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S. and Southeast Asia


Submitted By smift67
Words 3087
Pages 13
Praxis Based Learning Objectives:
1. Surrender of teleological proclivities in order to learn an Asian based pedagogy.
In my opinion, this was the hardest objective for you to learn. You grew up with your ways that mom and dad taught you saying to never let anyone change whom you are. You could say you’re fairly stuck in your ways. I would say you finally were able to surrender your teleological proclivities on the last day of class. When Guru started “cheering” for you in the fight against Rama on the second to last day, that is the moment in which you let go. You felt honed in on the moment and didn’t think about what you were doing or the actions you were performing; you just did it. Guru said you had “tunnel vision” in that instant, and you felt the dance take you over. In the final dance, you again went “in the zone” and let the motions happen. With the constant sounds of “sir, tit, pong, tit” various forms of “cha,” you were about to solely focus on Rama and ignore the rest, just as you listen to Eminem before a big race. You must learn to let go of your proclivities sooner so you can enjoy life to the fullest. You must let go predispositions in order to learn from experiences and mistakes.

2. Preparation for stage and social performance through meditation, stretching, and trance in dance.
As you wiped the floors daily did you pay attention to the different floor patterns? Next time take a look. Warning, you might get hypnotized by some. Everyday I reflected as I wiped the floor, mainly focusing on the varying grain patterns. It reminded me of snowflakes or fingerprints, no two being the same. I would follow the curves or straight lines in the wood, just using this time for extra meditation. This time got me ready for meditation in the way that I saw myself emptying my brain on to the floor before class and then the wiping was how you

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