...technological changes, marketers have been forced to reinvent themselves very often to remain relevant. Consumers are increasingly connected to companies and their opinions are highly influential. Markets and supply chains have become complex and require more integration and alignment with the field of consumers (CMO Council, 2011, P10). Online and digital marketing has created a platform of engagement between businesses and the consumers. 3. Background of the study: The internet has led to the creation of a new breed of consumers who are more connected, informed and educated about purchases they make (Kaur, 2012, P1). Instant access to information means the power to influence purchase was shifted from sales to marketers. Marketing became the resource, tool and process through which consumers are reached and converted through valuable content. Consumers research on the web before they make a decision on what to purchase or not purchase. 4. Significance of the study: Strategy, marketing creativity and resources are vital for a marketing strategy to be successful. Technology is part of the resources needed. With the technological advances, especially changes taking place in the internet, the B2B consumers have increased bargaining power while the seller is side lined. This is a digital age and businesses have to think of strategies that will reach potential consumers. This can be achieved by understanding technological changes that have occurred and those occurring...
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...Table of Contents Abstracts…………………………………………………………………………….…………….3 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….4 Consumer Purchase of Organic Products……………………………………………….………..5 Methodology:………………………………………………………………………….………….7 * Procedure ………………………………………………………………………..……7 * Samples Description…………………………………………………………………..8 Results:………………………………………………………………………………….…………8 * Identification of Groups……………………………………………………………….9 * Preliminary Results…………………………………………………………………..10 * Invariance Testing……………………………………………………………………12 * Structural Modeling…………………………………………...……………………..14 Discussion………………………………………………………………………………….…….16 Conclusions………………………………………………………………………………………18 References……………………………………………………………………………………..…20 Abstracts In this paper, I analyze the market for organic products in eight European countries, based on differences in their respective value systems. With a significant sample of 8014 consumers, I first identify international segments in the European organic products market using the Values Theory. Then I apply the Theory of Planned Behavior to examine how European consumers use attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control to form their purchase intention for organic products. Results show that subjective norms are the main underlying factor driving consumer behavior concerning these products. This effect is higher for the group of countries whose citizens score higher on Schwartz's value scale. In this segment of countries...
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...Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Emerald Article: Globalization does lead to change in consumer behavior: An empirical evidence of impact of globalization on changing materialistic values in Indian consumers and its aftereffects Nitin Gupta Article information: To cite this document: Nitin Gupta, (2011),"Globalization does lead to change in consumer behavior: An empirical evidence of impact of globalization on changing materialistic values in Indian consumers and its aftereffects", Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 23 Iss: 3 pp. 251 - 269 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13555851111143204 Downloaded on: 24-03-2012 References: This document contains references to 49 other documents To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been downloaded 1778 times. Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AT AHMEDABA For Authors: If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service. Information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Additional help for authors is available for Emerald subscribers. Please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/authors for more information. About Emerald www.emeraldinsight.com With over forty years' experience, Emerald Group Publishing is a leading independent publisher...
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...different pattern than previously found when total household energy costs were examined. In contrast to the curvilinear pattern where expenditures peak during middle stages of the life cycle, these data show a positive linear relationship where higher costs are associated with elderly consumers. The research focus is expanded to include heat-related conservation behavior as well as expenditures in an effort to better understand implications for policy makers and-marketers. INTRODUCTION According to reports from the Department of Energy, energy consumption in the average home could be slashed by 60% through the use of conservation methods and investment in new products to improve the efficiency of consumption. Toward this end, DOE (1980) survey results show some sort of conservation-related equipment or insulating material was added to 50% of the housing units eligible for Federal energy tax credits in 1977-78. Homeowners in 1980 claimed tax credits on an estimated $4 billion worth of investments in energy saving products primarily related to home heating. Analysts suggest that this investment rate could reach the $30 billion level per year by 1990 (Business Week 1981). As the result of consumer efforts from 1973-1980, DOE estimates that energy consumption per household has been reduced an average of 12: (Forbes 1982). While many policy decision makers would agree that demand for energy should be reduced, not all households are equally capable of changing their consumption patterns...
