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Saudi Arabia Exports and Imports


Submitted By eritrea
Words 1830
Pages 8
Part I
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia’s population is 27 million, including 8.4 million foreign residents (2010 census), and its capital city is Riyadh. Saudi Arabia’s geography is diverse, with forests, grasslands, mountain ranges and deserts. The climate varies from region to region. Temperatures can reach over 110 degrees Fahrenheit in the desert in the summer, while in the winter temperatures in the north and central parts of the country can drop below freezing. Saudi Arabia gets very little rain, only about four inches a year on average.

Saudi Arabia is a monarchy based on Islam, which in turn has a government that is headed by the King, who is also the commander in chief of the military. One of the few monarchy’s left in the world, their power and influence continues to increase because of their natural resources as well as workforce diversity for foreigners. The King governs with the help of the Council of Ministers, also called the Cabinet (Saudi Embassy). There are 22 government ministries that are part of the Cabinet. Each ministry specializes in a different part of the government, such as foreign affairs, education and finance. Since the beginning of the first Saudi state in the 18th century through the founding of the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the late King Abdulaziz bin Abdelrahman Al-Saud on September 23, 1932, Shari'ah (Islamic law) has been the pier and source of Saudi Arabia's basic system of government. It identifies the nature of the state and its goals and responsibilities, as well as the relationship between the government and its citizens.

Saudi Arabia is the 19th largest exporter and the 20th largest import market in the world, and exports of non-oil products to some 90 countries average around six billion dollars per year (Saudi Embassy).
Shown in the charts below are top ten exports and imports listed:
# | Product | Trade Value (Thousands) | 1 | Crude Oil | 141,686,936 | 2 | Non Crude Oil | 12,982,262 | 3 | Petroleum Gases | 5,309,191 | 4 | Acyclic Alcohols | 3,854,643 | 5 | Polymers of Ethylene | 3,665,128 | 6 | Ethers | 1,303,659 | 7 | Cyclic Hydrocarbons | 1,057,082 | 8 | Polymers of Propylene & Other Olefins | 733,842 | 9 | Nitrogenous Fertilizers | 497,846 | 10 | Aircraft Engines | 315,566 |

Imports # | Product | Trade Value (Thousands) | 1 | Passenger Vehicles | 6,600,162 | 2 | Aircraft Engines | 1,423,324 | 3 | Cell Phones, Video Recorders & Radio Transcievers | 1,407,077 | 4 | Medicines in Doses | 1, 279,825 | 5 | Seamless Iron & Steel Tubes & Pipes | 1,271,977 | 6 | Trucks | 1,002,660 | 7 | Parts For Fork Lifts, Bulldozers & Graders | 864,565 | 8 | Barley | 806, 581 | 9 | Iron & Steel > 600 mm Wide- Hot | 800, 992 | 10 | Water Heaters | 689, 326 |

Saudi Arabia’s commercial sector is growing rapidly. This is primarily due to generous government incentives such as the provision of long-term interest free loans and support services and facilities.

Part II
Saudi Arabia geographically is centered southwest Asia, at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa; extending from the Red Sea in the west to the Arabian Gulf in the east; bordered on the north by Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait, on the south, by Yemen and Oman, and on the east by the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain.

Saudi Arabia's size and geology make it rich in minerals, oil and gas, key raw materials for manufacturing and industrial development. Their population is about 247 million, and with an estimated 115 million adults having the capability to serve the workforce they have focused on preparing their scholars and citizens for an international workforce market. They’re educational studies are of Islamic studies traditionally then among all trades such as advance sciences, engineering, and business.

There location being one of the very diverse, also poses a challenge as to how to allocate these recourses to best serve the citizens and the world. Their terrain includes desserts, shifting streams, and harsh gravel plains. The temperature is very hot reaching 110 degrees, and in few area receiving a winter. They even have mountains and forest, but they represent only a small portion of their region. With this said, their geographical location also makes it rich with rare metals and basic minerals such as gold, copper and zinc as well as tantalum (Natural Resource).

The Heckler Ohlin Theory would first introduce the pattern of trade for Saudi Arabia. The H-O Theory states that a country would export the goods and services in which they are variably abundant in. for Saudi Arabia, they are abundant in producing oil and nature’s mineral resources. That would mean they are land abundant and therefore shift their production to produce their most profitable as well as balanced quantities. Their region is in such good condition financially from producing these goods that their labor force attracts engineers and scientist. The prices have stabilized but at higher levels like expected by this theory.

