...On the night of October 1, 2017, a horrific tragedy took place that left at least 59 people dead and more than 500 people seriously injured. This event took place in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Route 91 Harvest music festival. More than 20,000 people attended this concert. People's enjoyment of the concert was soon interrupted by gunshots. A gunman opened fire on the crowd from the 32nd-floor window of a nearby hotel. Soon after this deadly mass shooting occurred, conspiracy theorists flooded the internet with theories of the shooting being a hoax and the victims being "crisis actors". After reviewing the evidence, it is apparent that this was not a hoax and was a horrible crime committed by an American citizen. The first reason that the Las...
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...begin this exploration I felt compelled to find a scholarly definition of the word personal. I found Neidhardt (2002) from the Physics Department New Jersey Institute of Technology as enlightening. Neidhardt explains personal as: The concept of the personal is based upon commitment, defined as the responsible submission of the mind to the requirements of a reality independent of it. Commitment expresses a belief that enables a person to entrust himself to the claims of reality upon him. Commitment always refers the self away to what is independent of it; hence commitment is objectively, not subjectively, oriented Thus begins my personal exploration of knowledge. Invitation to a Concert Rhythm and Blues (R&B) is a gutsy music genre, so when Marie extended an invitation to attend an Anthony Hamilton concert, I accepted. At first, I was hesitant because I was not familiar with the artist. The empirical knowledge thought process pervaded my mind before I accepted the invitation. Unfamiliar with his music, it was difficult to justify attending. Moser and vander Nat (Moser & Vander Nat, 2002) defines empiricism as “Empirical (a posteriori) knowledge which depends on its evidence or justification on sensory experience.” Since I did not have any experience with Hamilton’s the music, the motivating factor was a nice cultural outing with a friend. Marie, whom I consider a master of understanding R&B, informed me that Hamilton is an outstanding performer of Neo-Soul, which is a...
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...Sign in News U.S. http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/06/entertainment/feat-obit-albert-maysles-gimme-shelter-thr/index.html 1/7 3/6/2015 Documentary filmmaker Albert Maysles dies at 88 - CNN.com Story highlights Albert Maysles was a pioneering documentarian Best-known films include "Gimme Shelter," about Rolling Stones Altamont concert The filmmaker also did "Grey Gardens" (The Hollywood Reporter)—Albert Maysles, who collaborated along with his late brother David in a documentary film career that included the troubling 1970 concert documentary "Gimme Shelter," has died. He was 88. The director and cinematographer, an Oscar nominee, died Thursday at his home in Manhattan of natural causes, Stacey Farrar, marketing director at the Maysles Center in New York, confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter. "Gimme Shelter" -- which chronicled the 1969 Rolling Stones tour that culminated in the Altamont Free Concert, in which a fan brandishing a gun was stabbed to death by a Hells Angels security man — stood in a stark and more enduring counterpoint to the myth of the documentary "Woodstock," a depiction of the glorified 1969 free concert whose own dark side was left out in its pre-conceived, celebratory style. Their most well-known film, "Grey Gardens" (1975), was a profile of Jacqueline Onassis' eccentric cousins -- mother and daughter Big Edie and Little Edie Bouvier -- who lived in a dilapidated, cat-packed estate in East Hampton, New York. The brothers worked with fellow...
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...CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) FOR PROFESSIONAL STAFF 1. Name: Golam Morshed Specialized Area : Communication & Media Specialist 2. Date of Birth: 20 October, 1973 Nationality: Bangladeshi 3. Education: • From: 2000 To: 2002 MBA in Major Marketing from American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB), Dhaka • From: 1992 To: 1996 Honors (Major in Management) from National University, Bangladesh • From: 1989 To: 1991 Higher Secondary Class (Commerce) for Dhaka City College, Bangladesh 4. Adress: Apt C1, House 4KA, Road 13, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 5. Contact: Mob: 01199809173, Res: 8144598, email: gmorshed1973@hotmail.com 6. Countries of Work Experience: N/A 7. Language: Good in Speaking, Reading and Writing both in English and Bengali. 8. Employment Record • From: 2010 March To: Present Public Relation & Event Management Specialist Developing communication strategy and implementing those messages to media, stake holders, developers etc under “Strenghting Public Expenditure Management Program (SPEMP) under World bank. Beside, manage the events to support the objective. • From: 2008 To: 2009 Dec Head of PRCU, BMB Mott MacDonald In charge for the Public Relation Communication Unit (PRCU) for BICF (Bangladesh...
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... Abstract Learning about the technologies that can influence growth, and empower business owners to gain a more prosperous company is extremely satisfying. Technology is improving every day. Those who take advantage of it will take the lead. Those who will not will fall behind. When the improvements are made, Club IT will grow and be even more successful in the coming months and years. Club IT, Part Two Evaluating Club IT’s Resources, Customers, and Supply Chain Upon reviewing the records, both Rueben and Lisa have determined that the club’s information technology needed improvement. They had a simple website advertising Club IT gear such as caps, tee-shirts, and mugs. Even though they had their merchandise on their website, there was no way for their customers to order online. Customers had to reserve tickets for the weekend concerts by phone or at the door. They had acquired quite a few week-end customers and repeaters, and it was time to expand to the next level of technology. It is obvious that the expansion of certain information technology would improve their club’s relationship with their customers. It would increase their company’s time and decrease work load. It may be an expensive upgrade; however, it is cost-effective and will create a more efficient way of doing business. Defining Three IT Solutions to Resolve the Three Problems ...