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...Consumers’ Attitude towards Online Shopping Factors influencing Gotland consumers to shop online Online Shopping Högskolan på Gotland VT2011 Master Thesis in Business Administration Authors: Muhammad Umar Sultan and MD Nasir Uddin Department of Business Administration Supervisors: Per Lind and Mr. Sjostrand Fredrik Abstract In the era of globalization electronic marketing is a great revolution. Over the last decade maximum business organizations are running with technological change. Online shopping or marketing is the use of technology (i.e., computer) for better marketing performance. And retailers are devising strategies to meet the demand of online shoppers; they are busy in studying consumer behavior in the field of online shopping, to see the consumer attitudes towards online shopping. Therefore we have also decided to study consumer’s attitudes towards online shopping and specifically studying the factors influencing consumers to shop online. The population selected for the research is Gotland, and narrowed down to Gotland University students, University cafeteria and Gotland Public library, the sample size selected for this research is 100 and we have used convenience sampling technique. Our findings indicated that among the four factors selected for this research the most attractive and influencing factor for online shoppers in Gotland is Website Design/Features, following convenience the second most influencing and thirdly time saving. Results have also showed...
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...abandonment and suggest cognitive and behavioral reasons for this non-buyer behavior. We show that the factors influencing consumer online search, consideration, and evaluation play a larger role in cart abandonment than factors at the purchase decision stage. In particular, many customers use online carts for entertainment or as a shopping research and organizational tool, which may induce them to buy at a later session or via another channel. Our framework extends theories of online buyer and non-buyer behavior while revealing new inhibitors to buying in the Internet era. The findings offer scholars a broad explanation of consumer motivations for cart aban- donment. For retailers, the authors provide suggestions to improve purchase conversion rates and multi-channel management. Keywords Online shopping cart abandonment . Online buyer behavior theory. E-tail .E-commerce To more fully understand buyer behavior, it is crucial to also examine consumer “non-buying” behavior. Non- buying behavior is especially apparent in an online retailing context, where many shoppers place items in their virtual shopping carts yet do not complete the purchase—thereby abandoning their cart. Known as virtual or online shopping cart abandonment, we define this behavior as consumers’ placement of item(s) in their online shopping cart without making a purchase of any item(s) during that online shopping session. Industry studies report that 88% of online shoppers have abandoned their electronic cart in the...
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...Associate Professor, Department of Textiles and Consumer Sciences, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA Assistant Professor, Department of Consumer Sciences and Nutrition, Laval University, Quebec, Canada Keywords Clothing, Consumer behaviour, Fashion, Image, Innovation, Marketing strategy Abstract Describes the results of a survey of 281 adult women in the state of Florida. We used the 15 adjective pairs of the Malhotra self-concept scale to measure their self-image. A valid and reliable self-report scale measured their fashion innovativeness, thus identifying those consumers most likely to buy new fashions after they first appear in the market. T-tests compared the mean scores on the self-image adjective pairs between 30 innovators and 251 later adopters. Pearson correlation analysis was also performed. The results of both analyses showed that the fashion innovators described themselves uniquely as more comfortable, pleasant, contemporary, formal, colorful, and vain than the later adopters. The results were quite consistent with an earlier published study of college students, lending confidence to this approach to profiling fashion innovators and suggesting that using self-image could be a fruitful way to appeal to these important consumers. Fashion innovativeness Introduction Fashion marketers, clothing theorists, and consumer psychologists all study fashion innovativeness in order to better understand the behavior of fashion innovators and the process of fashion...
