...watcher her first couture fashion show at age 13 * Herrera herself had attended her first couture show, that of Cristobal Balenciaga, at the age of 13 with her grandmother. * Carolina Herrera is a Goodwill Ambassador Celebrity Clients: The late Princess Diana, The late Jacqueline Onassis, Rene zellweger, Rebecca Gayheart, Laura Bush, Kim Cattrall, Oprah Winfrey Key Looks: Tweed suits, Ball skirts and crisp white dress shirts, elegant evening wear and cocktail dresses Known For: Designing Jacqueline Onassis wedding dress How She Got Started: 1980, Herrera brought 20 dresses that her and her Caracas dressmaker created. She borrowed a Park Avenue apartment and invited a couple of her friends to see what she had made; soon buyers for Saks Fifth Avenue and Bergdorf Goodman were interested in her line and wanted to purchase them, but Herrera had created the line as a “test” and only had just the sample dresses, and not even a plan for production. Back in Caracas, she was introduced to Armando de Armas, owner of a Venezuelan publishing empire, who offered her financial backing. In a few months she opened her design atelier and showroom, Carolina Herrera Ltd, on Seventh Avenue. Major Accomplishments: * Appeared on the International Best-Dressed List annually from 1971 to 1980 * MODA award, Top Hispanic Designer, 1987 * 2004 she received the Council of Fashion Designers of America's (CFDA) Womenswear Designer of the Year...
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...Annotated Bibliography Burt, Robert A. “REVIEW DIALOGUE: A Conversation between Robert A. Burt and Elyn R. Saks.” Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. This article from the Johns Hopkins University Press, American Imago, is a book review from Robert Burt with Elyn R. Saks. They speak about Saks book called The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness. They speak back and forth about this book, which shares Saks personal journey with schizophrenia in more depth. Donegan, Jennifer J., and Daniel J. Lodge. “Cell-Based therapies for the treatment of schizophrenia.” Elsevier, 2017. This article is named Brain Research: Cell-based therapies for the Treatment of Schizophrenia. It was published by Elsevier and it speaks about treatments for...
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...market. Three dominant members of this group are Saks Incorporated, the Neiman Marcus Group, and Nordstrom. Through e-commerce strategies we will be able to see the similarities and differences in these firms’ core competencies and business strategies. Background Since 1998, Saks Inc. has opened forty-seven new stores. Their capital spending has increased to over $1.4 billion and they have upgraded or remodeled the majority of their stores. Saks Inc. has also reorganized into two distinctive groups; the Saks Department Store Group (SDSG) and the Saks Fifth Avenue Enterprise (SFAE). Saks Department Store Group targets the traditional department store. Their motto is "The Best Place to Shop in Your Home Town". The Saks Fifth Avenue Enterprise targets the luxury marketplace. Their motto is "The Most Inviting Luxury Experience". Both divisions of Saks are better strategically positioned to target their group of customers. As mentioned, Saks is divided into two divisions. The Saks Department Store Group's strategies are having merchandise incentives, an enhanced shopping experience, and focused marketing. These strategies present customers with ideas of what they need to have or what is in style. The idea is a floor presentation that places the customer in a situation where they feel they would lead a better life if they owned the item being displayed to them. One of the key aspects of this strategy is product differentiation. Saks stores must be able to offer customers items...
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...b. Yes. In my opinion, Saks’ zero-tolerance policy for employee theft was reasonable and effective way for internal control. Even though the case presented only one instance when Fierro was caught stealing, the fact that he was caught already tends to lead someone/management or gives the management a notion to believe that he had probably stole before or will probably do it in the future. The zero-tolerance policy might seem harsh, however it has its advantages that are hard to calculate. The policy might have resulted to the termination of a top performing employee but it sent a message to the rest of the employees exactly how serious the company is concerning employee theft. Forging signature and theft are both criminal offenses. Hence, even if the loss that Saks has suffered was relatively trivial/small ($9.85), Fierro should receive appropriate sanctions for his actions for he clearly violated some provisions of the company’s employee handbook. Such policy is also a way to maintain strict code of conduct among Saks’ employees and promote a sound control environment that advocates an honest culture of integrity and ethical values. The policy may not be cost-effective in the short-run since sales may decrease due to Fierro’s termination, as he was a top performing salesman. However, in the long-run, the policy can prevent future losses from employee theft. The long-run savings can outweigh the short-term losses. In my opinion, the store’s zero-tolerance policy for...