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...HISTORY OF PROJECT MANAGMENT 01-Jun-13 UMMARA MUSHTAQ 2123224 HISTORY OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. Starting in the early 1960s, businesses and other organizations began to see the benefit of organizing work around projects. This project-centric view of the organization evolved further as organizations began to understand the critical need for their employees to communicate and collaborate while integrating their work across multiple departments and professions and, in some cases, whole industries. LATE NINETEENTH CENTURY: We can travel back even further, to the latter half of the nineteenth century, when the business world was becoming increasingly complex, to see how project management evolved from basic management principles. Large-scale government projects were the impetus for making important decisions that became the basis for project management methodology. In the United States, for example, the first truly large government project was the transcontinental railroad, which began construction in the 1860s. Suddenly, business leaders found themselves faced with the daunting task of organizing the manual labor of thousands of workers and the processing and assembly of unprecedented quantities of raw material. EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY: Taylor introduced the concept of working more efficiently, rather than...
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...many factors unique to a service business and illustrates how pavilion management can use CVP analysis to determine which artists to attract and what kinds of contracts to have with these performers. The Pavilion has two types of customers (paying ticket holders and free ticket holders) and earns profits from three types of revenues (ticket revenues, concession revenues, and parking fees). The case requires you to identify the best strategy for different types of artists, conduct cost-volume-profit analyses, consider the strategic issues related to operating leverage and how this affects the choice of performer and contract, and assess pricing strategies. O ne day in early November, Pam Berg, Manager of the ALLTEL Pavilion, was reviewing the operating results for the year just completed in preparation for the executive board meeting the following Friday. While the year ended in the black, she was disappointed that the ALLTEL Pavilion failed to earn the budgeted profit goal. This was the second year since Ms. Berg assumed the manager’s position at the ALLTEL Pavilion. After the somewhat disappointing first year, she was determined to exceed the budgeted profit in the coming year. While not all events developed exactly as expected at the time of preparing the budget for the year, there were no major surprises during the year. Yet, the...
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...Reviewing the Past One of the most revered documents in American history is the Declaration of Independence. It is with this simple combination of parchment and ink, that the thirteen original colonies started the American Revolution. The document set forth the ideal role of government by describing how God intended governments to work. However, the government’s objective of continuing the founding ideal of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” has wavered over time. During the last two decades America has moved further away from these ideals as seen by the split political parties, decreasing safety, and The continuous disagreement of the two major political parties has caused the United States to come to a standstill after years...
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...Connecting business strategy and operations Michael Donovan Tags: lean manufacturing Most companies have a strategic plan. However, over the years I have seen it time and again. Strategy, although perceived by some as defined, is largely misunderstood across the organization, not tied-in to operations and therefore poorly executed in operations and as a result ignored as the hour-to-hour, crisis-to-crisis mode of management becomes more firmly entrenched. Does your company have an operations strategy developed and being executed to carry the strategic plan? In all likelihood, the answer is no. The most common missing ingredient to success in companies I have seen over the years is a well-planned and defined action plan for improvement that is being consistently and constantly well-executed. The symptoms can vary but, in essence, what is missing are: well-defined and agreed-upon business goals, operational objectives, action plans and performance measures. As a result, some functions within the company are often diametrically opposed to one another and operate in a way that makes meaningful business performance improvement nearly to outright impossible. Companies need a way to focus and stay focused. They need, in effect, a well-defined and well-executed strategy and action plan. No strategic plan in and of itself can help a company change and move ahead to capture more market share, improve products, increase customer satisfaction, or whatever is recommended within...
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...SC300-11 Unit 2 Project Kaplan University Observation- To begin, we have four schools who have a number of reported absences. There is no specific reason for the absences noted. The days of the absences are all in the month of May on the 10th, 19th, and 20th. The peak percentage of students absent in the District between the four schools ranges between 60-90%. After reviewing the community health department site I also observed that there was a restaurant inspection done at take your chances diner and DELIcious. The two places did receive some health violations regarding sanitary practices in the kitchen and food contamination. Student interviews show that the majority of students absent were in the band and they were absent because they were sick, with stomach aches, headaches, fevers, vomiting, and diarrhea. There was a student planning meeting for battle of the bands on 5/15 and all schools participated. Battle of the bands was on 5/19. One parent mentioned that the kids ate at a restaurant and could have food poisoning. Testable Questions- * Did the students get exposed to some type of bacteria or virus after eating at one of the community restaurants? * Did the students get exposed to a virus at battle of the bands? * Are the students sick because they drank contaminated water? * Did the students get exposed to a virus while in school? * Did the students get exposed to a virus at the local park? * Were the students sharing food amongst one...
