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Research Paper On John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism

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According to ( that utilitarianism is “a belief that a morally good action is one that benefits the greatest number of people.” A perfect example would be Ozymandias and what he did to the city of New York during the government and foreign affairs. He believed in utilitarianism because he thought rather than nuclear bombs being sent from US to Europe to the Middle East to Russia and vice versa. Every country had nuclear weapons pointed at one another, and on the brink of a new world war. Ozymandias set off a bomb and killed thousands of people in New York, yet he simply did this all to end the tension with nuclear weapons and ended a war that was going to break out. This was exact situation was a result …show more content…
Three questions were raised. (CITATION page 5) What is happiness? What is the morally right way to live or to act? What is the relation between happiness and morality? All three questions centered on Mill and his beliefs. Mill answers with “happiness is pleasure,” “the right way to act is to produce the greatest amount of happiness,” and finally “the individual’s happiness will be found in doing what is morally right.” Personally those all sound like great answers, but I argue with his answers. Happiness may be pleasure for some but that can be falsified because of not everyone thinking the same as Mill. For example a murderer could find pleasure in killing which, does not back up his way of thinking. A murderer may find it pleasurable and his/her way of happiness, but in reality that would be unacceptable and morally wrong. Besides that example you have those who believe that love is the key to happiness, while others find money the key to happiness, it all depends on who that person is, and why they think a certain item, or emotion will bring them

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