The countries they trade with would then be importing these goods that they are relatively land and natural resource scarce. One of the major countries that trade with Saudi Arabia is Japan. Japan, who pattern of trade is broadly consistent with the H-O, are scarce in land and natural resources. So they are in crucial dependence for importing mineral products, forestry, and agricultural. They are labor abundant, so they produce a large quantity of skilled technical workers and unskilled workers to balance the loss.

Saudi Arabia largest imports were passenger vehicles (4.03%), aircraft engines (.87%), mobile technology (.86%), medicines (.78%), and steel & metal pipes (.78%). Creating vehicles are labor intensive, and the country exporting these would have to be labor abundant. These tope five items are labor intensive, even medicine because the labor needed to create the product.

In studying possible intra-industry trade with Saudi Arabia, we see they trade common items such as airplane engines, air conditioners, passenger vehicles, and aircraft parts. 81% of airplane engines are imported, as well as 98% of passenger vehicles. Their producer’s export almost minimum goods besides oil and items pertaining to supply and use of oil.

Part III
Saudi Arabia’s largest oil consumers of crude oil and natural gas were of the United States of America, Japan, South Korea, China, Europe, and Mediterranean territories. The United States consumes 1.5 million bbl/d in 2008, which by 2009 had decreased to 1 million bbl/d, but would be the largest individual country consumer during this period. Analyst considered this was a direct effect of the United States Economic decline due to the housing market. (Bloomberg). The countries that make up Asia’s region were estimated to consume at least 55% of Saudi Arabia oil exports (Saudi Arabia Energy).

The United States & Saudi Arabia have long been friends in relation since the early and mid 1900’s. In 1945 the two leaders, King Abdul Aziz & U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on board a ship returning from the Yalta Conference (Milestones), had discussions in foreign trade & national interest. Saudi Arabia was the United States 8th largest supplier of imports in 2011. The five largest import categories in 2011 were, Mineral Fuel (46.2 billion), Organic Chemicals ($509 million), Fertilizers ($265 million), Iron and Steel Products ($115 million). Services used from Saudi Arabia ranged from financial services and port services (transportation of goods). Saudi Arabia also was the United States 25th largest goods importer. Importing goods such as Vehicles, Machinery, Optic and Medical Instruments, and Aircrafts as well as services that included business, professional, and technical services.

Japan and Saudi Arabia began relations in 1960 with allowing travel of citizens between the two countries. Since then over the past 5 decades these countries are now almost # 1 partners in trade of fuel and skilled/unskilled services between each other. Saudi exports goods such as crude oil, petroleum products, and liquid petroleum gas to Japan. Saudi imports from Japan their automobiles, machinery and equipment, as well metals. Since Saudi Arabia's individual per capita is high, Japan does not extend funding assistance (Japan Embassy). But in view of the close economic relationship and Saudi Arabia's great need for technical assistance, Japan provides technical cooperation on a project basis; accepts trainees in sectors such as communications, broadcasting, mining, and manufacturing; sends experts to the country; and offers other forms of assistance. Japan is considering further ways of extending cooperation to help raise Saudi technological levels still higher in future years.

South Korea and Saudi Arabia since the 1960’s have had trade relations. South Korea has become over the last few decades within the top 20 economies. Their expertise’s are in the areas of but not limited to shipbuilding, automobiles, mining, and mobile technologies & technical services. South Korea is a leader in the area of information and communications technology. ICT industry-related products, such as computer chips and mobile phones, account for over 33% of Korea's total exports. They have a vibrant international community and Saudi Arabia is top 5 of the countries they import from. Saudi Arabia being #1 in exporting oil, in return get trade in technology and technical services.


"Agricultural Achievements." Agricultural Achievements. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.
“” The N.p.,n.d. Web. 11 November 2012. <>.
“” The N.p.,n..d. Web 11 November 2012. <>.
"Economy Watch - Follow The Money." Saudi Arabia Trade, Exports and Imports. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <>.

"Japan-Saudi Arabia Relations." MOFA:. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.
"Leading Industries." Korea. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.
"Milestones: 1937-1945." Office of the Historian. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.
"Natural Resources." Natural Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.
“Saudi Arabia embassy.” Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Washington, DC. N.p.,n.d. Web. 11 November 2012. <>.
"Saudi Arabia - Trade Statistics." Saudi Arabia - Trade Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.
"Top Products Imported by Saudi Arabia." N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.
"Economy Watch - Follow The Money." Saudi Arabia Trade, Exports and Imports. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <>.

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