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...Week 4 You Decide 1. Who specifically should Premier Portraits target with the new branding message? With the quality of the prints that Premier Portraits is going with I would recommend them market the new branding to high-end personal photographers that would service the higher end clients such as corporate big wigs and sports personal. These types of people are the people that can afford to spend the added cost and are also the people that would appreciate the added touches. 2. What product should Premier Portraits really offer to this market? Premier Portraits should offer this group the chance to capture the magic of childhood and the memories of today with a Catherin Portraits. Catherin Portraits can be offered in ways that depict the family’s children at major milestones like babies, toddlers, toothless, graduations. This would then follow the client into their professional career for when they when big games, or land huge business deals. 3. What value should the company’s online presence deliver? Since clients like to know that they are working with professionals. So you would need to be able to tell your client with confidence what you can do for them simply in two sentences, you look like a specialized expert who knows what they are doing and in turn, they can trust you to do it. You need to know where to target so you spend your efforts wisely. By developing specific content, programs and case studies for targeted segments, you will...
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...Overview atas Conceptual Framework dalam laporan keuangan Dalam SAK (2012), laporan keuangan merupakan bagian dari proses laporan keuangan. Laporan keuangan yang lengkap biasanya meliputi, neraca, laporan laba/rugi, laporan perubahan posisi keuangan (yang dapat disajikan dalam beberapa cara misalnya, sebagai lapoan arus kas, atau laporan arus dana), catatan dan laporan lain serta materi penjelasan yang merupakan bagian integral dari laporan keuangan. Disamping itu juga termasuk skedul dan informasi tambahan yang berkaitan dengan laporan tersebut, misalnya, informasi keuangan segmen industry dan geografis serrta pengungkapan pengaruh perubahan harga. Pengguna laporan keuangan meliputi investor sekarang dan investor potensial, karyawan, pemberi pinjaman, pemasok dan kreditor usaha lainnya, pelanggan, pemerintah serta lembaga-lembaganya, dan masyarakat. Mereka menggunakan laporan keuangan untuk memenuhi beberapa kebutuhan informasi yang berbeda. Informasi yang disajikan dalam laporan keuangan bersifat umum. Dengan demikian tidak sepenuhnya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi setiap pengguna. Laporan keuangan bertujuan untuk menyediakan informasi yang menyangkut posisi keuangan, kinerja, serta perubahan posisi keuangan suatu entitas yang bermanfaat bagi sejumlah besar pengguna dalam pengambilan keputusan ekonomi. Secara umum terdapat empat karakteristik kualitatif laporan keungan yaitu: dapat dipahami, relevan, keandalan, dan dapat diperbandingkan. Deemikian pula dengan unsure-unsur...
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...Perbedaan PSAK Umum dengan SAK ETAP No | Elemen | PSAK | SAK ETAP | 1 | Penyajian Laporan Keuangan | * Laporan posisi keuangan * Informasi yang disajikan dalam laporan posisi keuangan * Pembedaan asset lancar dan tidak lancar dan laibilitas jangka pendek dan jangka panjang * Aset lancar * Laibilitas jangka pendek * Informasi yang disajikan dalam laporan posisi keuangan atau catatan atas laporan keuangan(Perubahan istilah di ED PSAK 1: Neraca menjadi Laporan Posisi Keuangan, Kewajiban (liability) menjadi laibilitas) | Sama dengan PSAK, kecuali informasi yang disajikan dalam neraca, yang menghilangkan pos: * Aset keuangan * Properti investasi yang diukur pada nilai wajar (ED PSAK 1) * Aset biolojik yang diukur pada biaya perolehan dan nilai wajar (ED PSAK 1) * Kewajiban berbunga jangka panjang * Aset dan kewajiban pajak tangguhan * Kepentingan nonpengendalian | 2 | Laporan Laba Rugi | * Laporan laba rugi komprehensif * Informasi yang disajikan dalam laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif * Laba rugi selama periode * Pendapatan komprehensif lain selama periode * Informasi yang disajikan dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif atau catatan atas laporan keuangan | Tidak sama dengan PSAK yang menggunakan istilah laporan laba rugi komprehensif, SAK ETAP menggunakan istilah laporan laba rugi. | 3 | Penyajian Perubahan Ekuitas | | Sama dengan PSAK, kecuali untuk beberapa hal yang terkait pendapatan komprehensif lain. | 4 | Catatan Atas...
