,607 square kilometers. South Korea owns 99,237 square kilometers and 45% of the total land, while North Korea owns 122,370 square kilometers, the remaining 55%. Korea is mostly consisted of mountain range with 70 percent. The Mountains Taebaek connects the full length of the east coast. Japan - Japan has four main islands - Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu - and more than 3,000 small islands cover an area of 377,727 square kilometers. These islands extend over 3,000km in total length, and it spreads about 300km in width. Japan is covered with mountains about three-fourths of the national land. Mt. Fuji divides the center of Honshu with 3,000-meter high, the main island. Japan has around 200 volcanoes, among them about 60 volcanoes...
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...ECIPE OCCasIOnal PaPEr • no. 2/2010 REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION IN ASIA: THE TRACK RECORD AND PROSPECTS By Razeen Sally Razeen Sally (razeen.sally@ecipe.org) is Director of ECIPE and on the faculty of the London School of Economics www.ecipe.org info@ecipe.org Rue Belliard 4-6, 1040 Brussels, Belgium Phone +32 (0)2 289 1350 ECIPE OCCASIONAL PAPER ExECuTIvE SuMMARy This is the season for regional-integration initiatives in Asia. There is talk of region-wide FTAs, and there are east-Asian initiatives on financial and monetary cooperation. But grand visions for Asian regional blocs are not achievable. Regional economic integration is most developed in east Asia, but only because of manufacturing supply chains linked to global markets. South Asia is the most malintegrated region in the world. And east and south Asia are much less integrated in finance than they are in trade and FDI – due to highly restrictive national policies governing financial markets. Asia’s existing FTAs are “trade light”. They are largely limited to tariff cuts, but have barely tackled non-tariff regulatory barriers in goods, services and investment, and are bedevilled by complex rules of origin requirements. An APEC FTA initiative has gone nowhere – entirely predictable given such a large, heterogeneous grouping. An east-Asian or a pan-Asian FTA, by discriminating against third countries, would compromise regional production networks linked to global supply chains. Moreover, huge economic...
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...AN INTERNATIONAL COUNTRY CASE STUDY OF SOUTH KOREA [pic] PREPARED BY INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ECON 470 Table of Contents Introduction 1 International Trade Theory 3 Revealed Comparative Advantage 3 Resource Endowments 3 RCA VS Technology Resource Endowments 6 Implication 3 International Trade Policy 4 Tariff Policy 5 Government Corruption & International Trade Policy 6 Implication 3 International Monetary System 1 Balance of Payment 3 Currency Value 3 Implication 1 Conclusion 1 Suggestions for Further Research 3 Work Cited 5 APPENDIX Figure 1.1 1 Figure 1.2 1 Figure 2.1 1 Figure 2.2 1 Figure 3.1 1 Figure 3.2 1 Figure 4.1 1 Figure 4.2 1 Figure 5.1 1 Figure 5.2 1 Introduction Overview of South Korea South Korea is formally known as the republic of Korea is a country in East Asia. The country covers a land area of 99,392 Km square and a population of 49.3 million. The country constitutes the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. South Korea is a developed nation ranked at position fifteen. In terms of education, the country is not left behind as it ranks highly in terms of providing high quality education to its citizens. Proper and quality healthcare facilities are also available in the country. South Korea is my country of choice because I got attracted by the efforts the country has put into place to grow from the world poorest country to be among...
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...On June 25, 1950, the North Korean People's Army backed by communist China and the USSR swept across the 38th parallel in an attempt to invade South Korea (Jasper, Para. 2). This hostile act led to what is now known as the Korean War. The outcome of this bloody war resulted in the deaths of over 4 million civilians and soldiers. The implications of this tragic event 65 years later is very prominent in the Korean Peninsula. North Korea is perhaps one of the most isolated countries in the modern 21st century unlike its counterpart South Korea, which is one of the worlds most industrial nations. The two sides are infamously separated by the demilitarized zone, which is a 205-kilometer border barrier (Szczepanski, Para. 31). In the past decade,...
