...1. What are the overall possible benefits to a company from focused business research? Please explain in detail with several specific examples. A focused business research provides companies with valuable data which is vital to fully live up to its potential and be successful in its industry. Common types of business research that companies focus on include: market research, industry analysis, product research and also targeting key customer groups amongst others. This short report looks to touch on the benefits a company may attain from conducting focused business research. To start off with, a possible benefit to come from business research is that it helps a company communicate with its customers or suppliers. It can give a company insight into the likes and dislikes of its current customers as well as potential customers. In terms of marketing this can be a massive advantage knowing how to communicate to your target customers and making sure you tailor your strategy to their taste. Further benefits are that a company can identify opportunities and threats while also reducing risks and uncertainties. For instance, it can show the company that a certain product they had planned to launch does not fully match the wants and needs of its target market and in return can make modifications or changes as needed. In regards to threats, such as an airline finding out that a low cost competitor is looking to make an entry on certain routes that they operate. The airline can take...
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...for the continuation of science. In our current society, there are always going to be aborted or non-viable embryos. Gathering stem cells from these non-viable or aborted embryos, does no additional harm and provides a way for scientists to continue research for the greater good (Master and Crozier 56). Furthermore, only allowing the use of excess embryos in research means that no embryos will be created and destroyed for the specific research purposes alone (Master and Crozier 59). Likewise, working towards a viable replacement for embryonic stem cells will allow for all moral concerns to one...
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...Internet Piracy has become a hot topic as of late with all the recent cyber security bills being purposed in congress. Many companies that own intellectual property want these bills to pass, this will allow them to better defend their intellectual property against would be pirates. The three benefits to software piracy are the removal or price conscious consumers from the market, showing interest in the product, and give the owner company’s word of mouth advertising. Software piracy is a complicated issue, although the person pirating the piece of software is technically stealing, they are only stealing time and ideas. There is no physical item missing from the creator of the software. Software piracy is the unauthorized copying of computer software. Many countries around the world have copyright laws which apply to software piracy but the extent of enforcement differs. These copyrights usually surpass the practical life of the product (US Government). Today the oldest programs for computers have copyrights will not expire till the year 2030. These programs are forty years old, that’s a sixty year old copyright for a program that is about as useful as an ejector seat on a helicopter. The changes in operating systems, network environments, and user expectations generally make software programs out of date faster than the copyright runs out (Wikipedia). A law that has been proposed is the U.S. Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (UCITA); this law is very controversial...
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...Ways for stem cell research to be beneficial are still being discovered. Stem cell research remains as a very new and cutting edge scientific discovery. They are very unique and hold a promise to be very helpful in the future because of its complex makeup. The scientific world is evolving and stem cells are becoming a main part in it. The uses that have already been found for stem cells are only the beginning and have scratched the surface to what they could do if they were used to their full potential. It is promising that in the future we will be able to help people who have suffered from sepsis, which is when someone has an infection that spreads throughout their body (Murnaghan, 2014, p. 2). Sepsis is a health condition that is very...
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...The Benefits of Napping Did you know that most mammalian animals vary between sleeping and being awake for short periods of time throughout the day (Napping 1)? Humans are members of a small group of mammals who do use this sleep strategy. The mammals that do use this strategy take a lot of naps throughout the day instead of sleeping only at night (like humans do). Sometimes, only sleeping during the night is not enough to make it through the day. Some people need a nap to make it through the day. When you hear the word “nap”, you think of that lazy friend you have who sleeps all of their problems away. The word “nap” has a negative connotation and usually refers to lazy people. Most people say, “Only lazy people take naps,” and “sleeping is...
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...modern world. Globalization has increased its importance. Advertising is the impersonal method of communicating messages to prospective buyers. It is also the art of persuasion of human minds through a range of communication media. It aims to create positive impressions about a brand, an organization, or an idea. The American Marketing Association defines advertising as ‘any paid form of non-personal presentation of goods, services or ideas for action, openly paid by an identified sponsor’. The advertising is salesmanship in print, voice and visual. The field of advertising is made up of a system of interacting institutions that play their role in creating and executing the advertising process. This study has been carried out study the benefits of using colour identified by a company. In order to study he stated topic Ncell has been chosen. Ncell private limited stands as a privately owned GSM services in telecommunication sector of Nepal with the brand name ‘Mero Mobile’, which was re-branded as Ncell in 12 March 2010. Ncell with a new brand identity including a new brand symbol in the shape of a hitek stone in rich purple colour replaced the brand Mero Mobile with its red and yellow colouring. The stone symbolizes connectivity and connection between people. The purple colour is energizing and inspiring, it reflects the creativity passion and reliability with which Ncell will continue to serve its customers. 1.2 Statement of Problem: In order to conduct this study following...
