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Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Women's March

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Marching backward.
The women's march set back for women and liberty.

The highly anticipated women's march on January 21 in D.C. states a reason to march as: "The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized, and threatened many of us "
That only the last election cycle has woken up these women is a sign of a multitude of women's who are ignorant in political, social and economic knowledge. Making the march a women's affair only sets the dividing line between the sexes and shows men that women have not figured out the corruption in the political system, especially in the federal government.

A variety of allegations during the heated election with accusations back and forth between the two ruling parties were laughable at …show more content…
For the March the headline reads: "The Rise of the Woman = The Rise of the Nation", which makes me wonder.
The rise of a nation; didn't we just have eight years filled with opportunities to rise this nation offered by the leader that promised change? Were the expected promised changes not made?
If these expectations were not met, wouldn’t you finally want the change you asked for and was promised to you eight years ago; and would another party’s leader have more chance at change than continuation with the same agenda, instead of the same party with a different leader?
Have your expectations changed from four or eight years ago, or have the elections changed?
Facts are overwhelming that the elections were fraudulent, rigged, whatever you want to call it, however, they have been as long as there have been …show more content…
Guilt for the mistakes you've made and shame for the mistake others tell you, you are.
Women love to live of both, the biggest protest in the nation on January 21, is based on guilt and shame.
Many women slow down in advancement, women will not progress because of guilt and stop themselves because of shame.
On January 21, women will dig their souls filled with guilt and shame into a deeper hole of resentment towards men by holding this march in the name of “all women.”
Therefore, I refuse to support this mission to denigrate women through guilt trips and oppressive feelings of shame into further oblivion and ignorance.
I am smarter, stronger and more visionary than offering me up for a guilt trip.
And yes, you are too, as women we should refuse to bow down to other women of power over your guilt and control over your shame.
This is not a march for the women marching, this march is a show of alleged force for the leaders of this march who merely use your numbers in politics to run their agendas; supported by crony

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