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...This research paper is focus on Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company (Goodyear). The objective of this research paper is to determine if Goodyear should expand to Vietnam as a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) or not. The research will focus on these areas: 1) Goodyear Financial 2) History of Goodyear 3) Principal of Business 4) The Country Vietnam a. History b. Economy d. Trade and Balance of Payments g. Intellectual property rights h. Work forces i. Currency exchange rate 5) Conclusion Goodyear is a US based company, which is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol GT). They have more than 20,000 investors and employ about 72,000 people around the world. They are one of the world’s leading tire companies and second largest tire manufacturer in Europe behind Michelin. They have 55 plants in 22 countries and operate in most regions of the world. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company was founded by Frank A. Seiberling in 1898. During the early stages of the company, rubber and cotton were the lifeblood of the organization. The wingfoot trademark of Goodyear was not known to the public until it was first advertised in 1901. In 1905, four years after Goodyear first advertised, they emerged into a tire manufacturer leader. In 1910, Goodyear became a multi-national company when it acquired foreign plant in Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada and opened sales office in Australia, Argentina and South Africa...
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...Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2012 TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL the global coalition against corruption Contents Introduction About the index Corruption Perceptions Index 2012 1 2 4 Transparency International seeks to provide reliable quantitative diagnostic tools regarding levels of corruption, both at the global and local levels. The Corruption Perceptions Index is one of Transparency International’s indices sponsored by Ernst & Young. 176 countries, 176 scores. How does your country measure up? Transparency International is the global civil society organization leading the fight against corruption. Through more than 90 chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, we raise awareness of the damaging effects of corruption and work with partners in government, business and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to tackle it. www.transparency.org Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this report. All information was believed to be correct as of December 2012. Nevertheless, Transparency International cannot accept responsibility for the consequences of its use for other purposes or in other contexts. ©2012 Transparency International. All rights reserved. Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2012 1 About the index Corruption can happen anywhere. When politicians put their own interests above those of the public. When officials demand...
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...Global Business Cultural Analysis: Republic of Korea Abstract The purpose of this paper is to provide information to business professionals about the Republic of Korea, the Korean culture, and the peculiarities of conducting business in this country. The topics discussed include a brief historical background about the nation, its dimensions of culture, how these elements are integrated by Koreans, and a comparison between these characteristics and American culture and business practices. The paper examines the implications for US firms wishing to do business in Korea using Hofstede’s Dimensions of culture, a SWOT analysis, and FDI analysis. Keywords: culture, religion, Confucianism, innovation, export, KORUS FTA Historical Background of Korea The Republic of Korea (ROK) is commonly known as South Korea. For the remainder of this paper, the ROK will be synonymous with "Korea". Korea is located in northeast Asia on the Korean peninsula between the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan. It borders the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), also called North Korea (nK), immediately to the north, across the 38th parallel. Korea's total land area is nearly 62,000 miles, slightly larger than Indiana (www.cia.gov). It has an ethnically homogeneous population of over 49 million people, 83% of which live in urban areas (www.cia.gov). According to legend, Korea's birth as a nation was in 2333 BC with its early inhabitants coming from and heavily influenced by China...
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...single on 15 July this year the song has become a global success. With Psy reaching the number 2 spot on the American Billboard charts and number 1 on the Chinese music charts. This success did not go unnoticed in America and Psy has signed a record deal with Universal Republic Records for the release of his album in America. For some this success looks like it came out of nowhere, but those who have been following the k-pop scene know that this is something that would have happened sooner or later. K-pop has been on the rise for many years. Not only in South Korea or in Asia, but in parts of South America, Africa, the Middle East, the United States and Europe. When zooming in on this international success of k-pop, we can see that there is a Korean wave (or hallyu in Korean language) going on. This Korean wave does not only include music, but also movies and TV dramas. Especially in Asia the demand for Korean cultural products has grown so big that it can rival with Japanese and Western culture. Those had been the main source for music, movies and television in Asia until hallyu. The success of Psy in America shows that the Korean wave is still expanding and getting more recognition worldwide. This paper will look into the Korean wave. What is the Korean wave? And how do policymakers, the media and the culture industry think about hallyu? What are the differences in how they use the concept of hallyu? Second, who are behind the success of the Korean wave? How big was...
