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Root Canal Research Paper

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Teeth die as a result of trauma (including sometimes, the trauma of a high speed drill creating too much heat or sucking the organic material from the microscopic tubules that assist in keeping it alive), or from microbial invasion from deep decay or gum disease into the pulp that nourishes each tooth. The following video offers key considerations about root canals.

A root canal is an embalming procedure dentists perform on a tooth. Root canals are designed to keep a dead tooth mechanically functioning in a live body.

It is no longer a huge secret that root canals crank out microbial metabolic toxins. Even some root canal specialists (endodontists) are starting to "own" it. For instance, they acknowledge that "condensing osteitis" around …show more content…
Examine your own health status, priorities and philosophies and go with your best solution. "I have three root canals? What do I do now? Are all root canals toxic? “Probably. Eventually. Yet people have varying abilities to sustain the stress of toxins – and of course that ability varies over time.

Some biological doctors may recommend a root canal if a patient has a strong immune system, great genetics, and superior lifestyle. They suggest if one's immune system crashes it can always be extracted later. But we are besieged by so many unavoidable immune system challenges in today's world; I'm personally moving further and further away from the idea of assaulting my immune system with avoidable challenges.

No doubt about it, losing a tooth can be emotionally charged. I think it is one reason dentists work so hard to perfect tooth embalming procedures. The decision tree for considering tooth replacement is complex, and the solutions all involve compromise. There are a lot of hop off places for people to enter into De …show more content…
An EKG measures electrical flow through your heart. Expressed as a graph, it pinpoints heart damage, since current does not flow through dead tissues. EAV works the same way. The EAV test uses an ohmmeter to measure energy flow along meridians at acupuncture points. If you understand meridians and you've signed on to "Healing is Voltage," "The Body Electric" and understand the science behind "Earth", you know low-functioning organs are low in negative ions.

Cavitate. Just as seismologists use acoustic energy to look for oil and obstetricians image fetuses with ultrasound, some dentists use a Cavitate to explore 3D images of cavitations in jawbone. As with first generation Thermo graphy, it requires a skilled clinician and there is room for error. In the process of gaining FDA approval, tests using the Cavitate showed that 94 percent of old extraction sites were positive for bone lesions. Perhaps not surprisingly, Aetna Insurance discredited cavitations and the

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