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Role of Technology in Curriculum


Submitted By elainec
Words 1318
Pages 6
The role of technology in delivering the curriculum — Presentation Transcript * 1. The Role of Technology in Delivering the Curriculum * 2. Types of instructional media/technology Non-projected Media Projected MediaReal objects Overhead transparenciesModels Opaque projectionField trips SlidesKits FilmstripsPrinted materials (books, Films worksheets) Video, VCD, DVDVisuals (drawings, Computer/multimedia photographs, graphs, presentations charts, posters)Visual boards (chalkboard, whiteboard, flannel board, etc.)Audio materials * 3. Factors for Technology Selection 1. Practicality – Is the equipment (hardware) or already prepared lesson material (software) available? If not, what would be the cost in acquiring the equipment or producing the lesson in audial or visual form? * 4. 2. Appropriateness in relation to the learners – Is the medium suitable to the learners’ ability to comprehend? Will the medium be a source of plain amusement or entertainment, but not learning? * 5. 3. Activity / suitability – Will the chosen media fit the set instructional event, resulting in either information, motivation, or psychomotor display? * 6. 4. Objective-matching – Overall, does the medium help in achieving the learning-objective(s)? * 7. The Role of Technology in CurriculumDelivery Upgrading the quality of teaching-and- learning in schools * 8. Increasing the capability of the teacher to effectively inculcate learning, and for students to gain mastery of lessons and courses * 9. Broadening the delivery of education outside schools through non-traditional approaches to formal and informal learning, such as Open Universities and lifelong learning to adult learners * 10. Revolutionizing the use of technology to boost educational paradigm shifts that give importance to student-centered and

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