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...Quazi Tasnim Hasan ID # 112 111 051 Assignment No. 4 What is economic integration? For the Last 65 years, the world has undergone significant changes. The decade of the 1970s was dominated by the two energy crises. Industrial economies were faced with a new “enemy”: stagflation—a combination of high inflation and unemployment. Developing countries were increasingly becoming more dependent on foreign borrowing and centrally planned economies were unable to secure economic growth. Furthermore, the world witnessed a radical transformation during the past two decades. The greatest economic experiment of the twentieth century was the movement from communism to a market economy, which began in Mikhail Gorbachev’s Russia in the mid-1980s, and then spread to Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 1990s and to China later on during the same decade. Although the transition to a free market has led to disappointing outcomes, most Eastern Europe countries have concentrated on integrating their economies with Europe and on becoming part of the EU. All these events led to the world becoming more and more global in nature and to defining globalization as a closer economic integration among nations through increased trade and capital flows. It also refers to labor movement and technology transfer across international borders as well as cultural and political issues, which are beyond the scope of this chapter. Globalization is the result of technological processes occurring mainly in the...
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...complex, shifting, and historic relations between these areas, as well as relations with other places such at the United Sates in more recent times, the history of Korea has been told in many ways and is still the subject of hot debate both inside and outside the Koreas. North and South Korea have different versions of the peninsula’s history, both of which differ in detail and perspective from histories written in China, Japan, Russia, and the USA. The following sections, which attempt to outline the history in a balanced way, are based on a variety of materials, including lectures attended in a special workshop on Korean culture at Korea University in the summer of 1997. Map of Korea The overall pattern of development in the history of the Korean peninsula is a process that begins with an unknown number of early tribal groups that populate the peninsula in prehistoric times, wandering out of Siberia and areas to the west. Over time, some of these groups form more complex societies that eventually result in early kingdoms that grow up on the peninsula; in some cases extending westwards into what is now Chinese territory. As time and events unfolded, these kingdoms were unified, though the borders and degree of unity have continued to change over time—down to today. Besides the obvious split between North and South Korea, cultural differences (including dialect, food, and local identity) exist between the various regions of the peninsula. In some cases these differences are enough...
Words: 13044 - Pages: 53
...International Telecommunications Union. 2003. Broadband Korea: Internet Case Study. South Korea Available at: http://www.itu.int/ITUD/ict/cs/korea/material/CS_KOR.pdf Viewed on 12/10/06 National Internet Development Agency of Korea. 2006. Korea Internet Whitepaper. Seoul, South Korea, Available at: http://eng.mic.go.kr/eng/user.tdf?a=user.board.BoardApp&c=2001&board_id=E_04_03&mc=E_04_03_01&ctx=annual_report Viewed on 9/10/06 National Computerization Authority. 2001. 2001 Korea Internet White Paper. Available at: www.nca.or.kr/white/data/2002engwhite/review.pdf Viewed on 12/10/06 DTI / Brunel University. 2002. INVESTIGATING BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT IN SOUTH KOREA: Broadband Mission to South Korea. Available at: www.broadbanduk.org/reports/SKorea_report.pdf Viewed on 08/10/06 Yun, K., Lee, H., Lim, S., 2002. The Growth of Broadband Internet Connections in South Korea: Contributing Factors. Available at: www.iisdb.stanford.edu/pubs/20032/Yun.pdf Viewed on 09/10/06 Communicaid Global Communication. 2006. Doing Business in South Korea. Available at: http://www.communicaid.com/south-korea-business-culture.asp Viewed on 08/10/06 World Broadband Yearbook 2006. 2006. Country Overview: South Korea. Available at: www.telegeography.com/products/broadband_yearbook/pdf/wb06_skorea.pdf Viewed on 08/10/06 Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) and National Computerization Agency (NCA), 2002. 2002 Korea Internet White Paper. Avaliable at: www.mic.go.kr Viewed on 11/10/06...