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...marketing research concepts. What is Marketing Research? Marketing research is a systematic process that collects, analyzes and draws conclusions from data gathered from consumers, business owners, or other groups of interest. Types of Marketing Research There are different types of Marketing Research and each type has its place in attempting to answer questions and meet the needs of an organization. Marketing research can be broken down many ways. One of the most common is to group research into quantitative versus qualitative methodology. Qualitative Research Qualitative research is usually exploratory in nature and is useful for uncovering insights into research questions that may not be well defined or no previous research has been done in the area. Methodologies include focus groups, in-depth one-on-one interviews, observation, etc. Qualitative research is defined by: • • • • • Smaller sample sizes (i.e. < 30 respondents) Non-random sample (i.e. respondents chosen based on their willingness to attend) Less structured/Open-ended survey design Longer interviews in order to uncover and explore attitudes and perceptions Results are not projectable to any group or population For example, let’s assume that research conducted on behalf or the beef industry has shown that consumers rate enjoyment higher than either convenience or nutrition when deciding which protein to choose for in-home dinners. In order to gain an...
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...A STUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELO OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TO SOUTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT Submitted By: TARANG P PATIL T.Y.B.B.A. (SEM-VI) ROLL NO.-23 Under the guidance of MR.HORMAZ.D.PATEL Submitted To: THE CO-ORDINATOR THE SURAT PEOPLE’S CO-OP. BANK COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION UDHNA (SUART) March 2007 1 THE SURAT PEOPLE’S CO-OP. BANK COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF THE FACULTY GUIDE This is to certify that the project entitled “A STUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TO SOUTH GUJURAT UNIVERSITY, SURAT is a record of bonafide research work carried out by TARANG P PATIL under my supervision and guidance. Signature Project Guide (Prof .H.D.Patel) Signature Co-Ordinator (MRS. DAISY S.T) DECLARATION 2 I , TARANG P PATIL , here by declare that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR AT TIME TO PURCHASE HERO HONDA BIKE. under the guidance of Prof H. D. PATEL submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of business administration to south Gujarat university , Surat is my original Work - research study - carried out during 1st January, 2008 to 1st March ,2008 and...
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... | |Batch |: |pgp/ss/2008-10 | |Specialization |: |Marketing & Finance | |Section |: |FN-2 | |Phone No |: |9990048880 | |Email Id |: |shikhir.handa@gmail.com | Desired Area: Marketing Title of the thesis: Consumer Buying Behavior towards Hul Premium Soap Study of Pears and Dove INTRODUCTION The main objective of the project is to get the full knowledge of the Introduced in India in 1902, Pears soap has no equal. It is gentle enough, even for baby's skin. Pears is manufactured like any other soap, but unlike in conventional soaps, the glycerine is retained within the soap. That is the cause if its unique transparency. After manufacturing, the soap is mellowed under controlled conditions over weeks. At the end of this maturing process, it is individually polished and packed in cartons. Today Pears is available in three variants - the traditional amber variant, a green variant for oil control and a blue variant for germ protection. Research Objective ...
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...How will you go about doing that? Will you revive X? Will you innovate and introduce a new product in the same line? This is your chance to prove yourself at your first assignment in the company. Draw up a marketing plan for X. There are three phases in this project: l. Generate a Research Proposal ll. Collect and Analyze Data lll. Formulate a Marketing Plan and Present a Report Generate a Research Proposal Select any product, similar to X, which has been in the market for 10-20 years. It has been in the market for a long time now and is just beginning to face flagging demand. *About X: Look around you - there are a variety of branded products that have been around for a long time. You can probably see the same brand of television you used 10 years ago, or the same cake-mix brand you love. However, these products have probably changed since inception to adapt themselves to newer technology and to compete with younger brands. Phase II Collect and Analyze Data After you have selected your brand X, collect data on sales, market demand, consumer behavior regarding the product, and anything else that you need to analyze in order to plan its future. You may obtain this information from sources such as the Website of the company owning the product. Your product can be anything from an...
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...Draw up a marketing plan for X. There are three phases for this project: I. Generate a research proposal Select any product similar to X, which has been in the market for 10-20 years. It has been in the market for a long time now and is just beginning to face flagging demand. *About X: Look around you – there are a variety of branded products that have been around for a long time. You can probably see the same brand of television you used 10 years ago, or the same cake-mix brand you love. However, these products have probably changed since inception to adapt themselves to newer technology and to compete with younger brands. II. Collect and Analyze Data After you have selected your brand X, collect data on sales, market demand, consumer behavior regarding the product, and anything else that you need to analyze in order to plan its future. You may obtain this information from sources such as the Website of the company owning the product. Your product can be anything from an electric bulb to a washing. You may also use databases such as EBSCO Host for your research. Analyze this data and formulate a marketing plan the addresses the following...
