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Submitted By thuyngoc
Words 2533
Pages 11
The Aldi Value brand offered shoppers basic grocery items including baked beans and orange juice at prices significantly lower than those of their branded competitors.
As a competitive mechanism to increase customer footfall in stores and maintain and build customer loyalty, Aldi has engaged in numerous price-based promotions.
Customer satisfaction is created by using criteria used by the customer while buying a product and it is about charging premium prices so that it covers the extra production costs justifying the need of choosing their differentiated product over the competitor’s product (Porter, 1985).
They give an edge over the competitor like TESCO, ASDA, Lidl, Netto,BI-LO, Kwiksave, Save-A-Lot, Penny Market, Plus, Dia by providing goods at cheap price but high quality product. And thus, it creates an excellent value for the money paid.
Another important system introduced by ALDI is the checkout system. Long queue is a common thing in most supermarket but in ALDI through checkout system it is made efficient in spite of the less number of staffs .The savings made by ALDI is generally passed on to the ALDI consumers.
All these factors make ALDI a low-cost producer and thus enable to offer customer at a lower price and yet still obtain the profits needed which gives a competitive advantage over others
Strategy – Cost Focus:
Firm dedicates to product that is basic at a lower cost to a segment of people but acceptable by the consumer (Porter, 1985).
ALDI supermarket as mentioned above, considers the middle class people in the rural and the sub-urban areas mainly by introducing the low price offer on all its products.
Organisations need a balanced marketing mix to meet the needs of its customers. Aldi’s focus is on offering the best possible quality products at the lowest possible prices. Every buyer for Aldi, from fresh fruit and vegetables to meats and

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...Course Hero has millions of student submitted documents similar to the one below including study guides, practice problems, reference materials, practice exams, textbook help and tutor support. Why (a) do you suppose Union Planters purchases investments, rather than simply making loans? Why does it purchase investments that vary in nature both in terms of their maturities and in type (debt versus stock)? 1. They may have excess funds that they havent loaned out yet and instead of having the money just sit there the bank manager may decide that it could earn more revenue by choosing to invest. 2. Depending on the situation the bank manager may also feel that they can make more money by investing the excess funds rather than lending the money out. For example right now interest rates are at an all-time low and they may feel like the return on the interest is not enough compared to investing. 3. The bank manager may feel that these investments will mature and be worth more in the future so they may choose to hold long term to create more revenue. (b) How must Union Planters account for its investments in each of the two categories? 1. Trading securities Balance sheet at fair market value a. Gain/Loss reported as part of income 2. Available-for-Sale Balance sheet at fair market value a. Gain/Loss Comprehensive income/ separate from Stockholders equity until realized 3. Held to-Maturity reported at amortized cost Planters had none (c) In what ways does classifying into investments...

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