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Research Paper in Geothermal Energy


Submitted By MISAJON
Words 395
Pages 2
Background of the study A Geothermal power plant uses its geothermal activities to generate power. And this type of natural energy production is extremely environmentally friendly and used in many geothermal spots. And to harness this geothermal energy, a deep hole are being drilled into the earth (much like when drilling for oil) until a significant hot spot is found. And this geothermal power is one of the most renewable energy sources that exist on our planet today. It is also defined as a renewable energy that taps into the heat emanating from earth’s core. And it can be used for many energy uses. Here in the province of Antique on evidence that there is a possible spots for geothermal energy source is located in Brgy. Nato, Anini-y, Antique where hot springs exists. And for this, the assessment of geothermal energy is the first best step (basis for geothermal power plant). Geothermal energy here in Antique is not the concern of the government even though there is evidence and possibility that geothermal energy source here exists. This process required full attention from the government. This energy will be the solution for the major problems in which the province experiencing today. That is why Antique is extremely dependent in power supplies to others in such a way that this power supply can sustain the demand for industrial productions as a whole.
Objectives of the study The general objectives of the study enumerates the following * To determine if the geothermal energy in Brgy. Nato is sufficient to generate power supply. * To determine the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal energy in the province. * To determine what are the benefit can geothermal energy will contribute to the province.

*To gather data and information regarding geothermal energy.
Significance of the study The study enumerate the following significance which geothermal energy in Brgy. Nato is being assist. *Give complete information about the possibilities that Brgy. Nato is the suitable spot for geothermal energy source. *Serve as guide and basis for geothermal power plant.
Scope and limitations of the study The scope and limitations of the study only focus on the assessment of geothermal energy in brgy.Nato for the basis in designing of geothermal power plant to generate sufficient power supply .Through gathering data and making design plans and prototype. With the help of the provincial governments

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