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...CBEB2105 BUSINESS RESEARCH Research Proposal “Factors of Consumer Purchase Intention in Online Purchase” Lecturer: Dr Amrul Asraf Mohd Any Group members: Chin Wei Wen CEB120012 Hamizah binti Hairuddin CEB120022 Lye Yi Ting CEB120034 Wong Pei Ling CEB120064 Table of Contents 1.0 Abstract 3 2.0 Introduction 3 3.0 Literature Review 3 3.1 Concept 3 3.2 Debates of Literature 3 3.3 Identified Variables and Hypotheses development 3 3.4 Conceptual Framework 3 4.0 Research Methodology 3 4.1 Research Design 3 4.2 Sources of data 3 4.3 Sampling and Data Collection Technique 3 4.4 Variable Measurement 3 5.0 Time frame 3 6.0 Conclusion 3 7.0 References 3 1.0 Abstract Internet has become a crucial medium for the purchase of products and services in virtual or online market and it able to link all businesses from different countries. This study aims to examine the factors influencing consumer’s intention to purchase through online from Malaysian perspective. Online trust, Information quality, online purchase experience, price and convenience were evaluated to determine whether these factors are related to online purchase intention. A stratified sampling method was used and the sample comprised of 180 students who are undergraduate and post-graduate study in University of Malaya. Data were collected via self-administrated questionnaire that using five point Likert scale. 2.0 Introduction With the advancement of internet...
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...Descriptive Research Report Table of Contents Table of Contents ii List of Tables iii List of Figures iv Executive Summary v 1. Introduction and Background 1 1.1. Importance of the research 1 1.2. Scope of the report 1 1.3. Research problems/question 2 1.4. Aims and Objectives 2 2. Method 3 2.1. Methodological considerations and assumptions 3 2.2. Sample considerations 3 2.3. Data collection and framework, and analytical considerations 4 3. Ethical considerations 5 4. Analysis 5 4.1. Descriptives 5 4.2. Regression 7 4.3. T-Test 17 4.4. ANOVA 19 4.5. Correlation 19 5. Findings and Recommendations 21 5.1. Objective 1 21 5.2. Objective 2 & 3 22 5.3. Objective 4 22 5.4. Objective 5 23 6. Limitations 24 Reference List Appendix List of Tables Table 1 Descriptive table 6 Table 2 Significant correlations self concept with purchase behaviour 20 Table 3 Correlations social desirability bias with purchase behaviour 21 List of Figures Figure 1 Fashion purchasing model of all respondents 7 Figure 2 Fashion purchasing model of men 8 Figure 3 Fashion purchasing model of women 9 Figure 4 Fashion purchasing model of people in full time work 10 Figure 5 Fashion purchasing model of people in part time work 11 Figure 6 Fashion purchasing model of people not work 11 Figure 7 Fashion purchasing model of single people 12 Figure 8 Fashion purchasing model of people in a relationship...
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...correspondence to Dr. George J. Avlonitis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Management Science and Marketing, 76 Patission Str., Athens 104 34. Greece. orientation leads to better performance in the market. However, the way that marketing orientation is conceptualized tends to differ. For instance, while Hooley, Lynch, and Shepherd [1] conceptualized marketing orientation as a set of specific beliefs that form a certain company attitude/culture, Narver and Slater [2], as well as Kohli and Jaworski [3], explained the concept as a certain behavior. Furthermore, most of the available empirical investigations of the association between marketing orientation and company performance tend to draw general conclusions about this association as no effort has been made to examine the nature and the importance of this association in specific market environments (e.g., industrial markets vs. consumer markets). Thus, reviewing the existing literature on marketing orientation and company performance, two major questions Industrial Marketing Management 26, 385-402 (1997) © 1997 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights...
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