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...Secretary of State to even the most minuscule jobs of a custodial worker, with everything imaginable in between. Though some of these jobs may seem small or inconsequential, not one of them are, and our country makes sure that the workers know that. A lot of private-sector jobs don't have much to offer when it comes to benefits and continuity, but working for your country includes a huge benefits package, a pay that competes with most private and non-profit jobs, and the chance to climb the ladder in the government. Since the government needs about 550,000 new employees, no matter where you are, or what you do, or WHO you are, there is a job for you. ~ One part of working for the government is the benefits. They offer extensive health care plans for both the worker and the worker's family even after retirement. This means that no matter where or how an employee are their family get hurt, the government is there to help, even dentistry. If you or a loved one goes to the hospital, your employer can cover up to 75 percent of all health bills! The government life insurance plan isn't half-bad either. The government provides all employees with a comprehensive retirement benefits...
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...Business Research Report Benefits of an Electronic Health Record Assessment Code: RWT1 Student Name: Student ID: Date: Mentor Name: Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 5 Research Findings 5 Opportunity for Financial Incentives 5 Improved Quality of Patient Care 6 Increased Productivity and Efficiency 7 Recommendations 8 Conclusion 9 References 11 Executive Summary The benefits of successfully implementing an electronic health record are both vital to the future of our business as well as rewarding. The purpose of this report is to clearly demonstrate the need for implementation of an electronic health record and provide explanation of the benefits available to us with successful implementation. . The three main benefits I will be presenting research on are the financial benefits of an electronic health record, the ability to provide better quality patient care and the opportunity to increase productivity and efficiency through implementing an electronic health record. There are significant financial incentives for implementing an electronic health record and meeting Medicare and Medicaid’s requirements for meaningful use. Eligible providers can earn up to $44,000 through the Medicare EHR Incentive Program and up to $63,750 through the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program. There are three stages involved in meeting meaningful use the first stage consists of data capture and sharing, the second involves advanced clinical...
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...------------------------------------------------- The Belmont Report Office of the Secretary Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research April 18, 1979 AGENCY: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. ACTION: Notice of Report for Public Comment. SUMMARY: On July 12, 1974, the National Research Act (Pub. L. 93-348) was signed into law, there-by creating the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. One of the charges to the Commission was to identify the basic ethical principles that should underlie the conduct of biomedical and behavioral research involving human subjects and to develop guidelines which should be followed to assure that such research is conducted in accordance with those principles. In carrying out the above, the Commission was directed to consider: (i) the boundaries between biomedical and behavioral research and the accepted and routine practice of medicine, (ii) the role of assessment of risk-benefit criteria in the determination of the appropriateness of research involving human subjects, (iii) appropriate guidelines for the selection of human subjects for participation in such research and (iv) the nature and definition of informed consent in various research settings. The Belmont Report attempts to summarize the basic ethical principles identified by the Commission in the course of its...
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...while they are incapacitated. Some persons are in need of extensive protection, even to the point of excluding them from activities which may harm them; other persons require little protection beyond making sure they undertake activities freely and with awareness of possible adverse consequence. The extent of protection afforded should depend upon the risk of harm and the likelihood of benefit. The judgment that any individual lacks autonomy should be periodically reevaluated and will vary in different situations. In most cases of research involving human subjects, respect for persons demands that subjects enter into the research voluntarily and with adequate information. In some situations, however, application of the principle is not obvious. The involvement of prisoners as subjects of research provides an instructive example. On the one hand, it would seem that the principle of respect for persons requires that prisoners not be deprived of the opportunity to volunteer for research. On the other hand, under prison conditions they may be subtly coerced or unduly influenced to engage in research activities for which they would not otherwise volunteer. Respect for persons would then dictate that prisoners be protected. Whether to allow prisoners to "volunteer" or to "protect" them presents a dilemma. Respecting persons, in most hard cases, is often a matter of balancing competing claims urged by the principle of respect itself. 2. Beneficence. -- Persons are treated in an ethical...