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...which could be local and/or lottery companies. a casino is a facility which houses and accommodates certain types of gambling activities. The industry that deals in casinos is also known as the gaming industry. Casinos are commonly built near or combined with hotels, restaurants, retail shopping, cruise ships and other tourist attractions. There is debate over whether or not the social and economic consequences of casino gambling outweigh the initial revenue that may be generated. In the United States, some states that have high unemployment and budget deficits have turned to legalizing casinos, often in places that are not tourist destinations. Some casinos are also known for hosting live entertainment events, such as stand-up comedy, concerts, and sporting events. There are pros and cons to every company. The SWOT analysis is a great way to determine. Upon reading there are many different regulations with restrictions around the world for gambling. Gambling industries are such a huge asset to the Government because of the rather large revenue that it offers to the Government with benefits. For example, the help from the government, gambling and other local agencies or organizations decrease the unemployment rate by generating more employment opportunities. To name just a few of the gambling organizations; Las Vegas Sands, MGM Resort, Caesars Entertainment, Trump Casinos and many others around the world. |Strengths...
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...Running header: Club IT Part Three 1 Club IT Part Three Ron M. Davis March 20, 2011 Michael Diaz Running header: Club IT Part Three 2 Lisa and Ruben are the club owners. In our initial meeting we discussed what was expected of the job that was being undertaken. They explained to me a little about the club and an overview of their need to boost their information technology, data management, and decision-making capabilities. “To learn more about Club IT’s operations, we stayed until the 2:00 a.m. closing this morning to see how everything was tallied and accounted at the end of a business day. Although it was a late night and we had to wake up early this morning to report back to work, we now have a better understanding of the daily business cycle at Club IT. Lisa asked me for suggestions on how to use club and public resources to keep Club IT’s edge as the high-energy, high-impact club it strives to be”.(Wiley, 2009) “Lisa and Ruben have just completed extensive remodeling of the...
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...Art and culture is a unique element that is present in every society and nation. It expresses the ideas, feelings and values of a society. It can justifiably be said that the richness of a society is determined by its art and culture. According to Theodor Adorno, culture is described as “that which goes beyond the system of self-preservation of the species,” which seems to contradict its essentiality to society. Even with rapid changes in the world through wars and civilization, arts and culture has remained a substantial facet of society throughout time. Despite its apparent appreciation in most societies, survival of the arts has without a doubt been challenging. An artist is defined as “a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination”. Artists involved in the arts and culture are in a constant struggle between expressing their artistic sides and their need for self-welfare. Howard Becker once wrote that “Some art activities do not operate in a money economy. Instead, a central government agency may allocate recourses for art projects.” According to Becker, with the creation of “culture industries”, organizations with profit motives have successfully latched on forms of arts with commercial value. He also said that their dominance needs to be stopped by the federal government to ensure equitable opportunities among artists. The earliest patronage of the arts dated before the First World War with the formation of the Commonwealth Literary Fund in 1908 and the...
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...Alexander Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki Course: International entrepreneurship Financial crisis in Tourism |Student: |Professor: | |Mr. Samaras Giannis | November, 2011. Content: 1. Financial crisis in Tourism- Introduction 2 2. How the crisis affects tourism 3 3. A Strategic Approach for the Global Tourism Industry to Overcome the Global Economic Crisis: A 10-Point Plan for Tourism Recovery 5 4. Money-saving trends in tourism 6 5. References 9 1. Financial crisis in Tourism- Introduction Tourism is especially vulnerable to economic uncertainty and volatility for a simple reason. Most travel and tourism involves discretionary expense. During tough economic times people conserve their cash to cover the essentials of life, food, shelter and family necessities. However, this does not mean that tourism stops. The trend that we have learned from past crises whether we refer to past economic crises or the global tourism scare resulting from the events of 9/11 is that people continue to travel but they will travel differently from the way they do during times of economic buoyancy. Those tourism and hospitality businesses which will survive and...
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...8/29/2015 Scholarship Opportunity Home | Contact | TShirts On Sale | Tracking | Cart | Site Map | Search Search Cart Summary Search Shop By... All TShirts Basic TShirts Sweatshirts Hoodies Polo/Golf Shirts Ladies Apparel Athletic Apparel Athletic Shorts Youth Apparel Hats Accessories Recently Added On Sale Now! Scholarship opportunity for students looking to love their careers! Make plans now to love your career. Scott Jones, founder of JonesTshirts.com is a firm believer in the importance of loving your career. It affects every aspect of your life. Your family can see a difference when they know that you don't dread going into work everyday. You're happier and those around you are happier. It's important to start thinking about this concept early, especially while in college. Items: Subtotal: 0 $0.00 Recently Viewed Items Email Updates Click here to sign up for email updates and discount codes. Who Can Apply? Any student who will be enrolled in a college or University at the time of the next deadline (see dates below). This scholarship is limited to students attending school in the 50 U.S. states. Upcoming Deadlines Monday September 7, 2015 Please follow these steps EXACTLY as outlined below to qualify for review. (Essays that ignore these simple requirements will be ignored) 1) Essay Outline Requirements Write a 500 to 1000 word essay outlining at least 3 steps that you plan to take in the next year ...
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