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Roger Sherman Research Paper

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Roger Sherman (1721-1793) Roger Sherman was born in Newton, Massachusetts, and moved to Connecticut when he was two years old. He had little formal education, but he taught himself to become a lawyer, a surveyor, and a merchant. He was active in local and colonial politics, serving as a justice of the peace, a judge, a member of the legislature, and the first mayor of New Haven. He was also a delegate to the Continental Congress from 1774 to 1781, and a member of the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence. He is the only person to sign all four major state papers of the United States: the Continental Association, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution.Sherman was a strong supporter …show more content…
He became a successful printer, publisher, author, inventor, and scientist. He founded the Pennsylvania Gazette, Poor Richard’s Almanack, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the American Philosophical Society, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Pennsylvania Hospital. He also conducted experiments on electricity, invented the lightning rod, the Franklin stove, the bifocal glasses, and the odometer. He was a leader of the Enlightenment movement and a promoter of civic virtues, education, and philanthropy.Franklin was also a prominent statesman and diplomat. He was a delegate to the Continental Congress from 1775 to 1776, and a member of the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence. He was also the first postmaster general of the United States, and the minister to France from 1778 to 1785. He helped secure the alliance with France and the Treaty of Paris, which ended the American Revolution. He was also a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, where he advocated for a strong federal government and a compromise between the large and small states. He was the oldest and most respected delegate at the convention, and his influence and wisdom helped shape the Constitution. He died in 1790 at the age of …show more content…
He became a wealthy merchant and banker in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he engaged in trade, shipping, and finance. He was a member of the Pennsylvania legislature, the Continental Congress, and the Confederation Congress. He signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. He was also the superintendent of finance from 1781 to 1784, and the agent of marine from 1781 to 1783. He is known as the financier of the American Revolution, as he raised funds, supplied goods, and managed the finances of the war. He also personally funded the Continental Army and the Yorktown campaign, which secured the victory over the British. Morris was a supporter of the federal government and the Constitution. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, where he favored granting the federal government the power to tax, regulate commerce, and create a national bank. He also served as a senator in the first Congress under the Constitution, where he backed the economic policies of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist Party. He later invested heavily in land speculation, but lost his fortune and was imprisoned for debt from 1798 to 1801. He died in 1806 at the age of

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