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...BUSINESS PLAN Nama Perusahaan | Bidang Usaha (Logo Perusahaan) Surabaya, 25 Desember 2008 disusun oleh: [Penyusun] [Alamat Perusahaan] [Nomor Telepon, Fax] [Alamat Web Site, E-mail] DAFTAR HALAMAN Daftar Halaman 1 1. Ringkasan Eksekutif 3 2. Latar Belakang Perusahaan 3 2.1 Data Perusahaan 3 2.2 Biodata Pemilik / Pengurus 4 2.3 Struktur Organisasi 4 2.4 Konsultan Pendamping 4 2.5 Susunan Pemilik / Pemegang Saham 5 3. Analisis Pasar Dan Pemasaran 5 3.1 Produk / Jasa Yang Dihasilkan 5 3.2 Gambaran Pasar 6 3.3 Target Atau Segmen Pasar Yang Dituju 7 3.4 Trend Perkembangan Pasar 7 3.5 Proyeksi Penjualan 7 3.6 Strategi Pemasaran 8 3.7 Analisis Pesaing 8 3.8 Saluran Distribusi 9 4. Analisis Produksi 10 4.1 Proses Produksi 10 4.2 Bahan Baku Dan Penggunaannya 11 4.3 Kapasitas Produksi 11 4.4 Rencana Pengembangan Produksi 11 5. Analisis Sumberdaya Manusia (Sdm) 12 5.1 Analisis Kompetensi Sdm 12 5.2 Analisis Kebutuhan Dan Pengembangan Sdm 13 5.3 Rencana Kebutuhan Pengembangan Sdm 13 6. Rencana Pengembangan Usaha 13 6.1 Rencana Pengembangan Usaha 13 6.2 Tahap-Tahap Pengembangan Usaha 14 7. Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi 15 7.1 Rencana Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi 15 7.2 Peralatan Dan Sistem Yang Sudah Dimiliki 16 7.3 Tahapan Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi 16 8. Analisis Keuangan 18 8.1 Laporan Keuangan 18 8.2 Rencana Kebutuhan Investasi 21 8.3 Rencana Arus Kas (Cash – Flow) 22 8.4 Rencana Kebutuhan Pinjaman 23 8.5...
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...MIDNIGHT SUN Edward's Story Stephenie Meyer 2 Daftar Isi 1. Pandangan Pertama 2. Buku yang Terbuka 3. Fenomena 4. Penglihatan 5. Undangan 6. Golongan Darah 7. Melody 8. Hantu 9. Port Angeles 10. Teori 11. Interogasi 12. Kesulitan 3 1. P a n d a n g a n P e r t a m a Inilah saat dimana aku berharap bisa tidur. Sekolah. Atau, penyiksaan lebih tepatnya? Seandainya ada jal an lain menebus dosa-dosaku. Kejenuhan ini selalu sulit diatasi; setiap hari terasa lebih monoton dari sebelumny a. M u n g k i n b a g i k u i n i l a h ‘t i d u r ‘ j i k a d i d e f i n i s i k a n s e b a gai bentuk berdiam diri disela aktivitas harian. Aku menatap rekahan di pojok kafetaria, membayang kan bentuk-bentuk abstrak. Itu salah satu cara memelank an suara-suara riuh di kepalaku. Beratus suara ini membuatku mati kebosanan. Jika menyangut pikiran manusia, aku telah mendeng ar segalanya, dan lagi, hingga ratusan kali. Hari ini, se mua tercurah pada sebuah peristiwa sepele, kedatangan s eorang murid pindahan. Tidak terlalu sulit menyimpulka n pikiran-pikiran itu sekaligus. Aku telah melihat sosok nya berulang-ulang, dari pikiran ke pikiran, dari segala sudut. Cuma perempuan biasa. Kegemparan akibat kedata ngannya mudah ditebakµsama seperti menunjukan benda berkilau pada anak kecil. Setengah laki-laki hidung bela ng bahkan sudah ingin bermeseraan dengannya, hanya kar ena ia anak baru. Aku mesti lebih keras mengacuhkan me reka. Hanya empat suara yang coba kuredam demi kesopan an dan...
Words: 78164 - Pages: 313
...GENEROLO JONO ŽEMAIČIO LIETUVOS KARO AKADEMIJA Genovaitė LAUGALIENĖ Milda MIRONAITĖ MOKOMASIS ANGLŲ – LIETUVIŲ IR LIETUVIŲ – ANGLŲ KALBŲ KARYBOS ŽODYNAS Eksperimentinis leidinys Vilnius 2008 UDK 355(03)=20=882 La-458 Mokomąjį anglų – lietuvių ir lietuvių – anglų kalbų karybos žodyną parengė Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademijos Užsienio kalbų instituto direktorė Genovaitė Laugalienė ir Užsienio kalbų instituto Užsienio kalbų katedros lektorė Milda Mironaitė. Atsakingoji redaktorė Užsienio kalbų instituto Užsienio kalbų katedros lektorė Aušra Bučaitė. Recenzavo Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademijos viršininko pavaduotojas doc. dr. Pranas Jankauskas, Užsienio kalbų instituto Anglų kalbos mokymo centro viršininkas vyr. ltn. Andrius Kiesas ir Lietuvos kariuomenės Mokymo ir doktrinų valdybos Individualiojo rengimo skyriaus Anglų kalbos mokymo poskyrio vedėja Aušra Narbutienė. © Genovaitė Laugalienė, 2008 © Milda Mironaitė, 2008 © Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija, 2008 Turinys Pratarmė......................................................................................................................... 4 . Angliški ir lietuviški sutrumpinimai ............................................................................ 5 Anglų – lietuvių kalbų karybos žodynas........................................................................ 7 Lietuvių – anglų kalbų karybos žodynas ....................................
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