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Richard Charles Branson Research Paper

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Richard Charles Nicholas Branson was born on July 18th 1950 in Surrey, England. His Father Edward James Branson worked as a barrister and his mother Eve Branson worked as a flight attendant. Richard who struggled with dyslexia had lots of problems with educational institutions when he was younger and nearly failed out of all boys Scaitcliffe School which he attended up until the age of 13. He then transferred to Stowe School, a boarding school in Stowe, Buckinghamshire, England.
Still struggling Richard dropped out at the age of 16 to start a youth culture magazine called Student. The publication run by students, for students sold over $8,000 worth of advertisement in its first edition which was launched in 1966. The first 50,000 copies were …show more content…
It was during this time that Branson had the idea to begin a mail-order record company called Virgin to help fund his magazine efforts. The company performed modestly, but made Branson enough that he was able to expand his business venture, adding a record shop in Oxford Street, London. With the success of the record shop, the high school drop-out was able to build a recording studio in 1972 in Oxfordshire, England.
His first artist on the Virgin Records label, Mike Oldfield, recorded his single "Tubular Bells" in 1973 with the help of Branson's team. The song was an instant smash, staying on the UK charts for 247 weeks. Using the momentum of Oldfield's success, Branson then signed other aspiring musical groups to label, including the Sex Pistols. Artists such as the Culture Club, the Rolling Stones, and Genesis would follow, helping to make Virgin Music one of the top six record companies in the world.
Branson expanded his entrepreneurial efforts yet again, this time to include the travel company the Voyager Group in 1980, the airline Virgin Atlantic in 1984, and a series of Virgin Megastores. But Branson's success was not always predictable. By 1992, Virgin was suddenly struggling to stay financially afloat. The company was sold later that year to THORN EMI for $1

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