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Benefits Of Naps Research Paper

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The Benefits of Napping
Did you know that most mammalian animals vary between sleeping and being awake for short periods of time throughout the day (Napping 1)? Humans are members of a small group of mammals who do use this sleep strategy. The mammals that do use this strategy take a lot of naps throughout the day instead of sleeping only at night (like humans do). Sometimes, only sleeping during the night is not enough to make it through the day. Some people need a nap to make it through the day. When you hear the word “nap”, you think of that lazy friend you have who sleeps all of their problems away. The word “nap” has a negative connotation and usually refers to lazy people. Most people say, “Only lazy people take naps,” and “sleeping is …show more content…
You felt like a million bucks after you took that nap. Now think back on a time when you couldn’t sleep overnight. It is pretty difficult to bounce back the next day and maintain a friendly mood. According to the 3 Benefits of Taking Naps and How They Improve Your Life, you need 7-8 hours of sleep for the body to function like it is supposed to. Going to work or school without the right amount of sleep is like a marathon runner not training for a marathon. In today’s day and age, no one is perfect and can obtain 7-8 hours of sleep every night. If you do not get enough sleep, then you could miss something at school or work. If you miss something at school or work, you could lose your job or get horrible grades. This is where a short nap can come into play. In “Health Benefits of Napping,” some people prefer the easy way out of getting their correct amount of sleep and grab their favorite caffeinated beverage, which could affect how most people sleep at night. Then, the whole cycle starts all over again, and you become your cranky, unfriendly self as the week goes on. An easy alternative to that is to take a short nap in the afternoon. A 20-minute nap has the same rejuvenating effect as drinking a cup of coffee in the afternoon (Health). The next time you want to improve your mood and have 20 minutes, you should take a

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