...Assignment Cover Page ENGLISH COMPOSITION II 2012-12-ENC-102-OL013 Assignment: Module 6 Unit 10 Assignment Due Date: 02-23-2013 A Compulsory Review of Quixotic Gun Control Distributed February 23, 2012 Prepared for Ms. Catherine Peck TESC English Comp Mentor Abstract Few events in life demand your immediate attention like gun violence. These events are always shocking and bring about deep emotions that can take us on quixotic crusades, resulting in ineffective and restrictive regulations. Universal evidence and correlations have long been offered as proof of the mantra that more guns mean more violence and fewer guns, therefore, mean less violence (Godwin 281). While the hearts and souls of the regulatory author are well placed, all too often the resulting debate is rooted in erroneous statistics and unrepresentative comparisons. To illustrate Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced Assault Weapons Ban legislation that would ban any weapon with a grip on the premise they are too easy to get and used too often for bad (Feinstein). The NRA states “the average annual number of background checks for the last five years, 2007-2011, is 25 percent higher than for NICS’ first five complete years, 1999-2003” (NRA). The NRA also states “In 2009 alone some 1,868,268 pistols were imported or exported by U.S. manufacturers, according to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) data (NRA). If the old mantra holds true overall crime should...
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...as the foundation of your communication? (If necessary, add more points.) * * * * What method of organization and development will you use to develop your paragraphs? * Introduction: * * Body: * * * * * Conclusion: No Need for More Gun Control Turn on a television to just about any news channel, or pick up a newspaper, whether it is local or national and you will most assuredly find a segment on some sort of gun violence. This may be a shooting at a movie theater, a busy market place, a gang fight, or God forbid, an elementary school. These events and other similar events have lead to a question that is prevalent across the country: Should there be more gun laws and therefore more gun control? Gun control is a topic that has been debated for decades and the debate rages on today and will continue for years to come. Though deaths that result from shootings are senseless, are guns really the problem? I venture to say that no they are not and therefore, there should not be more control. Currently, enemy number one for gun control advocates is the venerable, “assault...
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...among politicians and very few laws are passed with regards to either argument. The Second Amendment states “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” (Wikipedia). This amendment has been the largest reason why there is not stricter gun control because no politician will do anything that comes remotely close to going against the Constitution. Both state and federal courts have used two models to interpret the Second Amendment: the "individual rights" model, which holds that individuals hold the right to bear arms, and the "collective rights" model, which holds that the right depends on militia membership. The collective rights model has been discarded by the U.S. Supreme Court, in favor of the individual rights model. The primary U.S. Supreme Court Second Amendment cases include District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), and McDonald v. Chicago(2010). In Heller and McDonald the U.S. Supreme Court supported the individual rights model, under which the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms much as the First Amendment protects the right to free speech. Under this model the militia is composed of members who supply their own arms and ammunition. This is generally known as the method by which U.S. militias have historically been armed. In November 2011 the Supreme Court turned down the appeal of a man who said the state’s restrictive gun...
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...believe that since the 2nd Amendment gives americans the right to own guns, gun owners should not be restricted in anyway. Gun control laws are necessary to curb mass shootings and decrease gun violence ( Infobase Learning,“Should the US adopt stronger gun control laws”) I advocate for stricter gun control laws considering that lax regulations within states such as Louisiana, gun deaths/injuries are a threat to American public health, and that more restrictive laws directly correlate to less gun-related injuries/deaths...
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...Corporate Governance & Business Ethics Gun Control vs. Gun Violence The debate over gun control in the United States has been a topic of controversy over the years. In particular, the killing of twenty schoolchildren in Newtown, Connecticut. In December 2012 this mass shooting fueled a national discussion over gun laws. However, compromise legislation would have banned semiautomatic assault weapons and expanded background checks was defeated in the senate in 2013, despite extensive public support. Arguments for more restrictive gun laws http://gun.laws.com/gun-rights/gun-control-versus-gun-rights As society continues to diversify and human beings become more individualistic, we drift further apart from understanding each other. The gun control debate is not directly effected by this, but psychologically human beings fear what we don't understand. In a society with hundreds of cultures, differences and arguments can arise out of nothing. Words are one thing but the use of firearms is an entirely different topic. With less restrictive laws on purchasing and ownership a seemingly pointless feud could intensify into murder. Guns give a man power, with power inevitably comes abuse. There is a high rate of gun-related violence http://gun.laws.com/gun-rights/gun-control-versus-gun-rights The United States leads the world in gun violence and ownership. There is a direct correlation. This is perhaps the most obvious argument made in the gun control debate-guns...
