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Running Research Paper

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Pages 3
Millions of people around the world find enjoyment in running. Although some may find runners deranged for being able to go out and run an easy eight or ten miles, running is just a way of life to them. Some do it to stay fit, for the feeling of control in their lives, or even run professionally and competitively. While there are many types of running-- easy morning jogs, sprints, cross country, marathons, and triathlons-- shoes are an important factor in all of them. With aspects such as shoe size, comfort, and shoe type, the proper running shoe’s quality can heavily contribute to a runner’s life and well-being. Although the right shoe size might be a vital characteristic for any type of shoe, it is most critical towards a runner’s shoe. Running with even one size too big or too small could lead things like blisters, lost toenails, stress fractures, and other foot-health related problems. This is why buying the correct shoe size for any type of runner is essential. However, due to everyone’s feet swelling and getting bigger as the day goes on, purchasing some running shoes in the morning rather than in the evening could prevent people from getting the proper size. With the average swelling peak being at 4:00 pm., it is recommended at that time to find the proper size. …show more content…
Without comfort, the pain could slow people down, cause stress fractures, and also create blisters on the feet. Fashion being a big part of today’s world, it can severely alter one's shoe choice. Some may lay their eyes on one pair of “cool” shoes the moment they walk into a store, and just never stop pondering about them. This can lead to a person buying the wrong pair of shoes, even though they know it is not comfortable for them. When buying, people are told to think about the feel and fit, not the fashion, as this could lead to many painful runs, just to fit in with today’s

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