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...formulated as complementary expressions of beneficent actions in this sense: (1) do not harm and (2) maximize possible benefits and minimize possible harms. The Hippocratic maxim "do no harm" has long been a fundamental principle of medical ethics. Claude Bernard extended it to the realm of research, saying that one should not injure one person regardless of the benefits that might come to others. However, even avoiding harm requires learning what is harmful; and, in the process of obtaining this information, persons may be exposed to risk of harm. Further, the Hippocratic Oath requires physicians to benefit their patients "according to their best judgment." Learning what will in fact benefit may require exposing persons to risk. The problem posed by these imperatives is to decide when it is justifiable to seek certain benefits despite the risks involved, and when the benefits should be foregone because of the risks. The obligations of beneficence affect both individual investigators and society at large, because they extend both to particular research projects and to the entire enterprise of research. In the case of particular projects, investigators and members of their institutions are obliged to give forethought to the maximization of benefits and the reduction of risk that might occur from the research investigation. In the case of scientific research in general, members of the larger society are...
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...being is capable of self-determination. The capacity for selfdetermination matures during an individual's life, and some individuals lose this capacity wholly or in part because of illness, mental disability, or circumstances that severely restrict liberty. Respect for the immature and the incapacitated may require protecting them as they mature or while they are incapacitated. Some persons are in need of extensive protection, even to the point of excluding them from activities which may harm them; other persons require little protection beyond making sure they undertake activities freely and with awareness of possible adverse consequence. The extent of protection afforded should depend upon the risk of harm and the likelihood of benefit. The judgment that any individual lacks autonomy should be...
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...CONFIDENTIAL? MSc in International Hotel and Tourism Leadership No TITLE: Benefits of multi-stakeholder groups for participating in Gladmat festival AUTHOR ADVISOR: Prof. Reidar Johan Mykletun Student number: 215519 ………………… 214504 ………………… Name: Ambassador Rezene Meretse ……………………………………. Muhammad Yahya ……………………………………. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF 2 BOUND COPIES OF THESIS Stavanger, ……/…… 2013 Signature administration:…………………………… 2 Abstract This paper investigates the benefits of multi-stakeholders from participating in the Gladmat festival in Stavanger. The findings of this study can help festival and event managers to understand which major factors can attract group of stakeholders to the festival. It could help them to formulate policies, to offer suitable segment focusing on the marketing field. Stakeholder theory, the benefit segmentation theory, push and pull motivation theory, and Maslow’s hierarchy theory were applied to find the benefits of stakeholders for participating in the festival. Mixed method research have been used to collect the data, three qualitative studies and one quantitative study is carried out to explore and describe the benefits from the festival. The outcome from the qualitative shows owners benefits by positioning and marketing their product, supporting the local business, creating destination image and other factors. While, the exhibitors benefit by creating brand loyalty of business, increase sales, promotion of the business...
Words: 31825 - Pages: 128
...biomedical research on the basis of science-based risk assessment or whether to take ethical values in consideration. Many of the greatest advances in medicine have been achieved by biomedical research. Biomedical researchers have been able to find cures or eliminate diseases, create vaccines, and medicines that heave cure and protected the health of millions of people. The National Institute of Health (NIH) is the federal Government’s primary agency for advancing knowledge in the biomedical and behavior sciences in order to understand and treat human disease. In the past, research process often involved many unethical practices where the research participants lacked adequate protection. To protect human research participants from undo harm, biomedical researchers must follow the four basic ethical principles on which standards of ethical research are based: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. Such ethical requirements on biomedical research are found in documents such as the Declaration of Helsinki or the Belmont Report. The four principles and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are the principal regulations and ethical protocols when conducted human research. In the United States, the National Institute of Health (NIH) is the primary agency responsible in enforcing ethic in human research but the IRBs falls within the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In other countries, different names might be used, such as research ethics committees...
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...Stem Cell Research Stem cell research has played a vital role in modern-day society. This research has done many things that will change mankind forever. How can stem cell research be explained and described? Furthermore, there are many benefits of stem cell research, and unfortunately, there are many disadvantages of this research. Additionally, this has caused many ethical debates of whether the use of stem cell research is right or wrong. All of these statements and questions will determine how stem cell research shapes the future. To begin, how can stem cell research be explained and described? In this type of research, people discover how to fix imperfect tissues. Additionally, researchers study how embryonic stem cells can develop into many different types of tissues. Stem cell research began when Jamie Thomson and a group of people from a college made the first embryonic stem cell. Because of him and his team, the research has developed into something even larger. Now, stem cell therapy is used to treat many diseases such as diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease. “It had long been believed that adult tissue does not...
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