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...rest of the world. Since the nations have simultaneous access to the violent new stories that are exaggerated and sensationalized to generate more and more ratings all over the international television channels, newspapers and even the internet, a lot of people have started thinking whether the U.S. Constitutions’ 2nd Amendment is restrictive enough or not. According to a case in the Supreme Court recently, there was an evaluation of the said Amendment and its context. A question needed answering which were whether there were any legitimate restrictions on gun ownership. According to the ruling of the Supreme Court, other Constitutional Amendments and the dangerous times, there are not many legitimate restrictions in the ownership of firearms. Thesis Statement “There are not a lot of legitimate restrictions in ownership of firearms.” Discussion In the Court case of Heller versus District of Columbia (D.C), there are arguments which cover almost all possible aspects of the 2nd Amendment. From the year 1975, Columbian District has put a ban within the residents of D.C’s homes, on the unlocked firearms’ possession. The residents were required by law to store any and all firearms which were permissible in the Columbian District disassembled and unloaded or at least to be fitted with a trigger lock. It might be a problem for the people who are unfamiliar with firearms to figure out how this act would discourage the denizens of D.C from using the weapons as a defense. The fact...
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...permitted in all 50 states since 2013, when Illinois became the last state to enforce it. This is important to me because there are many gun-related crimes and people could prevent them from happening if they had a concealed handgun on them. Adults should carry concealed handguns because they prevent crime, the Second Amendment guarantees it, and most adults are law-abiding and don’t misuse firearms. First of all, adults should carry a concealed handgun because they restrain crime from happening. According to an FBI Crime Data report, Concealed handguns reduced murder by 8.5%, rape by 5%, assaults by 7%, and robbery by 3%. Also, concealed handguns do prevent crime from these percentages that I have supported. Another report by John R. Lott Jr, PhD he calculated 1,570 murders, 4,177 rapes, 60,000 assaults, and 12,000 robberies could have been put to a stop if these people...
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...Gun controls are laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, and use of firearms. They vary greatly around the world. Some countries, such as the United Kingdom, have very strict limits on gun possession while others, like the United States, have laws that vary significantly among their states. Proponents of gun control generally argue the dangers of widespread gun ownership. People argue that gun control does not reduce gun-related injuries, murder, or suicide, and some argue that certain regulations may violate individual liberties. Most people will agree that the gun law in the United States does not really decrease the number of gun related incidents that have occurred. Such incidents includes the 2012 Aurora Shooting. On July 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred inside of a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. A gunman, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms, killing 12 people and injuring 70 others. After this unfortunate event Colorado’s gun sales spiked after the shooting, with the number of background checks for people seeking to purchase a firearm in the state increasing to 2,887 about reaching 43%. Another incident was the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. This occurred on December 14, 2012, in the village of Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut...
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...consideration is have the American people had enough lives destroyed by these horrible events and are Americans ready for the federal government to impose stricter gun control laws. Learning Team C is for stricter gun control laws and will outline their thoughts in this debate paper. Current Gun Laws For numerous Americans, bearing arms is one of the important inalienable rights that each individual possess. This association originated during the period of American frontier history, where guns were vital in the expansion of the society moving westward. These settlers relied on guns to guard themselves from others that would cause them harm, vicious animal attacks as well as hunting for food. In rural states, developing shooting and survival skills is a ‘rite of passage’ before entering manhood. Currently, in metropolitan cities young men still use firearms as a means to gain acceptance, respect, and to prove their manhood. During the past few decades several gun control acts and bans have become federal laws. In 1934 Congress passed the National Firearm Acts. Under this act, a statutory excise tax is collected from manufacturers and traders of certain firearms along with mandating the registration of such firearms. The Gun Control Act of 1968 is a federal law enacted by President Lynden Johnson. This law in a broad way regulates the firearms industry as well...
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...Since December 5, 1791 the people have had the right to keep and bear arms. This amendment has been in effect for more than a century. However, throughout time, many people have tried to abolish or restrict this amendment. After tragic events that have been caused by some misusing their Second Amendment right, some have debated the interpretation of the Second Amendment. By abolishing citizen’s right to keep and bear arms, it is like exterminating citizen’s right of freedom of speech and religion. This has initiated controversy around the world. James Madison composed the Second Amendment in 1791(Garret). The Second Amendment declares, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to...
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...company level combat operations will focus on actions and conduct that constitute Law of War violations and war crimes. This lesson will provide you an overview broader than the medical piece of the battlefield, although the medical aspects are certainly included. By U.S. policy, U.S. forces will comply with the Law of War during the conduct of military operations and related activities in armed conflict. During peacekeeping and peace enforcement and all other military operations, U.S. forces will apply law of war principles. Thus, the basic principles of the Law of War contained in the Geneva and Hague Conventions govern during every U.S. military operation. Lawful Conduct The lawful conduct of war--the bounds of lawful use of force--is defined by the concepts of Military necessity, Avoidance of unnecessary suffering, and Proportionality - M-A-P Military Necessity - The Law of War/Law of Armed conflict allows combatants to take actions - with respect to targeting and engagement - that are not specifically prohibited by international law (i.e., convention law) and that are necessary and directly related to the prompt submission of the enemy. The concept of military necessity NEVER allows for a waiver of the law of war. Avoid unnecessary suffering - Arms, projectiles and material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering and or destruction of property are prohibited. Otherwise lawful arms cannot be used so as to cause unnecessary suffering (i.e., use of unguided munitions...