Words: 4033 - Pages: 17
...other countries base establishing diplomatic recognition. Focusing on the Republic of China (Taiwan) suggests a more complicated view where economic self-interest on one side and national pride on the other may undermine traditional conceptions of recognition. Using the ROC-PRC diplomatic battle as a case study, this paper hopes to shed light on two questions: why, despite the PRC's rise as a global power, a country would continue to formally recognize the ROC and secondly what does the ROC receive in exchange for such high-cost endeavors to maintain recognition. In this case mutual ideological rationales have greatly diminished while I contend that economic factors have predominantly maintained this diplomatic battle. In addition, previous research often focuses on major world powers granting or withholding formal recognition to smaller states. In this situation, poor countries with typically little political influence are the major players, suggesting different rationales behind recognition. Methodologically, this paper blends qualitative and quantitative analysis to uncover factors affecting recogni- T IMOTHY S. RICH is a doctoral student in political science at the Indiana University. His previous rese arch analyzed Taiwan's democratization and cross-Strait relations. His dissertation analyzes electoral reform in East Asia . In 2009, Timothy received a National Science Foundation grant to conduct research in Taiwan regarding recent electoral reforms. The author can be reached...
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...Business Cultural Analysis South Korea By: Erik Mays Liberty University BUSI 604 Dr. Romanoski May 9, 2014 Abstract In this research paper I will be analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in South Korea. In doing so, I will be answering the four major questions as it relates to the major Elements and Dimensions of culture in South Korea. Also, since the dimensions of culture in any nation are many, it is necessary to analyze each category that makes up the Dimensions of one’s culture, these categories have been in place for many years in any given country. If we simply consider the Dimensions of Culture in the United States alone, which range from Religion to our Ethical standards, it would be clear that there are many categories within each of those. Therefore, it is important to analyze each category in detail, in an attempt to determine exactly what it will take to do business in that country or any country across the globe. This research paper will attempt to identify those major elements and dimensions of culture in South Korea. Once these elements and dimensions have been identified, it would give a clearer picture on how South Koreans integrate those elements and dimensions into their everyday business. Also, when comparing South Korean and the United States culture and business, there would naturally be implications that should be considered for US businesses that want to do business in South Korea. This research will also address those implications...
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...Economic Freedom and Living Standards April 24, 2008 Research Paper Sweden, Ivory Coast, India, North Korea, Singapore, and Brazil April 24, 2008 Research Paper: Sweden, Ivory Coast, India, North Korea, Singapore, and Brazil A country with a free economy have a higher standard of living than countries with poor economies. The standard of living can be determined by the overall economic standing, policy or reforms, political, social, and cultural conditions that a country displays. These factors can be measured in different ways such as the GDP, population, history, and various sources. In this paper, I will examine the economic structure of six countries and emphasize factors that contribute to the standard of living. Sweden Sweden is the world's 27th freest economy. According to the 2008 Index of Economic Freedom (IEF), it has an economy that is 70.4% free. Services, industry, and agriculture account for 59.8%, 38%, and 2.8% of GDP (World Factbook). It relies heavily on international trade, accounting for more than 50% of GDP. Main exports include paper products, machinery and transport equipment, and chemicals. The population is 9 million with a GDP of about $308.9 billion. Citizens are provided with a broad spectrum of public services and social welfare benefits that guarantee a minimum living standard and all residents are covered by national health insurance (Soldenberg). It is known to have one of the highest living standards in the world. Factors...
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...Korea’s nuclear and strategic missile capabilities present grave challenges to regional security. Pyongyang’s propensity to export its weapons also threatens the global non-proliferation regime. Despite economic impoverishment and an inability to feed its people, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea remains heavily armed and ready to fire first. Its recent and continued military provocations demonstrate the potential for resumed conflict on the Korean Peninsula. Policymakers must determine the appropriate manner to address these threats. Current considerations for policy options include containment of North Korean capabilities, destruction of North Korean capabilities without regime change, and compelling regime change in North Korea. This paper will offer analysis on each of these policy courses of action. The merits and drawbacks of each will be weighed against the ends, ways, means framework of strategy formulation, as well as the suitability, feasibility, acceptability risk model. For the purposes of this analysis, the stipulated end is elimination of North Korea’s nuclear and missile capability. North Korea’s Nuclear and Missile Capabilities As recently as July 2013, North Korea is believed to possess between four and eight nuclear weapons. Pyongyang claims that this and further nuclear capability is necessary to deter US invasion, as well as unfavorable policy. Further assessment of Korea’s nuclear capability indicates that its true purpose is to protect the current...
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