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...protection. In the U.S. Constitution the right to bare arms is a liberty given to those citizens who qualified to do so under their first amendment rights. Many people are torn about the right to bare arms and some lobby more increasingly by the days to have more laws to further restrict gun laws. On the other side of the fence you have a great deal of people who try to fight and not only keep their first amendment right, but to also have the noose loosened to make gun laws less restrictive. A gun is very dangerous and can be used to cause a massive amount of damage, but a gun is also safe and can also protect from a human predator who pursues another human as prey. The more powerful guns get and the more access people have to them the sum for me is simple “guns aren’t dangerous, but people are dangerous. On Tuesday, April 20, 1999 the Columbine school massacre happened in Littleton Colorado near Denver. “Two senior students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, embarked on a massacre, killing 12 students and 1 teacher. They also injured 21 other students directly, and three people were injured while attempting to escape. (en.wikipedia.org) After the two high school students went on a wild shooting spree which lasted for about an hour and ended with the two shooting themselves to death. Not too long after these young kids went to their school and caused massed damage people quickly began lobbying for stricter gun control laws. The central issue to this specific case is that although...
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...Rapes by 5% c. Aggravated Assaults by 7% d. Robbery by 3% 2. Applied Economic Letters study in 2013 found that between 1980 and 2009, "states with more restrictive carrying concealed weapons laws had gun-related murder rates that were 10% higher." 3. Detroit Chief of Police Larry Craig said permitted concealed weapons are "a deterrent," and "Good Americans with concealed permit licenses translates into crime reduction." 4. 2013 survey of 15,000 current and retired police officers found that 91.3% support the concealed carry of guns by civilians Claim III: If more citizens had concealed weapons it could help stop a public shooting spree. 1. Following the Columbine High School shooting in 1999, the State of Colorado enacted the 2003 Concealed Carry Act. This act made it a right for law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed weapon. 2. Concealed weapons helped end number of mass shootings at Pearl High School, Appalachian Law School, New Life Church, Santa Clara Gun Shop, Aniston Shoney’s, Golden Food Market, New York AT&T, and the list goes on. 3. According to John R. Lott Jr., PhD, "when states passed concealed carry laws during the 19 years he studied (1977 to 1995), the number of multiple-victim public shootings declined by 84%. Deaths from these shootings plummeted on average by 90%, injuries by...
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...the right of people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Our Founding Fathers believed that governments are prone to use soldiers to oppress the people. History had suggested that this risk could be controlled by permitting the government to raise armies (consisting of full-time paid troops) only when needed to fight foreign enemies. “We established however some, although not all its (self-government) important principles. The constitutions of most of our states assert, that all power is inherent in the people; that they exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent; (as in electing their functionaries executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved,) or may they act by representatives, freely and equally chosen that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed” (Jefferson). Gun control has been a highly controversial issue for decades. A vast majority of Americans believe that if gun control is strictly enforced it would quickly reduce the threat of crime. Many innocent people feel they have the right to bear arms for protection, or even just the pleasure of recreational sports, such as hunting. Americans have a constitutional right to own hand guns. Although, stricter laws and licensing may not affectively abolish crime, it will help to make it more challenging for anyone to purchase fire arms. Currently the federal law states the following: The use of any...
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...Stricter Gun Laws 2 Do you know how many firearms are owned by civilians in the United States? Roughly 300 million. Stricter gun control laws would allow fewer firearms on the streets. New laws are redundant, and make it harder to obtain firearms. It is our constitutional right to own firearms. My research will prove the primary right for citizens, to bare arms. Gun control laws should respect the nature that they were written in the U.S. constitution. Is a known fact that the harder you make something to get, the less there will be of what you're trying to obtain. There are many states and cities with very strict gun control laws. The city of Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. Up until a few months ago it was illegal for citizens to own or possess a firearm anywhere in the city. According to the officer down memorial page, the city of Chicago had five police officers killed in the line of duty this year. Four of those were killed by gunfire. Yes, stricter gun control laws would prevent more guns in the hands of citizens or criminals but as we see in Chicago and many other states in cities, stricter gun control laws only help the criminals, and make the crime rate skyrocket. New laws that are trying to be passed are redundant and make it harder to obtain firearms. As a gun owner myself, I think the laws are tough enough as they Stricter Gun Laws 3 stand. Currently before licensed firearms dealer sell a firearm...
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